Tonight i will try to lucid dream. any tips?

tonight i will try to lucid dream. any tips?

Fap in dream to see if cum IRL

Try: Sleep

brilliant why didnt i think of this

>Make a cherry and almond smoothie before bed.
>Turn off all lights 1 hour in advance.
>Drink coffee immediately before sleep. If it kicks in before you doze off, abandon ship. If fails, spoopy shit happens.
>Fap long before bed, not in bed or right before.
>If you engage in sex in lucid dream, you must have a reason or make it seem like it's important or constantly remind yourself that you love her. If fails, spoopy shit happens.
>Use 4-7-8 breathing technique to fall asleep.
>Before dozing off, say something along the lines of "Think while dreaming" or "I will have a lucid dream tonight" at least ten times before sleeping. Helps with lucidity.
>Write down what you can remember upon waking.
>If you feel a falling sensation, try not to jerk. This may be your Ascension into lucidity. If it starts to go well but you fuck up, spoopy shit happens.

Advice from a fellow lucid dreamer. You can ask if you have questions or are curious about anything. I also have some experience with legitimate dream interpretation (i.e. fish=wealth or spider=sex is complete bs, just ask what you're wondering about).

spoopy = spooky?

i believe sleep is (obviously) when our physical goes to rest and the spirit becomes active. Nobody knows their spirit or the spirit world because we dont know how to astral project / have obe / lucid dream.


what do you mean spooky stuff happens?

don't listen to this guy.

spoopy shit isn't guaranteed upon failure.
spoopy shit is only experienced if you cannot handle crazy shit like visual and sound distortion + paralyzation
spoopy shit is only experienced if the dreamer is an amateur at controlling fear

I laugh in the face of fear if I ever fall into a sleep paralysis state, because I know it is not real (or rather, that whatever lingers in the darkness cannot do harm to me because nothing lingers in the darkness but figments of my own imagination (so nothing at all, if I will it so)).

Unrelated, but I reckon my experiements with psychedelics strengthened my immunity to fear in such states. (Psychedelic states and dream states are parallel in many respects, in my opinion.

I'm assuming it means it'll make your brain overreact/other words and heart beat accelerates and you'll immediately wake up and stay awake at least that's what happened to me once.

I'm more on board with the train of the brain being an overglorified meat computer.
However, I do believe dreams have some significance where you're looking at. Took a psychology class in high school (don't quote me, I failed it), I believe what you are describing is called the Id. Look up the Id, Ego, and SuperEgo if you want to perhaps dive deeper into what I think you're touching on.

Boy, you sure sound like a bad ass.
Or perhaps you're just drunk and commented on the wrong thread (I know I have before). Perhaps these boards may interest you:

I had this dream where I fall off a rollercoaster, then as im flying through the air I can see a swingset in the distance and i notic my father is pushing my sister on the swing

I scream out "Dad catch me"

He barely misses me and I fall to the ground and everything goes black, wake up like 5 minutes


We're talking sleep paralysis. The scary kind.
Really it isn't that bad. Worst case I ever had, I saw a fucking goblin shark crash through my wall Koolaid man style and go inside my body. Other cases just consisted of an intense headache and the inability to move.
Still, it'll scare the shit out of someone who is inexperienced.

Desire for independence, insecurity with or fear of family, fear of failure, and desire for freedom. Direct objects and actions mean nothing, it's just the value of what happens. Any recollection of emotions experienced? How was your relationship with your dad at the time?

This guy knows his shit. You wont even hallucinate if you're focused on remembering you're on a sleep paralisys state. If you start dreaming dont stop, try to remember when you woke up last morning. Failure is only guaranteed of you forget that you want to lucid dream. You can jump from a dream to a lucid without any issue. I used to lucid dream, 4 years in a row. Then the "me" in that parallel universe died and since then I was never able to lucid dream again. Dont get yourself killed in the dream, you wont die but it may cramp you badly and might prevent you from lucid dreaming ever again.

I was so young its hard to remember my emotions at the time, but I love my dad so I hold anything negative towards him. But I am I very independent person, so youre def right on that.

