Hello, Euroland. I'm a vulgar fat American

Hello, Euroland. I'm a vulgar fat American.

Tell me why I should give a fuck about cricket?

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You shouldn't

>the replies are coming from inside the country


100% this. Cricket's basically baseball but worse.


the opposite, cricket is like baseball but much better

if t20 and baseball were introduced in america at the same time, t20 would have killed it

Please enjoy our sport big strong Ausgod

Eh. It's baseball but even comfier

You know how you go to a baseball game and spend so much time drinking, bullshitting with old guys, and hollering at qts that you don't even notice what inning it is anymore? Cricket is like that but moreso, because literally no one other than the dudes directly involved in the plays are paying attention to the game

>someone outside of America actually responds

Well that settles it, Yanks. Cricket confirmed for awesome, but none of our business overlords can make money off it yet so we have to sit naked, in the dark, masturbating to ground-rule doubles.

Cricket fucking sucks

Only those retarded island monkeys and their colonies somewhat care about it.

>vulgar fat American

Euroboo cucks like you disgust me

It'll be your national sport soon.

True, I'm going to a cricket game soon solely because it has an all-day bar

>refugee crisis causing a rise of cricket in europe

everything worked out better than expected

I went to a test at the Gabba when visiting some relatives of mine over winter holiday (so summer for them) in Australia

It's extremely comfy. Sit out in the sun all day, joke around, have some drinks, watch the cricket. We did this for the five days the test lasted. I would say it's comfier than baseball games I've attended.

That said, I don't think it would work to have tests here. People aren't patient enough and you already have people killing each other over our sports that I don't think it would work out well. T20 has a shot but I doubt it can battle the entrenched baseball interest

the big strong germangods will play baseball. The hottest new product of the minnesota twins hails straight from Belin

You shouldn't.

Baseball and cricket are really impossible to compare aside from superficial similarities.

Cricket is more like billiards played on a field to me when I watch it.

lel, the photo is out of focus but there is clearly only one fan in that whole section of lower bowl seats

why would anyone want to watch something like baseball, but that takes way longer to play compared to baseball?

literally every seat is far from the action also, unlike baseball with plenty of seats near the infield. Can't even keep balls hit into the stands either




>Tell me why I should give a fuck about cricket?

because it is fun to beat the Paki and Indian grad students that play pickup at your university at their own game.

India and Pakistan are some of the bast countries in the world at cricket. Your rando Indian or Pakistani kid at University? Not so much.

In our country we call this the Black Person on a Pickup Basketball Court phenomenon

Disregarding the billiards bit, this is true.

Cricket really isn't that much like baseball other than looking similar to people who don't know much about one of the two sports.

>missing out on IPL cricket
>not seeing Aussies, West Indians and South Africans playing for Indian teams

It's like you don't even live

Serious answer

>why I should give a fuck about cricket?
It's the oldest sport that is still played today, which technically makes it the longest-standing sport of all time (though many fear about its future, they have been doing that for years).

It is also incredibly unique as it is the only major sport in which games take multiple days. A lot of sports are pretty much just variants on a theme, score a goal in 90 minutes or a try in 80 or a touchdown etc etc, whereas cricket isn't really comparable to any other sport in terms of its structure.

You can call it "boring" or "old" as much as you like, and you may be right, but you cannot deny it is historic and quite important as a sport, as well as being very unique, and therefore every passionate sports fan should, at the very least, "give a fuck about it".

why the fuck are the games so long


It's literally no different from playing like a five game series in baseball. You need five games because telling the winner in one isn't enough to be sure right? Same reason we need five days

I don't get why some people get so hung up on the length when so many sports have like fucking 7-match series.

I don't really watch baseball so it's long for me but this guy that i listen to on a podcasts loves it .

I REALLY like cricket lads

Fuck of ankush

Why do you dislike me so much lad?

>this guy that i listen to on a podcasts loves it .

Either way I enjoy the length. It's cool to be able to come back and watch an hour of the game and then come back same time tomorrow and the game's totally changed. As I said before, it's just a totally different dynamic to other sports, which makes it unique. People have become so obsessed with sports being done in an hour that they forget there are other ways of viewing.

No one else gives a fuck what you give a fuck about 2bh.

Ask australia

I likened it billiards (and I meant pocket billiards like pool or snooker) because of the way a batsman "places" shot on the field (we can analogize the gaps in the defense to pockets). And like a pool player, he'll have a variety of different strokes: Power stroke, touch stroke, draw stroke, etc.

