Kick WWE off Sup Forums

>kick WWE off Sup Forums
>/heem/ is now /WWE/

Time for /heem/ to fuck off to /asp/? Vote here.

Yes. Do it.


time for >(You) to fuck off to Sup Forums fucking autist

i think they should be moved to asp. they stick out like a sore thumb. most people who watch mma dont watch other sports. we out here passing the ball to each other and they there grinding at one another just with their panties on

What does heem mean?

>bet and football manager threads still on sp




Fuck off pussy, you probably watch baseball or something

/heem/ is self contained. Portuguese posters need to go, they are everywhere and cancer.

>these are the same posts wwe posters said before being btfo
Lmbo pepper your anguses

Daily reminder that MMA is more of a sport than divegrass or lardball will ever be. And don't even get me started on apehoop and iceskating.

And watch what? Basebore?

Fuck off spic

at least it's not scripted

and while we're at it, eternal got threads should be banned from Sup Forums, fuck that retarded piece of shit show

Trips confirm heem about to be btfo

what the fuck does heem and yfmoc mean

>/heem/ is self contained

it's literally the biggest event in the history of the sport, relax
that's no worse than your average divegrass game

i agree this 'Sport' is just a meme.

yeah but crydive is a sport

No it's not

/heem/ is generally pretty quiet all year round besides maybe one or two events. This event in particular has a ton of /asp/ies watching so it's no surprise. Nonetheless, this is about 10% of the posts we'll get compared to tomorrow's Euro finals so I don't see what the issue is.

why do you hate faggotball so much?

I've been watching heem for a while and this is fucking pathetic to watch these mandrama actors and seeing wwe commercials

Who is this semen demon?


>my opinion is meaningful to me



Aye, lad.

I agree.
Janitors hate actually enforcing this because they enjoy having a war with "shitposters" and don't want "outlaws" to feel like they "won"

WWE is for 14 year olds and virgin manchildren.

yes good idea