Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Cuz I just did for an hour and a half

Dota is superior in every possible way.

Cuz pay to win games are gay

Because I hate mobas

ya and you probably only play fucking shooters you silver three in csgo faggot

lol its not pay to win at all.



A community of raging 12 year olds doesn't really attract me.

Dota is better anyway, though cba with that either. A community of elitist jerks has it's own faults aswell.

what have you started.

Whatever man...just dont like mobas thats all

Ty based Carl

Because It straight sucks dick that's why.

> Fags


It's actually kind of impressive how Riot have managed to cuck their fanbase so hard that they not only believe that having to buy heroes and runes isn't P2W but they actually go out of their way to defend it.

If you're going to play a MOBA you might as well commit to one that has a higher skill ceiling, more mechanics and doesn't fuck you in the ass with their monetisation.

Also less poor people playing it since you can't run it on a toaster like you can with lel.

>not 12
>not autistic
>my attention span is greater than the length of a spongebob segment

That should do it.

Because when you played the really old versions and with the new patches and meta's the game has just turned into a shit fest of raging 12 year olds and no sense of accomplishment at the end. Everything is just predetermined. 10-15 minutes of farming, 5-10 minutes of team-play, the rest is just one team dominating over the other. There's the occasional game that is somewhat equal skill and is fun.


i can afford real games

I left when you got banned for being mean whatsoever. There is no vpice chat so you have to try to communicate by pings like an autistic foreigner

because overwatch is more fun