Sometimes, upon failure in achieving lucidity, you fall back into a state of sleep paralysis.

While you are here, you are awake enough to see the room you slept in (as your eyes are the only things you can move without much struggle); HOWEVER, you are also still partly dreaming.

Because of this, you heart beat will sound louder than it is, as will your breathing. Your attempts to move only trigger panic among many, only making the situation aggravated.

You can either ride it out and try to become lucid or you can hit the killswitch and wake up.

-To continue, control your heartbeat by breathing big and slow. Closing your eyes usually helps, but careful not to fall asleep unconsciously!
If you're cool, you can usually break the paralysis but still be dreaming but you'll usually still be in the same place (your room, etc)

Or you hit the killswitch by holding your breath until you wake up

A reliable reality check to test whether you're dreaming or not is to plug your nose. If you can breathe through it, you're dreaming. If not, you're obviously awake.

Yeah, then it wasn't fear OF him, just insecurity, perhaps caused by guilt at the time or a fear FOR him.

Been here for six years, is there a way to use italics or do I have to fucking bold what I want to italicize?

i have had a recurring dream for the past 10 years where im walking through the woods at night and i fall in this very deep and wide hole. As im falling i see yellow eyes glowing in the darkness. I hit the ground and wake up covered in sweat and panting. Its always such a long fall.

maybe you had spiritual death...

Funny how inception is actually right, dont try to do things people tell you to do. You must find your own way to figure out if you're lucid dreaming or not.

My killswitch for sleep paralysis is moving my legs and saying "wake up now" in my head. Like I said before, just remember its a sleep paralysis and you wont even hallusinate.

Fear of imminent failure or the imminent unknown. Having issues at school or work? Perhaps work ethic or self praise related? Maybe feeling overworked or fearing to ask a boss/teacher about something?

op here. also 1671 is me. there is much more to a dream than just the imagination. being asleep and having dreams is as i said, the spiritual side becoming active and alive. we need to learn to control it.

spicy food before bed supposedly gives you lucid dreams

Only had few really memorable lucid dreams.

The best one was where I was in a wooded area with massive trees (redwoods). I created a miniture neutron star. Then, I uprooted one by means of telekinesis, skinned it of its bark and fed it into the sun.
Then I banged some chick doggy style and came hard. Also came irl shit was ca$$$$$$$$h

Bumping thread for sake of discussion and curiosity.

I dont believe in the spirit like you do. I believe in jumping from conciousness to a weaker/same/stronger conciousness. Intertwined with parallel dimensions.

Say, psychologically speaking there are people with "multiple personality disorders", this are not explainable through science but, are very real. I believe that sleeping opens the door to jump from our body to a different one from another universe. Weak minded individuals who have the same resonance as you do (you from another dimension) are supceptible to be used as vessels for our conciousness or spirit. While stronger willed individuals wont ler you take control but instead, you will only perceive that " you's" life. A normal dream.

Sounds like you were young, like

lucid dreaming is really hard but i recommend trying to just tell yourself that you want to lucid dream and then try wake back to bed (sleep for 3-4 hours, stay up for 20 mins, then go back to sleep) its really hard and whenever i have one they always are trash but oh well

Don't know why botany was autocorrected to bit at. Sorry for any confuzzlement.

Thats why some people can lucid dream that they have unlimited power, while others can only do regular stuff but are still in control. The me who I killed, was in between. I could fly but didnt have any other powers aside from my body being extremely resiliant. Also, when doing evil deeds there is always a force in the back of your head that tries to stop you. That is the owner of the body's subconcious trying to stop you from doing stupid shit.

i have a couple jpegs about lucid dreaming let me grab them. here is one.

Nah man, this happened when I was probably 19 or 20. I've always had an interest in astronomy but even to this day, I always try to manipulate my environment in dreams by either trying to move things, break things, or create things.

As for the last part, it was a dream where I could finally bang a chick without the dream collapsing and it worked! I banged her!

it doesnt make any sense to say you take control of someone else as a vessel. people have had OBE's. my grandma had an OBE and my uncle saw her in the closet. where is your evidence that we take control of someone else as a vessel when we lucid dream? your theory is stupid.

