Okay Sup Forums psychedelic thread

Okay Sup Forums psychedelic thread.

I plan on tripping on some hbwr seeds (pic related) tomorrow & wanted to see if you guys had any recommendations for what I should do for the first few hours of my trip. I've done these seeds before but never any other psychedelic besides weed. Towards the end of my trip I'm planning on participating in a Netflix & chill type situation but I have quite a few hours of tripping before that, so what does Sup Forums recommend I do to pass that time?



>hbwr seeds

Don't waste your time.

Firstly... Grow urself some magic mushrooms, you can buy the kits online and they are really easy to grow.
Next. Listen to some grateful dead or watch the trip with Ken Kesey and the merry pranksters.

I've been taking them every three days or so for the past month and I love the things. I dont know why they get such a bad rap on the internet, they're cheap and fun. As long as you scrape the outer shell enough, you can bypass the majority of the nausea that comes with the comeup.

Have you done LSA before? Do you have much experience with psychedelics. It's not a very good drug. It's pretty dirty and can have nasty sides especially at higher doses. If you keep the dose lower it might be neat. I don't plan my trips so I can't really recommend anything to do other than go outside son. Just beware that 40g of morning glory seeds had me puking and shitting liquid later into the trip. It was dirty and not interesting visually. It gave me a bit of a mindfuck but it was more of just feeling overall retarded.

>every three days
what the fuck are you doing?

Did these last month. Great trip all day while my gf was at work. I laid in bed for a few hours listening to music and ate some candy. Then just watched pans labyrinth and some other TV. Towards the end I just felt really stoned so I walked to get some grub. It was raining out and it felt awesome to walk through. How are you taking them? Are you extracting the LSA, or just eating them hole?

Insert everything you see that is longer than it is wide into your anus