ITT: Musicians who seem like nice people IRL

pic unrelated of course

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He's an idol of mine



Whatever happened to animal collective? They were like essential Sup Forumscore, second only to maybe ITAOTS, now it's like they've vanished.

I was never into their stuff but I enjoyed the people who were.

AnCo They're Gone, AnCo They've Vanished


without a doubt

she certainly is a nice person m8

No, she's not

Without a doubt, Grimes.

Mac DeMarco seems cool. I want to be in a threesome with him.

that's not nice

>Pedophilic Lesbian

What's up with that?

she's into little girls

nothing, she sometimes just kissed girls on the cheek


She kisses her underaged female fans






Kate Bush seems very sweet and lovely

So like you and another dude double teaming his tooth gap

Their past two albums have been a bit uninspired.

Inb4 cuck



not a fan but she actually does

>masturbate before bed
>don't wash hand
>wake up in the morning and slide hand between but cheeks
>take a sniff
>smells like pepsi

Is this what she was singing about?

They still popular as fuck, just not because of their latest work. Anyways, Centipede Hz and Painting With aren't that bad, but they don't have the same AnCo feel as their past work.

she does not look like a nice girl

did she really sing this?

you know what, marina is completely disgusting.

Mister Harry Edward Styles


>My pussy taste like Pepsi-Cola,
>My eyes are wide like cherry pies.
>I gots a taste for men who're older
>It's always been, so it's no surprise.

these is the first fucking verse. And fucking people on Sup Forums are complaining about Marina

Is that Deakin in the middle?

i've met some very nice musicians, the ones who stick out in niceness being T.I., mark gardener from ride, craig finn, mish way

Tom Araya desu





Kekkity kek

and that makes her mean?

what ?

Meeting her this month

have fun

That's quite possibly the most innocent / nicest thing someone on Sup Forums has said to me lol
Thank you, I will.

I've heard he's really nice. Can anybody confirm?

i am here for content like this

Seems very down to earth

his brain is fried. hes going to go rambling about ghosts.


Strawberry Jam came out just about a decade ago, that's enough time for an entirely new generation to move onto Sup Forums and think Tame Impala invented the wheel.

and is a fuckin tory m8


You have no idea how much I hope Jamie is a nice boy.

>he doesn't want to talk about ghosts, spirits and dimensions with froosh

hahaha right? John has a cool way of talking about that stuff. he seems to have it real firm in his head. it'd be great to hear whats going on in his head you know i bet he's a great guy to get a drink with/smoke a bowl (if he isn't going hard and fast sober which i suspect he's not)

seems like a nice guy, just misunderstood