So op, any insight on what I just said? Or too closeminded to even give it a thought?

If you're op, i am seriously dissapointed. Its less stupid than a "spiritual death" which would've caused my demise in real life too and would prevent me from dreaming at all, which I always do and always remember due to what I mentioned before. 4 years lucid dreaming.

some more on lucid dreaming

Dreamreaderfag or bad advice user, whatever the fuck you want to call me here, posting greentext of probably weirdest yet most vivid lucid dream I've ever had.

>Fall asleep irl, wake up in snow.
>Holy shit, it's winter camp from when I was like twelve. Haven't been there in over a decade.
>See group of people. Best I could describe them was African American males who were at least like eight feet tall (I'm six feet), who's faces I didn't see like it was a Peanuts cartoon.
>They all where grey hoodies and black pants.
>One asks me if I can head into my cabin and grab some rubber bands for them.
>Try to be a bro, head in and grab a tube of multicoloured rubber bands from the cabin I recall sleeping in as a kid.
>Bring it over to them.
>They're surrounding a white tarp over what seems to be slabs of wood.
>They ask me to tie rubber bands over certain areas of tarp.
>Holy shit there's a human under there on top of the wood.
>Put rubber bands on what should be the arms and legs of the human under the tarp as instructed by the figures.
>Look up at figures (without seeing face), he hands me a hammer and nails.
>The person under the tarp is squirming.
>They tell me to put nails into what I didn't know we're the hands and feet of the human under the tarp.
>I slightly lift the tarp to hammer nails into the hands of feet of the human into the wood. Notice a familiar paleness of the skin.
>Look up at the figures.
>Flip out when I see that they have no faces.
>Clothes immediately fall to the floor, but when I look at the floor, there's no clothes.
>Pull tarp off of human.
>What the fuck.
A bit of background info, like five months prior I had a huge blowup with the girl I liked (found out we liked each other but she was a slut, etc etc etc).
>It's her.
>See the wooden structure.
>It's a cross.
>I just crucified my hated ex crush.
>Feel a falling sensation
>Wake up in the middle of what seemed like a giant ornate dome structure.

As for OBE's you're giving the brain waaay to little credit. Our brains perceive everything around us but our senses limit the information we consiously perceive. OBE is just our brain getting rid of the sensorial barrier and letting you experiend the world in a perfect tri-dimensional way. Anyway, you must believe in the astral signs and in the zombie jew too. Its pointless to argue with someone who will so bluntly call another person's theory stupid. Cuz let me tell you, yours is also a theory, you cant prove jack shit of what you're saying. :)

user, i need my dream analyzed
Ive had a dream where i can see myself laying on my bed, and all of a sudden im in the middle of a crowd. Theyre all looking at something, but i cant see what. They are all moving their mouths, but i cant hear anything. Then someone grabs me from outside of the crowd, leans in and says "youre not alone, shes out there somewhere" then he shoves me into the crowd and i wake up

Im not precisely sure what it means, but if it helps, the guy is dresed in a suit and kind of looks like me, but its hard to tell because hes wearing sunglasses
Wat does it mean?

by your logic you can jump from consciousness to consciousness when lucid dreaming. if you died while lucid dreaming then it wasnt you it was the vessel you took which means you should be able to jump into a new vessel. and if this is true why hasnt anyone jumped into your consciousness or whatever the fuck to use you as a vessel? dont you think if that theory were true there would be people talking about "zomg i someone took control of me when lucid dreaming!" or some other shit. no? didnt think so.

