Is Sup Forums better or worse than it was a few years ago?
Is Sup Forums better or worse than it was a few years ago?
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it's been getting worse every day since its creation
I miss goreposter
Is that Jerry the Seinfield?
That's a bee you dummy
I've found people to be more honest about their tastes. Not so much circlejerking and hipster praise like it used to be
>I've found people to be more honest about their tastes.
How do you know they weren't lying?
Is the rate that Sup Forums gets worse exponential or constant? Is there a point where it cannot get any worse, and does it remain at its worst, or get better again?
it's still shit but at least people are finally getting over death grips
You see want you want pretty much. It doesn't get better or worse.
if what I see is a reflection of myself, then it gets exponentially worse and never stops
I've only been visiting Sup Forums for a couple of months now and it seems to me that the number of shitposting threads has been on the rise lately.
I used to post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and they're both just about beyond saving IMO. Probably the same will happen to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums itself will probably fall pretty soon too
Dude you're depress :(
Been here on and off since early 2009 and apart from few things it's still the same, really.
There's one really positive change tho and it's the death of tripfag "culture", dramas and circlejerks. This shit was fucking unbearable, the definition of cancer that at its peak ~5 years ago was magnitudes worse than anything cancerous going on today, including kpopfags and grimesfags combined.
It wouldn't be so bad if we had any moderation for a change. Sometimes you have like five "retards attempting poetry" threads going at the same time and three of "if dubs brian wilson dies tonight".
I don't really get anything out of here anymore, idk why do i even come here
what timespan are we talking about here?
pre Death Grips and pre Grimes Sup Forums were an entirely different level of better, but we also had tripshit drama and off topic posting galore thanks to people like Cooltop and hamtrax who would just shit up any thread they appeared in, to the point where even posting their names were a 1 day auto ban.
hamtrax is an asshole lol
tell me more about old Sup Forums senpai
winter break.
while other boards get flooded with high school kids endlessly shitposting under the guise that shitposting is tolerated because those boards were "never good", Sup Forums gets a massive influx of college freshmen who do basically the same thing, only now they're completely free to do so for a good month or so before going back to school and the frequency of their posting decreases thanks to classes and most colleges blocking Sup Forums on school networks.
it was terrible, but it was our special kind of terrible. we were basically all one big social circle, and a lot of the good times were away from Sup Forums and in tinychats or those "dj room" sites that would pop up from time to time.
And of course all the whoring.
I've actually met up with a few trips from the old days in real life and we had a blast together. Then we all kinda drifted away from Sup Forums entirely and everyone changed. Some of them moved to other boards (like /fa/, or in my case, Sup Forums), and others abandoned the site altogether. Those who stayed behind soon dropped trips while the next wave of shitposting trips tried to live up to our former glory and we realized how obnoxious and terrible we really were to the board.
And there were also the sharethreads. Those were the only times where all the trips would come together and actually contribue something of worth to the board, that is until we got hit with that autistic gore spammer who would flood the threads non-stop the moment someone posted anything remotely related to metal.
Not even a single facet of this site and the internet in general is improving in any way.
As long as we continue to keep Sup Forums out, it'll be fine honestly
fuck off
It's not like it was loads better, but grimesposters have been making it quite worse
this is now a get thread
way, way fucking worse. It can't even be described how bad this board is now.
It's like a mix between the Kanye Forums and an Anthony Fantano fan webpage.
Only opened the thread to see if anyone mentioned tripfags. There were so fucking many of them. The board still isn't good but it's much better than it used to be.
>tfw shitposting on my uni's wifi RIGHT NOW
>it's much better than it used to be.
Nah. The tripfag infestation was awful but the constant sharethreads more than made up for it.
Ironically, my home WiFi blocks 4vhan but school WiFi doesn't.
Why we need sharethreads? Just do a search on soulseek, everything is there.
It's stumbling upon random things that you had never heard of that makes sharethreads fun.
I've been here on and off since 2009 and absolutely nothing has changed.
Much, much better.
I love current Sup Forums to death.
pretty much the same, but lost this kind of warmness and "y'all are my friends" sense. maybe i'm just older.
there are more nonsensical memes in general on the internet rn, so ugh...
To anyone who's been here long enough: when did tripfagging become acceptable? I'm willing to believe that the board was doomed whenever that happened.
It was never acceptable, they just did it anyways.
>How do you know they weren't lying?
who would lie on the internet?
Been here since 2010, I can barely visit this board anymore because the quality just isn't there.
Spoon-feeding and generals killed this place. Elitest mu was truly best mu.
But hey, at least we have yet another place to discuss urban-outfitterscore and other /r/music favorites
horrible since MBDTF got a 10