Pokemon Go will be the most popular video game of all time. It's bigger than us...

Pokemon Go will be the most popular video game of all time. It's bigger than us. Sup Forums cannot stop it even if they want to. Prove me wrong.

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You're absolutely right. I tried this game for the first time with a couple buddies tonight.
I was blown the fuck away by how many people were outside just to play this thing at 12am on a Monday night. Easily the most widespread craze of my lifetime so far.

you're just on the bandwagon hype like all of us, if the servers keep being this shitty and slow then it will die away

the original games will never be topped

human consciousness slowly evolving into a purely digital existence. That 'schizophrenic' person I met a few years ago is turning out to be not so crazy... I wonder what other explanations people can come up with for this epidemic?

yeah man

Have a bump

this Is changing society


truth be told it actually made a lot of people get off their asses and actually get some fucking air. Kudos for that. But it is just a hype train at the moment, it will die out,

I dunno. Nothing like it to compare it too.

I give it 2 weeks before it dissapears forever only to be brought back when some retard walks under a car while playing in

Probably true.

Attention anons of NYC.

My associates and I have formed a community of fellow "go-ers". We plan on monopolizing all of the valuable gyms and pokestops. In other words, in order for you to occupy the areas that matter, you will need our permission.

>What the fuck do you mean, user?

It is exactly what you may be thinking right now. We are pimping this shit. Our organization is the Long Neck Brigade. It is a community made up of people from across the 5 boroughs and we have nearly 200 members.
More than enough to dominate manhattan. Hell, even as I time this, my comrades are bringing glory to the blue. All my fellow blue men will have no need to worry. You are free to do as you please.

But for the others...all you may expect is heavy taxation.

The time has come. This is our formal declaration of dominance in the city of NY. Try to oppose us, but fail, you will.

We will run this shit.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

-Comrtade XxSampsonxX

Shut up, fag.

I get the same feeling.

It will be dead in a few months.

You are saying this quite comfortably behind your computer screen aren't you? Sitting in your 300$ gaming chair that mom bought for you, whilst sipping on hot cocoa and having tabs on the "latest anime episodes", weaaboo music playing in the backround on full blast and mlp tabbed. Ah, quite comfy, ain't it. Anonymity sure is great. You can say whatever you want because no one will know who you truly are.

You believe you are hardened. An edgy hero. But in reality, you are really just scum. A useless shit stain. A waste of space. No purpose in life other than to leech off of the hard work of others. People like you need to be eradicated. The world doesn't need your shit. You are better off dead, faggot.


i'm already wishing everybody would shut the fuck up about it. fucking herd mentality.

I'm really sorry dude I have to call butthurt on that one

I think u are right. Im starting to get bored after my 100th rattata, 100th weedle, 100th pidgey and two fucking abra.
This game needs turn based pvp more than anything then it will live forever but in todays state is pretty boring after a while

i can think of a certain South Park episode that pretty much nails it.

>>plese jesus

If they keep releasing more Pokemon at a steady rate, it'll go for a while. But as soon as people start running out of Pokeballs, the active users are going to drop a lot.

I met a nice looking girl because of this thing. I tagged along with her to challenge the gyms in my area and got her number. Tomorrow we have plans to grind in a park between 2 pokestops.

Best thing to happen to me in a long time.

Shut up, fag.

It's tru OP I went out last night with a bud to play and we were out until 2 am playing and then I went out today to play and I literally have Sun burns from playing

This isn't copypasta, faggot. I'm the only one who typed this shit.

Prove me wrong? Oh that's right. No-one else did.

this game will end in a lose of life. this is the end times.

Lucky you all I have is 50+ asian dudes at the pier near my house cause there's 6 pokespots and a gym in one area

they are adding more features next patch.

trading and shit like that

Is this copypasta? This shit is hilarious.


Befriend them all. Most of the time, your asian friends will have a hot sister that they can set you up with. At least thats what I'm seeing anyway.

