I keep hearing the term "nu-male" on /mu. Can someone give me a definition on the term? And while you're at it, give me the music playlist of a "nu-male."
I keep hearing the term "nu-male" on /mu. Can someone give me a definition on the term? And while you're at it...
it's 2016 version of beta male
anything with twenty one pilots in it
Oasis' discography
Anyone who has a political opinion that differs from the majority of this board (note: one does not have to be male to be called a numale)
animal collective fans
a taste for the effeminate. usually runs to the side of beta-male indie folk like the mountain goats but with after pitchfork was bought by conde nast and everything made by a rapper who doesn't know better is praised, so trap rap is essential nu male listening now too
Numale music is anything that's not by a white straight man, or any band that doesn't identify as feminist or left wing at all, with Death Grips and Swans being the only exceptions to those rules.
I think Will Toledo is who you should think of when you hear this meme term said
DOES identify as feminist or left wing in any way*****
Nu-males are the "men" with fragile artist stubbles or giant hobo beards, thick rimmed glasses, and a receding hairline paired with an undercut or some other trendy hairstyle. They get offended very easily and are obsessed with identity politics; they are very active on social media. Exclusively neoliberal. Very soft in general.
They like indie rock/folk with a twee/lo-fi aesthetic traditionally, though some of the tumblr A E S T H E T I C kind prefer hipster black metal, fashionable power electronics, and queercore.
It's another term for alt-right and cuck.
It doesn't mean anything. It's like 'retard' was for like a decade.
>They get offended very easily and are obsessed with identity politics
just like the people who say "nu-males", then
Yeah though. The people who criticize people for getting offended are so easily offended themselves.
Fuck off
>literally proving user's point
it's a misandristic term invented by shut-in nerds who've internalized psychopathic internet ideologies
Using the word 'male' as a noun when referring to men is harmful and dehumanizing.
a term used by closet homosexuals to project.
Masculinity is definitely a no-no. Even alluding to the male gender reinforces the evil that is manhood.
I bet you roleplay as sjw a lot in your safe space "pol"
Xe says, furiously masturbating at the mere notion of roleplay.
got some nu-male cucks right here