What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Card was supposed to have fucking Diaz-McGregor rematch. Then it was supposed to be Jones-Cormier

MMA is still too shady for fights planned out months in advance to actually happen without dumbass motherfuckers fucking it all up

>Best card of all time he said

Takedowns. Always takedowns.

Nothing. It was a good card. All u mandrama fags expect people to jump off the top of the cage and hit people with chairs and shit

If you think that Silva fight was anything but boring you're officially delusional

Everything. Also, if Nate destroy Mcgregor again, UFC is done.

You can't honestly tell me that UFC wouldn't be better if they were allowed to climb up and jump off the top of the cage


>one fight ruins a card

Just pls go back to /asp/



>women main events

is this sport officially dead?

I'm not a mandramafag you're just a Dana shiteater.

Reminder that WWE is a publicly-traded company worth almost $900 million while UFC can't even get a card set until 2 days before a major PPV

Main event got JUSTED twice

>One fight
Holy fuck, casual detected. Here's a free (You).



dana white

if he let goobs skip 1 presser, everything would have been avoided

DC and Brock ruined it with their wrestlefucking bullshit. Cain, Aldo and Nunes all looked phenomenal and put on great shows.

>yfw 202 is the REAL 200

>Brock ruined it
>The biggest draw in UFC history ruined a PPV

Okay Dana, take it easy



Nothing at all
It was a great card, only casuals who came for Brock think otherwise

Aren't they selling the UFC for $4 billion?

Because there was supposed to be a Jones/DC and McGoober/Diaz fight on the card but in one instance Bones was a retard and in the other Dana was too butthurt about McGregor. If Jones hadn't JUSTed himself and there was a McGregor fight on the card it would have been amazing, especially if Diaz had beat the shit out of McGregor again.

So there was no safety net.

UFC is being sold for 4.5 billion


Dana is looking to sell, he wants to get the fuck out while the iron is still hot, and boy has it been cooling fast

His strategy made the fight less entertaining. I'm not factoring in his 'star power' in my judgement, I just found his fight less enjoyable than the others.

Being sold doesn't mean it's worth 4 billion necessarily.

Anyone who wants to buy the UFC is going to lose so much money

Diaz-McGregor was a joke, anyway.

Did you expect DC to Wonderboy Silva?

If someone buys something for a value, that is its worth.

The given example was WWE, are you going to suggest share selling is a better reflection of value?

>Dana was too butthurt about McGregor.

>promoter doesn't let contractor skirt on his LEGAL OBLIGATIONS

What was he supposed to do?

If u can watch people kick a ball around for 90 minutes u can watch daniel cormier ground and pound silva for 15

And Snapchat sold for $3 billion despite having pretty much no mechanism for revenue

Unless and until it's part of an objective valuation system (the stock market), what someone is willing to pay is not an indication of actual value. Christ, the goddamn Clippers sold for $2 billion, despite the fact that no professional franchise had ever gone for anywhere near that amount. They're not worth anywhere near that amount, and just because some dipshit with more money than research skills decided to pay that much doesn't mean it's worth that much

Companies have been bought 3x their actual value. UFC is not "worth" 4 billion, it's being "sold" for 4 billion.

Do what was best for business and let McGregor win that battle

No but after laying a beatdown on gustavson and rumble I expected him to send 41 year old silva into an early retirement. Instead he cheesed him out and actually had trouble with his striking near the end. Good for anderson though, I'm glad he didnt go out like I thought he would.

people got over hyped mainlu casual because HURR DURR UFC 200!!!

its just a fuckin number.

Jon Jones is a retarded nigger.

Why would Dana be mad that his biggest draw won?

Because Brock isn't his property, he's someone else on loan.

Duh. Drug/PED screening are intelligence tests. Literally no elite-level professional athlete from at least the last 40 years has been natty; they only test to keep retards out

>best for business
>letting your enployee walk all over you

Pick one (1)

No knockouts just gay grappling for 25 minutes

lmao you are a fucking retard

Because he isn't his; he does what he wants. Vince has absolute control over his product and still couldn't keep Brock from fighting UFC if he'd wanted to. Dana wishes he has Vince's power

Why would Dana be mad that his biggest draw won?

Okay kid, explain to me how in any way Snapchat and twitter are worth billions of dollars despite not drawing a single fucking dime of revenue?

>Mark vs Brock is only 3 rounds
>4th new champion in 4 fights for the cunts
>no Connor

Get in my fucking guard.

