Hey Sup Forumsois. I'm trying to pick out my first knife...

Hey Sup Forumsois. I'm trying to pick out my first knife. I'm going to be taking it with me hitch hiking/ everyday carry. What kind should I get? Butterfly, stiletto, combat, karambit, etc?

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don't bother buying an expensive knife, words cut deeper

>my first knife

something cheap that folds

unless you want to be a ninja than yeah, all the bullshit you named.


Best knife to carry around is the Boker foldable kukri. My kukri went to some TOUGH shit,and its as good as new. Nigaa order obe,best sword in pocket knife

What exactly is the point of a kukri? Isn't it more of a machete? I don't really want to look like Im junting Tutsis

kabar with semi serrated blade, may all that weeb gay shit

I'd suggest a butterfly knife it's fun to use very concealable and alot less off putting if a thing to carry around than something like a hunting knife or a karambit

nigger do you want a knife for utility or for self defense/look cool?

When I was younger and backpack/hitchhicked around I carried one of these (rambo knife) in the top of the backpack within easy reach and a small knife with a 3 inch blade on a leather holster on my belt.

Completely useless knives you've suggested, for hiking I'd suggest a commando knife. The one with a screw off bottom with a compass, fishing line, hooks, matches, striking paper, band aids etc. they also have a saw blade on the back for saplings

Nah m8,its foldibg so its easy to carry. Plus,versetile and deadly af. The most god tier knife i have ever had. And when i say it went trough some shit,it really did. 50 cm branches were rekt in like 5 hits. Plus its reasonably priced. Its a must buy,OP

Does nobody in this thread know hat hitchhiking is? Im not hiking in the woods Im getting rides from strangers.

So? Nigga with commandos and dolding kukris you are set for both you nig nog

if you want it for self defense, get a taser, pepper spray or a handgun

knives are better at getting you killed than protecting

Ill look into it m8. But I won't be cutting many branches. I'm hitch hiking (getting rides from randoms) not hiking in the woods.

always be prepared to be left on your ass in some random road intersection in the middle of nowhere with no traffic in sight right before sunset with fucking wolves howling in the distance.
>above is exactly what happened to me
What did I do? rolled a blunt.

OP here. Whatcha think? I like it a lot. Seems to fit my needs.

too tacticool

dude don't waste your money on a stupid expensive knife unless its for a Job. Buy some cheap stupid thing that looks cool and run about by yourself innawoods and hope nobody stumbles across you as you do your best Star Wars Kid.

faggot buy an opinel or a more
don't go into the fanboy shit

Cool,a bit over the top,2 big for easy carry,6/10 would buy if cheap.if 25 or more,fuck it

what is the deal with the Opinel knife? I'm always hearing about this thing

that's trash

a folding knife fits your needs, a zombie slayer katana fits your teen angst

Just get a cheap karambit op. Small, sharp and looks kinda cool.

>Hey Sup Forumsois. I'm trying to pick out my first knife

Underage b&

opinel is cheap and immensely more high quality than the shitty tactical knives in this thread
a real tactical knife costs hundreds of euros, an opinel is like 10 euro
also mora of sweden makes very good knives
also go with carbon steel not stainless



Fuck tacticool,you are gonna go in random strangers cars. Don't be an edglors nigger and buy some ten € tactinigger knife. Buy something folding,thats big and strong. Kukris and other big folding knives are perfect for that shit

I've had a really good experience with Gerber survival knives. They make a good full tang, heavy, solid fixed blade called the Prodigy. I fuckig love it for camping. It's super nice for splitting wood too cuz it's so solid you can wail on it with rocks and stuff on the back of the blade. Awesome outdoor carry.

K bar, no discussion needed faggot

get a speedsafe kershaw, without a doubt. legal one handed opener. except in manhattan

My dad's had one of these for at least twenty years, he takes care of it and to this day it is razor shar . Granted its a little rusty but I think that just comes with time.