Already bored of it. Ingress was better.

The park by my house had 15 neckbeards and sjwhales loitering because of a gym. None of them were communicating with each other. A 16th drove up in their car and sat in it while playing, and another walked up but saw all the people there and walked into the alley, stood there by the garbage to play.

This is one of those small, old dead lady tribute parks. Now it's filled with human shitskulls.

This isn't revolutionary, it even uses data from another game that at least had the component of adding places to it.

It is mediocre at best. When the first Pokemon came out on game boy it had the trading aspect first and brought kids together. this shit is just micropayment crossed with big data with gook cartoons.

I'm thankful for it though because anyone who interacts with it with more than instantly fleeting curiosity is an automatic avoid: useless, personalityless sacks of shit

no. I typed this shit up last night and saved it

Glad you liked user :')

You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Ventura pier would you?

i feel bad for the uber driver who streamed pokemon go as he waited to get a call for his job and it was the only way to support his family and the people watching his stream sent reports to the police and uber in his area and got him fired.

Uh, you can't run out. Go to any stop and get more for free

The only poke gym near me is a church.

I took it in the ass fag.

Gay fag

It was a hoax, both the call and the "I got fired from uber" ... All a hoax to get streaming / subs.

Suspended for streaming in between uber rides? That's not a punishment, nor why he was suspended. I know three uber drivers and they do whatever they want, and can answer calls whenever ... That's the point of it

Pokemon Go will die faster than this thread.

Good, maybe if it continues to pick up steam they will add Gen II eventually.

I wouldn't mind grinding a chick in the park.

Do it, user. Be the first "we got married after meeting at a Pokestop" story!

Nah new west pier


quit being a faggot conformist and lay off the trendy games

Try going outside you fucking idiot and you'll get more than dogshit.

I doubt it's going to disappear, people will just shut the fuck up about it just like overwatch.

I walked my dog today and took it to play ball in the park since it was a pretty gorgeous day. Turns out the good spots were taken by nerds with their faces glued to their faces and not even attempting to socialize with each other since they seem to share a common interest. Had no choice but to go back home. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and leave earlier. Do nerds wake up at 5 in the morning? I don't know.

I think this is both the end and the beginning. This thing has brought us closer to "digital zombification". It really is sad. I might have a harder time taking Jazz out for some fun.

I wish I had friends to go on Pokemon GO adventures with.

phones* hhahahahahahaha

I was honesty incredible dissapointed by the game, It's just one big gimmick


I actually feel like I'm trapped in the fucking Twilight Zone. How people actually think this garbage is "good" is beyond my ability to comprehend.

>naming a dog jazz
So people weren't social to you because of the fedora and cystic acne?
>look how edgy I don't have any friends and I don't want to walk around

ive got the 10km badge after my first day. Im not ur average btard. I am fit af.

Walk, swipe, tap.

Fucking revolutionary gameplay, faggot.

Combat is shit hope they fix it

Lol I can drive in my car and get that.
Nobody said it was revolutionary, it fits the niche that people wanted plus is fucking Pokemon. Who the fuck doesn't like Pokemon.



You can just walk around with your friends and a DS and play an actual Pokemon game.

>Sup Forums cannot stop it even if they want to.
What the fuck gave you the idea it ever could?
I tell ya, sometimes it's reeeeeeeally easy to spot if someone's new.

>walk around with a ds
Are you some sort of faggot?

How the fuck would pc fags play Pokemon go? The whole point is to walk around outside and do shit. Have fun carrying your computer around buddy.

He's referring to it keeping pace, or "building up steam" how charcoal train engines work keeping pressure high.

>Lol I can drive in my car and get that.
>Try going outside you fucking idiot and you'll get more than dogshit.
grat you just played yourself.
I love the envy looks I got from the neckbeards like you while I walk around in the city and play pokemon with my girlfriend.
Fattys never change.

You better be fucking joking man.

