>tfw i will never make good music in my lifetime
Tfw i will never make good music in my lifetime
Other urls found in this thread:
that feel is better than writing one good song, only to never be able to do it again.
Don't have this negative attitude. I will make sure you will create some nice music RIGHT NOW!
There you go user, try this:
and that feel is better than the feel of being Corey Feldman
you can also play it with your keyboard btw.
This keys are white keys on the keyboard:
This keys are black keys on the keyboard:
>After years of sporadic fucking around go full autism for 6 moths or so learning everything I can about production, mixing and mastering
>Finally make some good music
>It isn't like any genre, just music
>Most EDM fans only like stuff that sounds like what they usually listen to so they won't like it
>Experimental/IDM fans only like abstract shit focused on unusual sound design, they won't like it because it sounds too much like actual music
>too experimental for normal music fans, too normal for experimental music fans
>Have made good music but no one will ever hear it
>If I put as much time and effort into making generic shit I'm sure I would be gaining some traction by now
Its a frustrating feel but at least I did something I am kind of happy with.
I have a '77 micromoog and a moog theremin
I like to jam on them.... especially with the micromoog being the slave and the theremin acting as the controller. Volume control on theremin -> filter control + strong filter mode by OSC is incrediballs. But I can never bring myself to record anything. And I would want a sequencer to complement it before I do anything major. But those cost some serious dosh, yo
Just fucking start recording shit you gay faggot. It will be shit at first anyway so who cares if you don't have all the stuff you need to make it like exactly what you want
>tfw i already have
I'll be sure to have this post as the cover art of my first album
thanks user
No problem man, I'm happy to call anyone a gay faggot any time they need it.
or get a job and save money and go to a recording studio to pay someone who cares enough to do it for you
He's better off recording some demos at home before he worries about that, its easy now days with this internet stuff and pirate share soft torrents that the young kids have
my exact feel right now
post a link man, i want to hear it
Here's one song, they all sound quite different but maybe you will see what I mean. Or maybe you will think its complete shit, whatever.
learn how to use volume to your advantage
everything is in your face
give an instrument(s) priority for sections
it all seems to be at the same level
There's actually a fair bit in the background that doesn't really stand out, but yeah I do like to have a few things upfront at once to create a chaotic sort of sound. Like at the end where it chops between the different synth sounds for a bit then they all come in together so you don't really know where to focus, that is cool to me but I can see that it might be a bit much for some people.
It's too boring you spaz. Stop going down by step, your classical training is showing.
Nah. I do what I want.
Do you have a bandcamp or soundcloud? I really want to download this
just sounds like a bunch of preset sounds. there is no mood in it.
Just uploading it now I'll give you a link when its done
man if this is good then maybe i do still write good music...
just put .mp3 at the end of the clyp adress.
I never use presets. There's some more ethereal 'moody' kind of stuff on a couple of the other tracks but this one was meant to be a bit more direct.
Can download it here:
Oh jeez
I dunno how to do this. I've never had real music lessons, besides middle school band. I've never put any thought towards layering stuff either.
I have four instruments to work with - moog, theremin, trumpet I can't remember how to play well, and theremin with moog as the master.
I suppose I'll start with Mr. Moog doing a S&H line, eh?
here a pic of him
this just means it sounds like you didn't craft your sounds to fit together.
also those drums sound stock as fuck and feel like they're all one velocity.
This is the worst. I wrote a good song imo and am now trapped trailing behind it
lets hear it
I'm too much of a pussy user. i'm actually working on an album but have spent more time fucking with crap ones than making decent new ones
But you just got sick quads, that doesn't sound like something a pussy would do.
Sup Forums has objectively shit taste anyway so who cares what anyone thinks.
so i'm not the guy you replied to, but i'm the guy who posted the first post and i'm a huge shill who is jumping at the chance to post this one song i've never been abe to top.
it's not even that good, idk why i just like it more than anything else i've been able to do since.
oh shit quads dude you gotta post it it's prolly better than mine lol
You might think it took you ages to get to this point, but i hear the beginning, not the end, of a lot of potential.
