Is there any point living if you're not wealthy...

Is there any point living if you're not wealthy? Ever since moving out from parents the only things I can afford is rent and food which leaves me nothing for any activities

What do you want to do?

It'd be nice to at least be able to go out once a week or something with friends but I can't afford an thing, I even had to quit smoking because I couldn't afford them anymore

if you cant go out and do things with friends invite your friends over, if you dont enjoy hanging out with them when youre not at the movies or whatever i wouldnt call them your friends, just people you do things with

If living is your thing (which I assume it is based on you making this thread) leisure time is made when you succeed in the system other people have made.

>inb4 first semester

I'm not even saying it's a bad thing, as it gives some people purpose. If you don't have money, try to take the steps in moving up so you WILL have money.

(again, this is all implying you want to be wealthy, or at least more wealthy than you already are.)

Hope this helped, user.

samefag here, listen to You can do plenty of things and still be poor, but there's no doubt that being wealthy leads to a more interesting life.

Yeah but even if they come over I don't have tv or Internet or anything to do and I can't even afford to have drinks with them anymore

my place is literally my bed and dressers and an old couch

Wait, if you don't have internet then how are you on Sup Forums? Parent's house?

shit bitch play yahtzee, people have been entertaining themselves for thousands of years without fancy gadgets, just each others company

I'm at my parents right now because I dont have any food at my place until I get payed on Thursday

The "point of life" is to make your own meaning. So if you care so much about money I suggest working on your career so in the future your can be both independent (as this too seems to matter to you) as well as afford luxury items or activities.

Sell your soul and dignity, get famous and rich then you can gloat around about your success even though deep down you know you are just a (male) whore in fancy clothing on red carpet.
At least that is how it is in Hollywood.

Oh. What do you do for a living? How much do you get paid/hr?

I'm gonna sound like a depressing emo fag now but no there really is no point living if you're not wealthy. I'm also poor as fuck and want to end this ridiculous life because working and going home to nothing and eating potatoes and pb sandwiches for weeks is getting real sickening

Nigger it takes people years of hard work to save up money to afford luxury items like what was freely given to you at your mummy and daddy's house. You sound like an entitled brat.

Go outside. Enjoy the sunshine. Enjoy a hard days work and pride that you are building your future and saving money.

I work at an auto assembly line and make 11.25 an hour. It's the most boring repetitive job ever

look youre objectively wrong. the point to life is to have grandchildren. thats literally what we are all here for, thats what our ancestors were here for going all the way back to single cell organisms. anything else is just gravy

>saving money

I can't save a dime and I'm in debt big time since moving out

what the fuck could you have done to get yourself into "debt big time", did you at least go to college or something?

Where'd all the debt come from? Student loans I'm guessing but I just want to clear it up before I defend your gender studies degree

No that's way too expensive and I needed to use credit cards so I could buy food and not starve

no you didnt

Why the fuck would you not just live with the parents until you could live a stable life on your own?

Actually I did. In order to move out I had to pay a first and last month's rent which set me back a lot

Because they live in the middle of nowhere and there is nowhere to work or anything

Bullllllllshit. You have parents that let you use their internet but they made you go into debt for top rameen.

you could have gotten free food man, there are tons of places in pretty much every city that will feed people. if you didnt bother to ask for help you only have yourself to blame

There are plenty of outlets for government help, fucking use them.

Ahhh. So op proves himself to be an idiot.

Like what? I work so I can't get welfare or any extra money for free......

And this is about the time you realized you should of educated yourself.

should have

hey we should be clear, how much debt are you in that you consider to be "big time" debt?

Similar situation here OP even my clothes have holes in them and my shoes are falling apart

>tfw homeless people have better looking shoes and clothing than I do

2500$ which will probably never get paid off

Sorry OP. Looks like you already fucked your life up beyond repair. So when will you end your misery and kill yourself?
Please note that the helium exit bag method no longer works due to manufacturers putting oxygen in the tanks now. I recommend a shotgun.
>hey. Maybe you can buy one on credit :-D

LOL do you seriously think 2500 is an insurmountable debt? also how the FUCK could you have spent 2500 on food? i could make 2500 feed for 6 months easy jesus fucking christ

I've lived on my own for almost 3 years......

Masturbation is free

wow you are complete shit. i thought this was something like you just moved out and had a hard time getting to your feet. after 3 years you have absolutely no excuse. move into a cheaper apartment, stop eating fucking steak

I eat cheap as fuck food, potatoes, ramen, cheap frozen chicken thighs on sale, eggs and rice

do you only work part time? something isnt adding up here bro

Yeah same here I look homeless because my clothes are faded and years old

Op is a moron. Suicide is clearly his only option. Mommy and daddy didn't raise him right and he is weak.
>I recommend the shotgun op

I work 40 hours a week

alright, so all in one post lets clear some stuff up here. how much do you make per hour? what do you spend on rent? now how much do you spend on utilities? whats your grocery bill, and how often do you buy?

11.25 an hour and rent is 925 a month for a bachelor apartment that has hydro and water included and my grocery bill is around 40$ a week, I don't drive because that's just way too expensive

No point in trying to help op. He is beyond the realm of simple financial advice. He needs the kind of assistance only a 9mm to the brainstem can provide.
>come on op. Think about it. All your suffering can go away in an instant. All it takes is for you to let go.

you make 1800 a month before taxes, your expenses are listed as 1,085. do you honestly expect me to believe you get taxed at 50% starting to agree with you

I have to pay to get to work obviously because I don't have a bicycle or a car and that costs me 25$ a day


Ok op. Kill yourself. Come on. For real nigga. This is no joke.

