The email scandal

The email scandal...

Okay, I don't usually pay much attention to politics, but this seems pretty big, so please tell me if I have this right...

We now have different laws between the common people and our political leaders?
Wasn't that one of the biggest deals going back centuries? Or at least in the USA -- didn't our founders consider it VERY important that the leaders are subject to the same laws as we are???

As I understand it, the FBI guy said that WE (the people) WOULD NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS, BUT SHE CAN.

WTF is going on?

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It's shit, nothing else to do but to mail or email your state reps and to tell th r m to fuck Hillary.

>>Sup Forums

in the past, the govt leaders made some sort of effort to conceal how corrupt they really were. They sometimes made mistakes and fucked it up, but for the most part they kept a decent mask over their bullshit.

now a days I guess they see that mask as wasted time, as most will forget within a month or two anyway, or are so apathetic bu this point they will not care.

They have always been able to do whatever they wanted, but now they just do it out in the open, and still run/win the election.

Bush did worse things than this, but wasn't caught and it didnt turn into a huge event. So he slipped under the radar like they usually do.

Hillary literally has the head of the FBI and the law in her pocket. She is immune to the rules.

There have been different rules for people in the spotlight. Do you remember when they let the double murderer OJ free?

Yeah, I know what you mean, but if I have this right, they are CHOPPING AT THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE COUNTRY.

Like I said, I don't pay much attention to politics, but this seems like it's something I should be worried about....????

>She is immune to the rules.

WHY DOESN'T THIS CAUSE A REVOLUTION????????????????????????????????????????????????

didn't she just adopt 90% of bernies policies and 10% of trumps?
or was I dreaming that speech?

The Clintons get away with everything. Theres a long list of deeds and dead bodies left behind. The guy from the U N who was going to testify against her just happened to have his throat crushed the day before, it was ruled a heart attack. Probably the most famous of their scandles was Vince Foster who had dirt on them. But he was found with his hands tied behind his back and 2 bullets to the back of his head, it was ruled to be a suicide. kek

Not alot of people know you idiots. It's not a subject people are educated on. You can litterally stop the masses from voting cunton if the news were huge like the stupid black lives matter bullshit.

Apathy. Most are either unaware, aware but have no idea how to proceed, or aware and simply do not care.

America is neutered. We have distractions, drugs and poisoned food to keep us dumb and weak. What would you do to start one?

We have the internet to organize ourselves, but people have been doing that for a while already and nothing really came from it.

America needs another revolution. But they are too fat, dumb and controlled to do it. However there are some cracks showing now I will admit. People are getting angry about their standing.

The fact that the people have not exploded in outrage tells me that you STUPID FUCKS deserve whatever the fuck happens.


Because most people like her and/or dont care. Laws are just what most people want and if most people want them not to get in trouble then they wont.

>We now have different laws between the common people and our political leaders?

As if this isn't how it has always been since societies began. As if even many animal societies don't do the exact same thing. How young and stupid are you?
implying.gif blah blah

Spot on

No, you're just wrong.

>As if this isn't how it has always been

Yeah, I know, but this is.... so blatant. AND THEY'RE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Doesn't that worry you?

>but this is.... so blatant

It always is. Just because you're just now noticing doesn't mean it hasn't always been there.


No fucking duh. They always have and maybe always will. How are you going to stop it? That's right, you aren't. And that's why they'll get away with it. Who will stop them?

There are two things that keep the powerful in line:
1. Other powerful people.
2. If they fuck shit up bad enough eventually the masses revolt.

Until you see the masses revolting just hope other powerful people want things a way that helps you a little. Beyond that you are fucked.

>Who will stop them?

Trump is one of them you stupid fuck.

Lol if you think laws apply the same to the elite as they do to the rest of us.

I was on the fence about Trump but holy shit we are fucked if hillary gets in power.

rigged.. clintons are too powerful.. shrillary is a freaking disaster.. horrible senator, worse sec of state. we are fucked if she wins.. vote trump

No he isnt. He is a dirty business man not a dirty politician. He will let off different people.

thats why all the career politicians are so happy he got the nom, lol

Nah not like Hillary she's an evil cunt

im with you on that one.. she is the worst of the worst.

First if the Department of Justice were to pursue would be an insta-win for Trump. Second, if the Democrats bicker about this, they lose big time as well. Third, most of this is trumped up Republican bullshit like Benghzi, so it's gonna be years of trials with no proof.

It's always been this way. Since, like, the beginning of civilization. Shut up and accept it.

how is benghzi bs? those people were killed and she blamed it on a freaking video..

