You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing League of Legends.

ts shit

Because fuck you

bloodborne is better

Because I already did earlier. One day I'll get out of bronze

Because I'm too busy playing Pokémon go and taking dicks up my ass

I'm broke

just got home from work.

It's lame.

I have somewhat of a life.

i hate moba's

Why do we keep having these threads? I like League and all, but these are mainly just here to piss off people who don't play it.

so tilted

tilted off the goddamn planet

I'm not 14.

but im playing, im rank 7 fiora main

Because Dota 2 is so fucking superior.

BRB, match found.

I don't play shit tier free to play games
also used to really enjoy league when i was in high school
>got out of high school
>quit league

cuz its for casuals

ded game

>implying only super cereal games should be played.

>anyone who is super cereal about games needs to have their head examined.

It's shit

because im playing Dota 2 now

DOTA is superior and have less kids

Because melee

If I wanted a weak ass game for casuals I'd be outside playing pokemon go

cause i just finished a game

I get mad when I play and have more fun playing other games where I don't get angry :^)

Because I'm not a NEET and I'm not a manchild.

I play smite


Is this a meme? Why are there pictures of with doritos?

i may be a fag but im not an ultra fag

Because I got perma-banned

shes MLG

I have a PS4

Gremlin D.Va is the meme i think


but I am playing League of Legends

Burnt out.

Played league for like, 4/5 years. Can't do it anymore.

>Can't do it anymore.
Not with that attitude.