OP how much do you usually spend on food per month? I get by with less than 50

To be honest if I were you I'd an hero

Im considering it today while I'm at my parents because my dad hunts and has rifles here unlocked

OP your best bet is to try and rob a bank or something because you have nothing to lose my man

Ok, the flaw in your logic is that life is about you. It's not. When you are not working, go volunteer at a hospital, homeless shelter, or whatever. If you are able to get joy from helping others, you're set for a fulfilling life. If not, than you are worthless, and the world is better off without you.

But most people, and likely you, are better than that. You likely will find joy in helping others. Good luck op.

Besides, we'll all be dead in the blink of an eye anyway. Existence is hilariously finite.

Around 40 dollars but I'm in ontario canada and everything is expensive here

Goddamit dude, just work hard and get a well paying job, it's not hard.

The singular reason you are not well off is because you're lazy.

dude do you take a taxi to work every day or some retarded shit like that?

dude are there has got to be other options out there for you. a few of my friends who barely graduated high school got warehouse jobs starting at the same wage you're at. Within less than a year of being at the same company they get their forklift licenses and bumped up to $18/hr. i know that's not exactly an amazing pay rate but a big step up from where you're at which will give you at least enough to get you some internet and a few drinks with your bros

Rifles are doable. Remember to put the gun barrel in your mouth and aim slightly upwards. The goal is the brainstem but it's always better to hit a little higher than lower. The only thing is NEVER hit to the left or right or you won't die. Use a mirror when lining up the shot. Don't use your foot to pull the trigger. Sit in a chair and rest the gun on the ground for stability. Position head over gun like you are sucking a cock. Which lets be honest, based on all your previous posts, probably won't be something new for you. See you in hell faggot. That or I hope in the next life you get reincarnated as someone with common financial sense.

No it's because I don't have any connections to get a good job, all my friends have good paying jobs because there parents hooked them up or family members did

18/hr is damn good pay, enough to support a family of 4

Bullshit, just work harder.

yea blame everyone else, that will fix everything

that really depends on where you live

Maybe you have nothing because of your shit attitude and blaming others for your problems.

Yeah I have to

i suppose youre right, i can only say with certainty in nebraska that will support a family of four

find a closer job, take buses, buy a god damn bike, you do not HAVE to take a taxi youre just being a lazy cunt
>select all images with a bus

Kek if it wasn't hard wed all be rich m8. I'm in the same situation as OP and there's no getting ahead in life we live a sad existence which will end in suicide when we've had enough

People people. I think we are missing the real point of this thread. Op has fucked his life up and his only option is to an hero. We are supposed to do the honorable thing and help him come to terms with this so he can die with what's left of his dignity.

Then PLEASE kill yourself. It'd improve the economy, open up housing and provide some gaffs.

It IS that easy, as long as you're not weak and stupid.

There is no closer jobs it's basically my only option of employment

I'm killing myself with cigarettes opiates and alcoholism

Kill yourself faster

at least you spend a nickle from time to time :)

Have you ever had a gf or anything OP?

You're obviously on the Internet, lying faggot.

Also if you are spending money on these things you are wasting money. Please kill yourself op. Do the world a favor.

>tfw can't even afford alcohol

I wouldn't be as miserable if I could afford to get drunk everyday

No I'm a 29 year old virgin

That wasn't me I don't have money to drink or smoke

Kill yourself and ruin your parents after rating food they kindly provided.


Probably not a real question and just wanna troll but real talk right here if any of really think like this.

Be grateful that you EXIST. Do you know what a small fucking chance it is that you are even here? I mean, you are YOU. And you are alive. Sitting on a big ass ball of stone being hurled through space. You have evolved from and still share an ancestry with EVERYTHING else on this earth.

Life is rare in the universe, and for YOU to be alive is even rarer. Nobody else is you. Nobody else is living your life. It's yours. Be grateful. Breathe. Stop hurrying around. Life is not that long, and we monkeys only live around 80 years. That's not long at all. Enjoy it. Be kind, love yourself.

That's all folks. Existing and being kind to everything is the bare minimum for a great life.

Well fuck there isn't any point continuing this life and I have the option of a gun now

some people don't live enjoyable lives

I understand but sometimes you have to think about someone else when the outcome is as serious as that. You're unbeleivably selfish if you think it's woth it to out your parents in never ending misery.

It can also get getter. This time next year you could to having the time of your life. I was in a similar position to you and my life is slowly getting better.

Sure, some hands of cards are more difficult than others. Most people don't realize the absolute fucking wonderful insanity of just -being alive- though. It's a miracle, and even if you get dealt a shitty hand it's still possible to find peace and contentment inside.

nope, just kys now

I know what you mean but if I left a note about how miserable I am I think they would understand why I did it and not feel bad about it

Yep that would make it ok, they won't feel the loss of a son because he had a good reason.

Thats what I'm thinking, if they really knew how miserable I am they'd understand

wouldn't that be better than him just blowing his head off?



You don't get sarcasm.

Where do you live? I make less then that and I can still afford things. I was even able to buy a new phone recently.

OP spends $500 on taxi rides to get to work.

You could BUY A CAR for that amount of money, you moron.

OP has to be trolling. He HAS to be, otherwise he's the most incompetent chump who ever lived.