People like you are the precise reason that people like her take advantage of everyone else. How's it feel to be so completely worthless and spineless?

Ok, it is like this.

The FBI guy said if she worked for any organization she may have been fire or otherwise chastised, not arrested.

It was neither illegal, nor against the rules setting up that email server. It was, in fact, safer then the "official" route (which was hacked).

She attempted no cover-up, everything was transparent, and the "classified" content n the emails were not of sufficient issue to warrant an investigation.

These are all facts. Deal with it.

>if the Department of Justice were to pursue would be an insta-win for Trump.

why is this the DOJs problem and not hillaries ? Why did she choose to run if she knew she might be indicted ?

>It was neither illegal, nor against the rules setting up that email server
Yes it was dummy.

>It was, in fact, safer then the "official" route
No it wasnt. It wasnt even as safe a gmail.

>She attempted no cover-up, everything was transparent,
They found emails they didnt turn over after claiming they gave them everything and her lawyers destroyed evidence.

Benghzi itself was a mess...but it was purely political to absurdity to pin it on her. Like she lit up a blunt and let those suckas burn because she didn't feel like it.

>She attempted no cover-up

she purged thousands of e-mails from her servers *before* turning it over to the government investigators. If you did this you'd be put in jail for obstruction of justice.

>Like she lit up a blunt and let those suckas burn because she didn't feel like it.
She doesnt smoke so as it was going down and people were dying she went to bed.

They both are. Trump is a greedy, selfish, asshole who is in it for himself. He may not be political establishment, but he's still establishment. He's part of the business class. He grew up in it. He ain't fixing shit that doesn't benefit him.

I see you are using the classic "I am rubber you are glue" defense.

Nothing illegal happened. Any emails thought lost were recovered and lo and behold nothing of consequence.

And yes it may not have been as safe as a gmail, but it was actually safer then it would have been on the official server which was hacked.

These are facts.

It's called being the 1%. The law no longer applies to you.

Such is life in the Oligarchy of America.

What does the DOJ gain by putting their integrity and jobs on the line by know kowtowingto Republican interests? I imagine the top cops to not beat a dead horse they killed themselves.

Like it hasn't always been so that those in power and those really rich have different laws than us average joes.

Embezzle tens/hundreds of millions? Slap on the wrist. Rob a grocery store for maybe a thousand? Rot in prison for 15.

Holy shit! Corruption in politics?!?! Surely, you jest, good sir.

Republican leaders seemed to sleep just fine when thousands of troops died in Iraq over a lie about WMD's. Guess that's different though.

Did you even listen to the FBI press conference where they went over this point by point and said she did everything you are saying she didnt?

There were WMD in Iraq. They are now in Syria. The CIA, under George Bush (Sr.) sold them to Saddam when he was our friend. We also sent in medical teams to review the results of the chemical weapons he used on the Kurds.

Snowden intentionally releases classified information and is called a hero.

Clinton accidentally releases classified information and deserves to go to jail for life.

Make up your minds, faggots.

That kool-aid must be delicious.

Even if true none of that changes the fact that we sent thousands of our troops to their deaths over a lie about them STILL being there.

People cannot stand some incident that you cannot pin on the highest authority possible (that suits their political taste). Ideally it would be pinned on Obama, but he is a lame duck president, go after Clinton who will be running for president.

Snowden made the public aware that the government were spying on them.

She was a fucking idiot.

Technically they both deserve punishment but Snowden can be excused because it was for the greater good.

Snowdens nit a hero hes a traitor everything he released was common knowledge from the bush era they are both traitors and should be locked up for treason




>he once had WMD's
>there's no intel that he still has them
>he must have them
>send troops, thousands die, find no WMD's
Okay bro.

If i learn you have a gun. Never hear you got rid of it. Is it unreasonable for me to assume you still have the gun?

>As I understand it, the FBI guy said that WE (the people) WOULD NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS, BUT SHE CAN.

You don't even remotely understand it. You're allowed to run your own email server also. No one will arrest you for that, idiot.


>Alex Jones
*shudders* Get that filth out of here. He's just another one of them. Mixing lying and the truth so he can get rich of the stupid masses.

Bad Intel vs. Pic Related to thread

No because there was no gun in the first place and you were lied to.

That's essentially what she did. It boiled down to her responsibility and when it started she said fuggit and went to bed. Probably slept like a baby too

> democracy


They new he didn't. They made up 'proof' that he still did. You don't go to war over "um maybe he still has them."


Lol, fuck Hillary but this is just nonsense

Nixon participated in or was involved in:
political burglary
obstruction of justice
destruction of evidence
tax fraud
illegal use of government agencies such as the CIA and the FBI
illegal campaign contributions
use of public money for private purposes

But lets forget all of that to shit on Hillary.