I knew a kid that did that shit in highschool.

It was fucking retarded to see him walk around that shit from class to class.

Certainly envyus m8
My gf can't play because she's writing her thesis at 23. So I scoop up friends and we play.

My late mother used to be a yoga instructor. She loved fitness so much for some reason. I had no idea why. When I had got Pokemon Gold on my DS at 15, I had gotten off my skinny ass, ran more, and ate more eith my PokeWalker. It was my favorite thing in the whole wide world. It was my moms favorite too. We ran 5k runs, then 10k runs together with my trusty PokeWalker in tow as a mother and son. When she heard of a new Pokemon Go game coming out, that promoted going outside and walking, she was so happy. She downloaded it on her phone when it came out. Fifty three minutes after playing it she booked a flight to Oregon, rented a car and drove to my house. She broke my lock and slammed the door open. This startled my children naturally, and they ran to my side. My mother threw her phone st one, shattering the phone screen and sending the pieces into his fragile skull. She took the other one and threw her by the head like a pokeball at my wife who had rushed to the living room. Neither of them suffered serious trauma, but my daughter now has AIDS. She said to me words I would never forget. "user, why did you play such a shit game on your Game Station when you were little, kill yourself faggot." She then pushed me into my glass table. After I fell through the table onto the shards of glass, she threw me through the door connecting the hallway to my kitchen/dining area and living room. The door had a huge hole in the once elaborately decorated top section. She ran towards me, opened the door, got on the floor, and everyone walked the dinosaur.

If this game was about random monsters instead of Pokémon, nobody would play it. Nobody would tolerate the amount of errors and shitty servers this game has. It would be gutted on Play abs die a quick death.

Until No Man's Sky comes out next month.

Another survival game, oh boy.

Damn dude. You're about 21 years old and already have kids? My nigga slayin the puss

All it take is the click of a bottom u dimbass ! Take down the servers, take down the game

i bet you live in a city with hipsters

the "dad" seems way too happy with a black baby...

Holy cuckaroni


If you guys don't like it why are you talking about it so much, I think Sup Forums is just salty because all the normal people suddenly like pokemon

that's not a fucking compliment

Meat grind-her


Yeah, she was a childhood friend and we kind of clicked together. Also, she was apparentlt turned on by the fact I thought of her as a little sister because she had a big brother fetish... But I try to overlook the small details.

I hope so, I've already made 900 bucks off this game.

I'm pretty bored of it
it's too time consuming for not enough reward



as a working person who see's his friends from school in this situation, this guy is right.
And anyone else calling him out for it is just exactly as he described

Pokemon Go helps you get pussy (best thing that will happen to you ever user)

nope its not nearly as mainstream as pokemon user

You could compare the game itself to ingress, because it's the same game essentially. As for the social pandemic, you could compare it to pog or pet rocks or fucking any dumb memetic Bullshit people latch onto. Not that I haven't though. Team blue.

>not wanting to catch them all
Youre a fucking faggot


Just because you live around a bunch of freaks, doesnt mean we all do. Forst of all, i always talk to people at pokestops. Second, me and my friends and having a fucking good time walking/long boarding/ driving places at all tomes of the day and night to get pokemon. If someone has no friends and has cripling anxiety, lol thats their problem. Ive met some awkward ass people doing this. This one weird asbergers girl practically stared me down as i was holding in a laugh from some cringe i saw and when i said "how are you doing" she practically had an internal freak out. But hey, ive met cool people and me and my friends will enjoy the next two weeks of this while you piss and moan, not gaining any memories to reflect on. You need to crawl out of that fucking lonely ass depressing attitude. You can be the one that breaks the ice. Were past highschool. Everyone needs to learn to open the fuck up and live live, meet people, and make memories before you're old as fuck with no stories to tell

>i always talk to people at pokestops

I suppose when you are 12 years old, having done something 2 or 3 times feels like always. Moron