>I have a couple jpegs

>doesnt want to continue debate because i called his theory stupid
>>called me weak minded 5 mins before that

kys faggot

I specifically said that only weak minded people have this issue. We're talking infinite multiverses here. Out of meerly 10 billion people only a few suffer multiple personality disorders. Imagine 10billion ^ infinite. That's an infinite amount of people you are able to jump into. Then again, go ask the stars what multiverses mean or ask jesus. Im not going to argue with a pathetic person who cant even wrap his mind on something as simple yet complicated as "infinity" and instead decides to believe in a holy ectoplasm that travels to who knows what realm where you can do awesome shit. To think I actually gave your theory credit and was open to have a normal conversation exchanging points of view just proves why fanatic pricks like you are never taken seriously outside of fucking Sup Forums

Were did I call you weak minded? Bravo user, making shit up now are we? Oh wait, thats the whole point of this thread, to make shit up.

when did i ever say anything about religion? please quote me

>implying spirit is not a religious term

Go on, keep making shit up. :)

>Place is huge, everything is granite and mahogany and gold, intricate art of the ceiling and upper walls, looks like inside of that one museum in San Fran or a European Cathedral or Mosque or something.
>Look around, all I see is her in the middle of the room, with eyes like pic related, staring at me. (She's no longer on a crucifix.)
>She slowly moves towards me. She isn't walking, almost like she's floating towards me like a balloon that's half helium half air, dragging itself along the ground (or like how the fucking Emperor moves in StarWars Battlefront 2).
>She gets really fucking close to me, and then just stops.
>I try to speak, but it's like I have the wind knocked out of me. I fall on my knees in tears trying to choke up an apology but can't get anything out of my mouth.
>She does something that I can only describe as cutting me off while speaking. Felt like she knew what I was trying to say but didn't want to hear it.
>"It's okay user."
>She says it in a fucking calm angel like voice.
>I'm still trying to choke up what is either a thank you or a sorry, and she just says it again.
>"It's okay."
>It's like I'm a kid being taken from its mother, I try and cry harder, I can't say anything no matter how hard I try.
>"I forgive you."
>Things die down, I start to calm.
>"I love you too."
>Time fucking stops, and I feel it even though there's nothing to indicate it.
>Tears and tension instantly gone.
>I stand up, and try to hug her.
>She turns the hug into us dancing, holding hands and keeping each other closely.
>I just feel utter peace. Like fucking peace I had never felt before then and I swear I haven't felt since.
>We go on for what seems like hours.
>I wake up.
>Confused, upset, and guilty all at the same time.
>Drink coffee, go to bathroom, fap.
what a fucking dream.

So, re-reading your previous statement. I believe you got the wrong idea of what I said. The reason we dont go "zomg i someone took control of me when lucid dreaming!" Is because this isn't what I mean. I meant that as humans we blame multiple personality disorders on the brain, yet we are unable to prove this. Only a few people have this issue. Obviously mot you or me cuz we have had lucid dreams. We are strong willed and strong minded. We are the ones who take the weak vessels. And in their world, they might blame it on multiple personality disorders too. Remember Infinite possibilities is not a small thing.

That was a nice dream user

Kinda sounds like sleep paralysis, but will go by the thought that it's a dream.
Looks like you may have a fear of "not being up with the times". Not in terms of culture or media or even society, but almost as if you're so secluded or your ideologies are outdated to the point where you feel like a being spectate from mainstream society. Perhaps you were having a mild existential crisis or felt the need to change your outlook on life at the time? Maybe just confused or dissapointed by what you saw society doing in media?

Turning off spellcheck now. Spectate was supposed to be seperate.

Thanks user, answers a lot of questions

Hey anons, I haven't had a dream in what seems like years. Every now and again I remember a glimpse of a dream but that's that. Any advice?

You just cant remember the dreams you have, try inmediately writing down the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up

Take any and all advice for lucid dreaming in this thread, do your best to apply it and try to cut out BS as much as possible. Not all dreams are lucid user, really a lot of the tips for what leads up to lucid dreaming (basically everything but the tips for sleep paralysis or once ones in the dream) just help with dreaming in general.

> OP closes thread
> Goes to bed
> Lights won't turn off
> Lays down to try and figure it out
> Wakes up next morning
> Was this thread part of lucid dream?

If you do it. Try summoning up God and the Devil and make them have a theological debate for your amusement.

Or grow to incredible size and cook the earth over the flames of the sun.

Or summon up yourself for the weirdest conversation ever.