>I learn you had a gun 15 years ago
>I have no intel that you still don't have a gun
>I come to your house, ram in your door, fuck your mom up the ass, and fill you with an entire clip from an AR-15
>I don't find the gun
Seems alright.

>she a good girl
>she dindu nuffin

lol you left out the illegal killing of hundreds of thousands of people in southeast asia , but he never got punished for that.

I'd say the ass fucking and AR clip would be excessive but the search under those pretenses would be warranted.

Ok, you start.

Seriously, if you just look at the state of the world, we are approaching the perfect storm for a revolution.

We have income inequality worse than what led to the French Revolution, viral police abuse with backlash, and the Middle East problems. Do you feel it in the air? People are on edge. All sides are eager for a revolution.

The kegs are in place, just need someone to light the fuse.

The truth about Benghazi that no one is allowed to talk about is the CIA gun running program. Libyan State Dept Buildings were used as a cover to illegally arm "moderate" rebels... They knew most were going to ISIS. This is why the QRF was delayed. The CIA didn't want to get caught with their pants down... It was leaked later but the media buried it. Clinton and Obama should hang for treason. Arming the enemy is a no go.

You guys are so fucked.
We all know how horrible and corrupt the clintons are but fuck face trump is no better. He's financially corrupt, if he's in watch him piledrive your economy worse, inspire hate and fear all over the country, drive your only educated peaceful fellow citizens either north or south out of the country.

USA has two choices


Fuck em both. Gary Johnson 2016.

>As I understand it, the FBI guy said that WE (the people) WOULD NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS, BUT SHE CAN.

Well yeah, he essentially said he would not recommend taking acton as it would take too much time and money and the likelyhood of beating a Clinton is almost impossible and could even result in death. He never said what she did was legal. He exposed her live.

This ensures we feel the Hillary.

the way it has always been and always will be

Fuck your two party system.

The Iraq war was a "search"? lol

yeah we need a ukip and a labor party.

Feel the Johnson


Yall see the deal about the DNC staffer that got whacked? Word is he was in deep on the emails, about to blow the whistle on it and voter registration fraud. Now he's laughing it up with Vince Foster.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."

No laws were broken.

As said, someone could be punished by an organization (aforementioned sanctions) but that is not what the issue is.

Her status as white, rich, and politically powerful had nothing to do with whether charges should be filed.

I suggest you listen to the fucking words next time, moron.

You know what happened last time cracks started showing? Occupy. You know what came of it, ultimately? Not much. The media stopped covering it seemingly all at once, and within a couple of months the movement disappeared. Amazing what law enforcement can get away with when the media is deliberately turning a blind eye.

Change for the better ain't happening any time soon.

He swapped out the meaning of "intent" to clear her.

The legal meaning of intent just mean she meant to put the emails on the server. Her action of doing that made them vulnerable and that is against the law

He used it as intent to make them vulnerable which she didnt.

If i drive drunk and kill a kid i will be charged with murder because i intended to drive drunk even tho i didnt intend to kill the kid.

Haha, she lied directly to the congressional hearing committee or whatever the fuck. She should be in prison either way, at the very least her security clearance revoked. People have done much less than her and still had that shit taken away.

>As said, someone could be punished by an organization

she could be punished by the voters not voting to nominate her. Oh , but its too late for that and she's running against a completely unqualified buffoon. I seriously hope trump wins. Seeing his smug face on election night would be a great moment in history.

No political leader wants to tackle that since to be powerful you need the support of all the fucking idiots that are rich and get put into office. You need to be a millionaire to win an election.

not to mention that both Trump and HIllary are corporate shills that will increase the inequality. Its about to go down

Yes, surely was she did was against the law according to the asshole of the internet.

When the director of the fbi says nothing illegal happened he must wrong.

*jack off motion*

That actually would have been perfect. That first sentence is EXACTLY what should have happened. None of this scandal, should be in jail nonsense.

Her "organization" (we, the people) chose not to punish her.


No you don't. You need the support of people with power. But you don't have to be a millionaire yourself (though sure it helps). But if you ARE a millionaire, you're one of them anyways. You aren't throwing away your millions to fight the power, you ARE the power.

Thats what he said in the last 5 min. The first 10 was going over exactly how she did break the law. Making it clear that she did break the law but that he couldnt do anything about it.

She's going to be your president for the next eight years bro.
Better get used to it.

I agree. All I'm saying is surmounting a reasonable force to feel the Johnson ensure 100% fact that Hillary wins by a landslide.