>pic related

Hey guys OP here again

Think I'll buy this one, seems to fit my needs.


i bought my last opinel two years ago and the blade is showing signs of wear from sharpening. I usually lose them before actually damaging them
It's just the best type of knife. If you are into it you can make your own

Good lord,sage bread 2 much edge(pun intended)

Deer gutting

That knife has fucking autism...
Get a full tang, drop point, non-serrated blade, made of good steel.


You can't carry fixed blade knives in a lot of cities. In Washington where I am knife laws are lenient as fuck but if you go into Seattle, where I live, you can't carry any fixed blade knife or a folding knife over 3.5 inches.

get an Ozark Hobo Tool.

Why pretend to be me, nigger?

Requesting counter strike joke

You don't need a super-long knife, 3.5 inch blade is more than plenty. Also laws against fixed bladed knives are retarded, just avoid those cities they're probably not worth your time.

Not a one of you realized you were being trolled. I am disappoint Sup Forums

don't be a title and think "I want a super cool fixed blade knife with very little utility." Get a knife worthy of edc fag.

that's a CS:GO skinish shit knife, you fucktard
buy a fucking swiss army one

Sardinia has a tradition of beautiful knives
Pattada, Arbus, Guspini etc

if you want a knife for self defense pick up one go these. jagdkommando tri dagger

get a decent sized folder or a fixed blade on the smaller side. anything else will make you look like a fag

I would never carry a fixed blade around... I feel it's too cringey
i carry a folding one all the time even tho even that is forbidden where I live

Not sure if OP is a faggot,but still buy a god outdoor knife is my advice. Must be folding tho now piss off i gotta shit

autism alert

Aren't those against the Geneva convention?

srsly too edgelord
it's effective at self defense because the attacker would die laughing at you

plus you can use the scab for a dildo

>posting le meme knife

Fixed blades are useful if your out in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. Having a full tang is nice if you're going to hack through a small tree but carrying one in a public area makes you look like a weab

cold steel ak47

Half a metre thick branches? You're full of it mate

Dont't get any curved shit, it is useless and makes you look like a weeb or a sand nigger

dubs request denied?
Sup Forums is more cancer than I thought now

I have fixed blade knives but if I carry them it's not on my waist but in a bag with the other tools.
However when I'm cutting wood I have a billhook hanging from my waist it's just too useful, you cna clear the bush, debranch trees and use the hook as a pickaroon

if you get caught with that the police will fuck you with it

I carry the CRKT Squid most of the time. It's cheap, small, simple, looks nice, and isn't autistic (like a butterfly or karambit would be...).

I don't disagree with you, as someone who used to be pretty at home in the wilderness I wouldn't have dreamt of going out with a decent knife at my side. Nowadays we're starting to see a new breed of people though - the "hey look at my katana and Japanese knife collection" overweight basement dwellers that I really want nothing to do with

Mobilefag atm,the user who thinks im full of it,watch some yt videos on the knife i suggested. Also,have you never seen a THICC branch?

fixed blades are good to wear horizontally on your lower back

If you want a knife to stab someone with than ask for a stabby knife, not a "first knife".

Seriously fuck everyone in this thread

dude you don't need a knife for hitchhiking
maybe the most you would use it for is for cutting some food, then get a normal stainless steel folding knife. Victorinox would be an excellent choice

leatherman freestyle ...enough knife for a starter

a starter in WHAT?

starter aka first knife, if you want a nonfixed blade this is definitely a good one. and thats what op asked for

First knife? Just get a basic Swiss or a folder.

When you want a nice fixed-blade knife, upgrade to one of the Ka-Bar style knockoffs. Make sure it's full tang and a decent carbon steel and you'll have a knife for a couple decades.

This. If the bleeding don't kill em, the tetanus will. Plus disposable and not traceable

benchmade balisongs all the way

just get a swiss army unless you want to be a showy, pretentious faggot. if you're just hiking/walking around, you don't need any more of that bullshit