rate my teeth.
last visit to the dentist was 5 years ago.
Rate my teeth
mine look worse and my last visit to the dentist was 3 years ago.
fuck, even if they're professionally cleaned, my teeth take like 2 months even with proper care, until they're full of dental calculus again.
Lisa needs braces
for the overbite or the clutter?
post em
post yours bro
not all/few dentists are good at their job. try a bunch and then choose the one that explains the procedure and understands the consequences of what he/she does.
calculus cleaning is not done only via ultrasounds, most of the times manual intervention is required, but dentists do not do it as to save time and effort
I guess my teeth way fucked up than you are, OP.
what the fuck man, go to a dentist.
those look so much like mine its spooky. mainly its the one at the front, i have one just like it but its on my right side and im very self aware because of it
Heres mines, haven't been since I was 19 and I am 26 now (7 years)
Blurry pic, but I can still see the rot.
Damn OP got a similar front tooth, that's what happens when you ignore those wisdom teeth.
They seem normal to me. You brush every day right?
Clean your fucking teeth you degenarets
It is fucked up even more from the inside. I'm a heavy smoker, though. Thought about cleaning it in a few days.
teeth have been yellow since birth, not much I can do other than bleach them
however, very recently my teeth have become misaligned, my bottom teeth are farther to one side than my top teeth. anyone know how to fix this? do I need braces?
I should mention that just because there's nothing I can do about the yellowness, I still brush every day
satan wants to make sure you have good dental hygiene
lmao what
dental plaaan
are braces free in your country?
God damn 4500€ in France.