Main riff is sorta weird. Love the beats. Maybe you should play with fidelity
Ugnghgh, it's more of a shitty pop song. Lyrics are corny but the chorus is nice. Even kek can't uncuck me (i'd also wan't to give it a formal release)
>tfw have the ability to make good music but absolutely abysmal attention span and focus on other things gives you a horribly slow output
I managed to scrape together 1 short-ish album after years of work that got pretty heavily praised and quite popular (over 500k views on a track on youtube), but because I'm so slow many have gotten angry at a lack of content and moved on to other music.
U can't not post them with those quads boi
I'll chime in here, your melodies are gr8
You can improve on your sound selection and mixing. Also to me it sounds overly digital and cold. Try adding distortion to make some "analogue warmth"
not bad
Instead of blaming your lack of success, maybe you should just focus on making better music. The only decent part about this is that it's dynamic. But everything else still sounds like what I could find by browsing new uploads on SoundCloud, and it's evident that the reason you haven't gained popularity is just because of the quality of the music. Get better at sound design and mixing, and start accepting your failures as your own and maybe you'll have a shot.
not bad (mixing needs a ton of work) but it's basically just synthpop/alt-synthpop. EDM isn't the only electronic music genre. decent but not sure i'd call it "good".
>over 500k views on a track on youtube
that's pretty much 1% shit man, can we hear it? You have already achieved more than most musicians ever will so get your shit together.
fuck ok. This is a snippet from a shit one i did like 2 years ago. Doesn't say much
It's decent but as other user said it sounds like synth-pop. I don't reslly enjoy that genre but I can still appreciate the effort. I tried to make a couple of tracks, made some nujabes like shit and lost it when WCD went down.
nigga we can't tell shit from that, just post the whole song.
I'm going to sound like a dick but I'm 90% sure the song is bad just from hearing that. But could be proven wrong if you post the whole thing.
Thing is that song is awful. This was something i made by fucking with it. Here's another part
Post a song you like or kill yourself. Your hesitance is a living death.
Post the song that is good then, we don't have time for this shit.
I hear ya bud.
This is a clip from a song I'm working on and I can't think of a way to make the rest of the song as good as the clip.
sounds likes musics for grandspas
The sound here is super good holy shit. This is literally how i imagine the songs I write down on the piano sound but my sound design is shit. The issue is that i'm really good at writing the actual music just not the sound design.
Can you help me turn my songs into something like this?
Nice. I'd love to hear a harpsichord mix with it.
Well if you don't like those you probably wouldn't like the others anyway lol
Well I can try, what specifically do you want to know?
I never said I don't like it, just that you can't tell anything from those short clips you posted
I have practiced a little by writing chord progressions and putting basslines and melodies to them. But once I do that I can't figure out how to transition to a new chord progression. I'm still in babby mode of music writing and I hate it.
That's kinda how I operate though (which is cancerous). I write a really shit song, fuck with it, and end up loving only small parts of it.
This is a chord progression I have no idea what to do with. Excuse the shit quality
>thinking this is good sound design
Christ, what exactly are you doing to consider that exceptionally good? Are you just using casio keyboard demos? If this is considered good sound design then this is a massive confidence boost in my own.
I don't actually think it's good all around sound design. I just really like one element of it a lot and i needed to compliment him so that he would teach me how to do it and maybe help me with one of my songs.
Just post the good one,youre posting anonymously on a malyasian rug weaving board, have some faith in yourself/balls bud you need that more than you need talent/inspiration.
Can you post something you've done?
You make wonderful music PePe you just have to believe in yourself, #HailPePe
#HailPePe the gay racist frog
This made me emotional. Please tell me you have a bandcamp or something.
Here's a different one with a Harpsichord in it.
True... idk, guess I'll have to wait til I'm ready. As I said I'm a giant pussy
I like this one too. Wish you had real instruments (not trying to be bitchy)
Make some music that isn't done with fake grandpa instruments
I don't have any real instruments, and even if i did i can't play the piano. I feel you tho, i hate them too.
There are some very hq midi instruments out there. This guy knows some
I don't want to see him... In Bed With A Goblin.. [Bed.. [BED{:0}] With A Goblin..] #Goblin #MAGA #KekIsRising #PePeWashington
Sorry man but I don't. I usually don't show any of this to anyone, even people I know.
> implying grandpa music is bad.
The music is good but it would sound better if it was either done on real instruments or with some synths that were specifically designed for the different parts