Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I am trying to find a scene from a movie.

There are two friends, male and female. They meet this older man and they all shoot up good stuff on a couch together

I saw this movie a long time ago with a friend and cant remember what its called for the life of me.

also general junkie thread i guess

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So vague, OP.

Pulp Fiction? Zoolander? Breaking Bad?

Was Heath Ledger in it..? Maybe it's from Candy

Definitely candy with heath ledger. Good aussie film also stars Geoffrey rush

requiem for a dream? blow?

Requiem for a dream?

Yes! Thanks guys. Was this scene


is it worth watching? Im bored and looking for a good movie

Yeah its fairly good

This was a good drug movie


gonna shoot up some subutex soon, only 10mins or so..

broke up with my gf and general depression have made me feel way worse than in many years of using drugs.


You dont mean trainspotting? And the older man isnt bruce willis?

Hmmm....just got onto subutex myself....I'm on day 3...been thinking about banging one, but all I keep seeing is people say to use a "wheel filter" and I don't have access to those...what do you use user???

Banging subs eh, I hear alot of ppl do that. Never used the needle myself. But I definetly abuse opiates ive been on suboxone maintence for the past few months. Down to 4mg now, havent touched a real opiate since.

You MUST watch tidelandnd its crazy!

I have filtered in the past.. but man if you just inject sometimes you dont need a filter. been shooting without filter for the past 2 months now, no problem in the vein and in the same spot always.

and I need to add im from Finland. we dont have heroin here. just shitloads of subutex on the streets... from France or Estonia mostly.

Ofc there is Oxycontin in the streets but its costs 1mg = 1 euro

so 80mg oxy is like what, 70-80 dollars?

and you can use a cigarette filter also, thats what many ppl do here. and isnt there a place where they supply people with free needles and filters? like in most countries.

Most countries, but I'm in a small city in the US and we don't have shit here:/ Bigger cities have needle exchanges & safe havens where you can get all your gear, but not these stupid little towns like mine:/ Don't you worry about particles from the subs getting in your veins??? Or do they dissolve in the water??? I just ask cause any pill I've ever shot had tons of cut/binder crap in them and I wouldn't have been able to even suck that stuff up without a filter

they dont completely dissolve, but it goes smoothly into water. ofc its not safe if u shoot everyday without filtering, but well i dont give a fuck atm. tho mby I start filtering now on.

But I mean you can buy filters and gear from Pharmacies, thats for sure(?)

so yeah my point is that subutex is not like some other pills which cant be shot without filtering. I just threw 1mg into pump, shook it with my hand for 30 seconds and shot it. No problemo.

Lol thats cheap as fck man. Where I live street price for an oxy80 is 160$ some cocksuckers even pay 200$ not even kidding.. hydromorph reds are 100 each. Its fucking robbery.