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Wow. That's really hot.

Why is that faggot wearing granny clothes?

I don't know, user. I just want the video because of Jessi Slaughter.

shes legal?
if not you done goofed

>Jessi Slaughter

Are you sure it's her?

She's legal and sucking off trannies.
Life is good!

Yep, just look at a newer picture of her.



nah just nah
dont post it ever again

She's disgustng but there's something slutty and broken about her that makes her fuckable.

vid on motherless yet?

More like fatherless amirite


i already told you to not post that bullshit


Her family was so fucked up I see this vids nowadays and it doesn't surprise me.

You know, it's normal to think the internet destroyed this woman's life,.....but sometimes I think if not because of the net she would have committed suicide while in the pre-teen years.
I don't know, man.

she was a attention whore
she asked for it

We need a sauce with audio

From bein edgy on the internet to jerking off middle aged trannies that are probably serial killers. What a transformation.

Aye. Still wanna see her get fucked tho.

I bet her father would be proud.Now that she's legal not even the cyberpolice can stop her selfdestruction.

creampie gangbang when?

Is she really legal now? When is she gonna start sucking black dicks on camera?

Fucking LOL

That thing that she's jerking/sucking looks like a psychopath.

so thats what it has come to

good job, Sup Forums

r.i.p. jess

allways pleased to help out.

You sound surprised. Pretty much anyone who gave her enough attention could have fucked her. Now that she's fat and her best work is behind her, she gets attention from middle aged trannies.


Who is she?

this is just sad.

Sup Forums really messed her up.

A roast beef sandwich with a webcam.

jesus... it looks like she's jerking off herself but with a penis...

post more op


Anyone got her getting covered in cum?

Here you go user.

someone give her back story im courious

Well holy shit, this caught me off guard.

Get out.

She's a trainwreck and i can't look away



1/4 cup mayonnaise.
1/4 cup spicy mustard.
3 to 4 tablespoons poppy seeds.
3 tablespoons grated onion.
1 tablespoon horseradish mayonnaise.
Dash of Worcestershire.
12 soft hamburger buns, sliced in half.
1 pound thinly shaved roast beef.

There you go.


not her


If only she would have stayed slim and slightly chubby instead of turning in to grim donald.

shes so fucking sexy to me and i know she shouldnt be wtf


reminder that the fact that she got legal a couple days ago doesn't mean posting the videos of when she was underage stops being child porn

Sup Forums made her into what she is today, probably the closest to a daughter we will get.

moar op

this video made me rage
dude has her on stream and the second she starts pushing a dildo up her pussy, he has nothing better to do than switch to Sup Forums and post about it... god damn neckbeards


imo there should be a provision that if you take pictures of yourself while underage and keep those hidden, but then make the conscious decision to sell/make those public after turning 18, that should be perfectly legal

yes, I realize that's not what's happening here, but that seems like a really good market opportunity for some young girls looking to make some college money off of some pedos/hebes

post video

>you'll never have this downy bounce up and down on your lap while moaning unstopably

why even live?

How old are you?

I agree, you shouldn't live. You're a waste of oxygen. Commit suicide and make the world a better place.

I've fucked worse


Agreed. Here is the neckbeard in question.

Change the AFI shit to BOtDF and this is accurate.



Where are these from?

jessie posts them to get attention but holds out on 90% of the content


Do a google image search on this one. You're welcome.

If she had half a brain she could make some decent cash off of exploiting herself. Instead the fat lazy cunt does this. How long before she loses a leg to diabetes?

and then what

I'd pay to see her bring herself off. Or watch her on mfc, yet she does none of those things. Just sits in her basement feeling sorry for herself.

>does a reverse image search on the thumbnail
>being this retarded

Girls with her body type usually have some semblance of an ass. She obviously never gets up off that fucking thing.

is she finally legal?

not just posting the link
>>hurr durr muh sekrit club

Yes. Finally legal and loving the cock even if she claims she wants one of her own.

lurk more fag

it was't us cyberpolice goofed her

>someone give her back story im courious

How's your Summer going Newfriend?


i just realized who she is.

how was soccer, you posting this comment from your mum's minivan while on the way to get ice-cream?
been enjoying your summer?
well fuck off to 9fag you worthless fucking nigger

Only insecure teenagers say this.

>Only insecure teenagers say this.

aawwww did i make you cry Summer friend?

One day when you're not so NEW you'll understand.

So much insecurity.


this is Sup Forums fag, deal with it or gtfo and please stop acting like some mature douchebag

The true american story: A nice naughty girl who becomes a big fat whore. Why, dear America?

I've been coming here for 11 years now. See, the thing about actual oldfags is that we're not proud. Wasting your life in this shithole isn't something to try and gloat about.
How old are you? Be honest.

how do i contact her?

processed food and an unhealthy addiction to memes

Not even she would fuck you.

Ooohhh do I detect..... SALT!


Found the 15 year old virgin.



you detect truths.

Yall niggas age detectors are broken as shit, just turned 21.... niggaas