It literally would have been better to allow McGregor to "take over" the UFC

even as a storyline the fans would eat it up

I guarantee they'd have sold more PPV packages if McGregor/Diaz happened tonight. UFC is all about defending The Brand and making sure that UFC is bigger than any particular fighter. This is stupid, because it doesn't work in individual sports. It works for team sports, but, especially for MMA, where the people are nuts/"colorful" characters, it doesn't work. The individual participants are always going to be bigger than the organization

Go suck a dick somewhere else fag

>The "golden UFC PPV"
>Literally paint the octa with piss

They really should've just let it be another day

Characters like Brock already do that by coming in and leaving whenever he wants. Conceding to McGregor on that one point would have been much better than kneejerking to remove him from the card and leaving himself with no safety whatsoever from Jones nigging it up. 200 was supposed to go all out and it fell short of it.

Ok, two things went wrong.

1) Too many stars/big matchups. It unevenly distributes the crowd energy to every fight, so every fight turns out to be lackluster because there is no build up, just instant anticpation. If any of the title fights were on their own card they would have had more hype and the fighters would have played off the energy.

2) UFC 200 was kind of like a late Christmas bonus to lucky fighters that got selected, everyone really put in mediocre effort because everyone was already getting paid, no incentive to get fotn bonus

Don't worry, UFC 202 will be the real deal

Get in my guard. Bitch.

Ignore this idiot post, here is the real reasons:

When you put elite talent against elite talent, finishes become more rare
When you put elite fighters than need wins vs other elite fighters that need wins, they will go for the win

that's it

McGregor confirmed for bringing sexy back

Big chest pieces on dudes look gay tbqh

>one fight ruins a card

>only one fight was bad

it was pretty much all shit on the main card



guys i'm worried, i just heard sirens on the presser stream!

WWE has received offers for 8 billion dollars.

what an asshole. sit the fuck down so the fans paying big money can actually see the fight

he's becoming an embarrassment to his country at this point and I hope he gets his ass beat again

>mcgregor pulled out
>jones busted out (expectedly) but still it fucked things up
>womens MMA has always been a meme
>lesnar vs hunt was a meme fight

card was about up to par considering

The precedent would've been horrible. Other fighters would demand similar treatment. There was no way to know Jones was gonna go full retard.

He had a full camp for those dudes. They also have no guard game.

>having grappling ability like Silva


Yeah the fight was rough but that's MMA.

You win some, you lose some, that's the name of the game.

But they'll bounce back strong.

Dana and team are doing good; always testing to see about new fighters.

Can't wait for UFC 201!

It definitely ain't worth that much, but it's worth more than UFC

There's a sports bubble going on that's gonna burst soon (particularly with regards to TV rights). As much as I love watching idiots piss their money away and make bad bets, it'll fuck everything up for everyone else

the main event was ass, brock was bear hugging hunt the whole time and silva was okay.

can't handle the bants?

They would be refused because they can't draw a dime. Not all fighters all created equal, and refusing Conor costed them millions. Precedent and fairness was the reasons Dana gave, but there is no real precedent and fairness has no place at the table of a multimillion business attempting to maximize profits.

The clear reason was that Dana couldn't handle that the talent has pull with PPV buys and wouldn't respect how valuable Conor is, and now he's paying the price.

He's lost a lot more over this than what he would have lost not giving Helwani press passes and that was also a complete disaster.

The UFC is looking to sell and they better sell quick at this pace. If they don't turn the ship around fast it is going to sink and everybody can see that.

>not all fighters are created equal

Dangerous and stupid precedent

>refusing Conor costed them millions

And yet they still got millions from this card and will get millions from Conor's next fight on a separate card, it probably worked out the best in the end in that respect

>but there is no real precedent
It's literally the rules and fairness, Nick Diaz was pulled from a title fight with GSP for basically the same thing

He's maximizing profits by putting Conor on a separate card, they just had a record breaking gate today, the buys will probably be very high too

>Dana couldn't handle the talent
The UFC thrived and survived without Conor, it will without him too, Dana literally just brushed off Jon Jones popping two days before the fight, no problem

>wouldn't respect
Conor couldn't respect basic procedure, utterly ridiculous, he's dealt with Ronda and Brock, they followed protocol and got treated fine

>He's lost a lot more over this

Clearly not

>everybody can see that

Idiots like you

Oh shit he's loading up his stevia gun! Watch out Dana!

>no mcgregor
>ronda lost and not on card
>gsp not on card
>no bj penn
>jones being jones
>no fedor

pretty much sums it up

At least 202 is coming.

It was UFC.