Just found this pic of my gf phone from her weekend away with the girls, what the fuck is this guy doing with her?

Just found this pic of my gf phone from her weekend away with the girls, what the fuck is this guy doing with her?

They probably fucked user

Beat the shit out of that cheating whore

judging by the picture, making her a little uncomfortable

I've seen this picture before faggot. This was posted on Sup Forums a few months ago

He looks like a beta user, nothing happened.He prolly tried but he's always unsucessful.

She cheated on you

These tbh

not this crap again

also check em


>this overused copy pasta

>this shitty unoriginal bait

Dude dump her fucking ass

Hey :(

Oh, so this is the new blackcocksblahblah type of troll thread. We're all supposed to be afraid for our sexuality and somesuch. Who posts this crap? Jews? Feminists? Neo-nazis? Which kind of scum do you guys think it is? I mean, this person(s) posts this cuck/blackdick/etc shit like it's their job so it probably is their job.


summerfags, summerfags everywhere

This fuck thread over and over


Yeah but who posts this garbage and why?

I really hope you're getting paid to do this, whoever you are. Unlike the janitors who allow this stupid bullshit. They do it for free.

ahh fuck, not again...