In baseball, there's certainly pockets, but it's much more difficult to place a shot due to the skinnier bat, bounded territory, and higher (on average) pitch velocity. And you can't use a variety of strokes, since you'd have no hope of generating the bat speed needed to hit a 98mph fast ball and reach base if you're using something like a cover drive.

And scoring is kind of like straight pool in a way. How a straight pool player builds a run, a cricket batter builds a score.

It's not a 1:1 comparison, obviously. But I see some similarities.

I'm not sure there are enough opportunities to shoehorn advertisements into cricket for it to ever be be popular in 'murica

>it's the oldest sport that is still played today
Stopped reading there.

This is the kind of autism that turns people away from cricket

Are you kidding? There's hours of space for advert breaks in test matches m8.

Yeah I kinda see it. I like baseball a lot because of stuff like double plays and how the game changes depending on bases and how many outs and shit but it is a totally different game from cricket.

Chess isn't a sport zhang

Please respond to me

wrong, I've watched paki and indian broadcasts where they have adds between balls and of course between overs

Don't lad

the entire sport is down the shitter, fucking retarded head board, irrelevant in most countries (including england).

No but boxing, wrestling, track and field, hockey etc etc are you dumb fuck.

Not him but because you're an insufferable wankstain.

Is baseball one of those sports that's actually better on the radio, like cricket is?

I'm not sure you could televise cricket with more breaks than Sky currently has.

That sounds unwatchable desu

>but it is a totally different game from cricket.


It would be like comparing racquetball to tennis or something because both games use a racket.

you shouldn't cricket is the only means this country, which is slowly sliding into irrelevancy, has to make itself feel superior to their ex-colonies. The funny thing is, that England kinda sucks at it.

I want to die now.

Probably should have said "team" sport tttt but you're seriously including "track and field" as a fucking sport?

And cricket pre-dates hockey as a coded sport, both were developed from the same basic game as well so you can't claim one was before the other

Nah it's better at the ground. I find the baseball commentators insufferable, I watch it on mute

Stopped reading yet again.


>The funny thing is, that England kinda sucks at it.

>people will pretend to know about a sport they've never watched just to be ABE

You're wrong btw, fucking neck yourself and fuck all JF'S. Do NOT attempt to watch our nifty, unique, precious sport.

Some people have made the argument, but I don't agree.

Now instead of just hearing, "And here's comes the pitch! Strike one!"we can actually see the movement and placement of the pitch.

TV has also allow the use of cool things like stat cast.

An example:


>it's a statscunt impersonating Daniel episode


>wikipedia list of allrounders
>kapil dev, ian botham, the list could go on...

>this flag
Who are you? Don't know many brits to be into namefaggotry within /cric/

>you will never go to a test match for the first time

I didn't ask for this feel

If T20 got a break in the american market it could easily overtake Basebore among the younger generation. You'll never convert the older, rusted on fans, but T20 is an infinitely superior product to baseball.

No it wouldn't honestly. Cricket fans like to pretend that it's on par with luckswing because MUH BIG HITS, but it's an objectively inferior game. Test cricket is good because of the point of difference. T20 is literally baseball lite feat. memeswinging

I just went to my first t20 game recently.

It'll be at least another 3-4 years before I go to my first test match.

I guess if you're under the assumption that young people like "dingers," but watching highlights of T20 and watching players belt a dozen 6s in an inning gets old fast.

Also, young people wouldn't be enamored by 300 foot homeruns. They like to see moonshots traveling 500 feet.


T20 6s have nowhere near the scale of a baseball homerun.

Why is it a legitimate strategy to go for the long ball in T20 while it isn't in test?

Because of the limited overs, forcing you to put up a lot of runs rather quickly?

It happens in tests, just not as much, becuase it's a huge risk. Reward is not worth it most of the time

T20 is pretty much luckswing. Getting out doesn't matter, getting 6 then out is better than getting 15 from 15 balls, so you just swing for the hills literally every ball.

oh i forgot to write *again

Also I highly recommend watching at least one test match between England and another high skill team, just don't for gods sake go alone.


top lmao

weak arguments in that image. the stuff I've heard from ausgods in threads like these is much better

agreed, but radio baseball is still better than radio other sports

>just don't for gods sake go alone.
Why not?

>weak arguments in that image
It's a shitty bait image don't take it seriously

when the game does slow down it's good to have some mates for bantz

>having mates



Yes, you should watch bundescric


Listening to TMS with the telly on mute is the the comfiest shit ever