BLM thread. Lets argue some more.
BLM thread. Lets argue some more
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There is no point. BLM is a radical, supremacist, terrorist organization that is solely fueled by victimization and blame.
I'm glad I own a gun.
Look at this brave woman. Surely this is comparable to a Chinese guy standing against a column of tanks while thousands are killed by the government.
America is fucked, looks like you'll finally get your coveted civil war 2.0
god's speed murritards
Explain to me why if they cared about black lives, why do they only concentrate on the every 6 month black guy killed in a altercation with cops and not the dozens of blacks killed each week in just Chicago alone?
Do you live in an area prone to chimp outs?
I don't get why this bitch is so famous now. Like what did she do
youtube /watch?v=_-Rv1aoPx7Y
Watch some of these dindus tucker it out in their natural habitat. Guaranteed Keks.
I wonder if BLM followers that honestly want to bring racism to light and seek equality now feel like the people that wanted to preserve a flag from their heritage.
A unique individual who wanted to support something they believed in with honest intention only to have racists argue against them but not addressing the main issue which caused other racists to join their side and make the issue worse.
I see a future of blood running in the America's streets. I see the sane and the logical hanging from every lamp post. I see wild eyed libertarian survivalists dashing for the burned out supermarket, hoping to find another heavily armed psychopath crouching in the remains of the frozen foods, so at least there'll be one last good old fashioned all-american shootout before they both starve to death. I see idiots and ugliness winning by the mile, proud captains of a boat with a hole in the bottom.
It's fun to argue tho my favorite and most thought provoking argument made by nig nog dindos is "you mad white boi" whomever thought this one up deserves a research grant in ethnic studies! Inb4 you mad white boi
Same reason feminazis focus on men who make sexist jokes rather than countries were women are treated like slaves, same reason the gays focus on a christian who wouldnt bake a cake rather than Islam which slaughters them in droves. Entitled millennials who want an easy target.
Killing cops is now a hate crime.
>terrorist organization
>Believing in this meme
Hmm yes millenials are a bunch of pussies. They try to start shit with people who won't kick their ass. Any push back they cry home to mommy who reassures their snowflake that the mean old world can't disagree with them
the south was right
hitler was right
we fought two wars on the wrong side and now look at our country.
constant anti white bs in the media and movies.
minorities allowed to act however they want when we get labled racist over the smallest infraction.
our sons being forced to be feminine leading our nations to be weak
our daughters told to act like sluts to please foreign men,.
history being rewritten so our achievements can be handed over to people who can't even feed their own children.
this is being done on purpose.
stop tolerating those that hate you.
>requires a narcissistic compensation
Is there a more accurate way of describing the modern left?
*Ignores you and reached into pocket*
It was a stunt staged to invoke the image of Tiananmen square, where a single protestor stood in the way of a column of tanks entering the area after the government declared martial law and killed thousands of protestors demanding democratic government.
The parallels are there if you blur the lines enough.
# of kkk members killed blacks last year? 0
# of blm members killed whites last week? 10
Disobeyed law enforcement
Black lives matter activists are not just black people, you fucking worthless shitlord.
>The parallels are there if you drink enough lean
They call for the murder of police and white people. A BLM supporter murdered 5 police officers who were protecting a BLM protest.
A political group that encourages violence and does not explicitly condemn violent actions is a terrorist group.
It is lame as fuck and staged shit dont fucking matter...
That chineese guy was just going home from shopping and decided to take a stand, random.
This shit is cancer.
She looks high.
Except it's just some dumb butch walking up to cops in riot gear responding to her friends looting and destroying the city. It's like please officers let them destroy the city. Dindu nuffin
He was a crazy lone gunman. You think BLM are happy that the police will hate them even more now?
Your bait is absolutely shit. Try harder ass wipe.
The white people are weak bitches who wont be doing much rioting if the shit hits the fan.
Yes. BLM's primary objective is to start a race war.
Damn those lips though. #BlackLipsMatter
Official whitey mad thread: version 2.0
>the cuckboi's strike back
As someone about to devote a year of service to helping under developed and improvised communities in education one of the largest groups being helped is blacks....
Lucky me I got the fucking heart of the fucking swarm any takers wanna guess?
Also AMA about my current job with theses afro Americans
Didn't hear them come out against it. They changed pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon. Wonder what that means
Not that user but surely they wouldnt be retarded enough to think that's a good idea? The whites have more people, more guns, more police and military etc.
>afro americans
How does it feel to be a racist in an attempt to not be racist?
>or terrorist
A cop once beat their granddad, so I'm sure they think it's justified.
That's your opinion. I have seen those fucking idiots in action. They are no different than the black protesters. They share a hivemind sense of destruction and violence. I am not going to underestimate those pieces of shit.
I don't give a fuck I'm not covering it up dipshit. The fact I'm on this post signifies that I have racist tendencies but I have half a brain to to talk properly about you you fucking monkey.
black neighborhoods look like shit. no one takes care of their property, a very larger percentage are constantly high, there mostly fat and lazy and always finding a way to cheat the system setup by whites to help their poor lazy asses. they abuse all forms of social outreach. their entire culture is bragatry and envy. if you want to matter start with your house>street>neighborhood. stop asking for instant gratification which at this point i dont even know wtf blacks want because BLM doesn't mean shit. contribute to society then we'll talk.
>I wonder if BLM followers that honestly want to bring racism to light and seek equality now feel like the people that wanted to preserve a flag from their heritage.A unique individual who wanted to support something they believed in with honest intention only to have racists argue against them but not addressing the main issue which caused other racists to join their side and make the issue worse
Nope think west coast
Keep believing that. Your buttfrustration just makes me stronger.
A modern race war isn't going to end in the eradication of one race. It will be put down in a few days with military action.
The point is to show the government in a bad light to the rest of the world.
I agree. This picture was stabbed right from the get go. It's retarded. She's blocking a road illegally. Obviously if you're going to impede traffic and refuse to move, someone's gonna have to move you, for you. Black people are fucking retarded. I honestly think 95% of niggers have this degenerative gene that stops them from being a normal functioning member of society.
Are you looking forward to receiving zero respect from the black population because you dare to try and help them?
>BLM thread. Lets argue some more.
Why? I think the Bureau of Land Management is doing a fine job.
Can't corner them.
Real talk I wanted to help Mexicans and poor Asians. I ended up being located with the blacks because of some other bullshit. I know they probably won't care about the help. At least I get document it and laugh my ass off as I get paid to watch them do stupid shit.
Didnt she get arrested?
Not to forget, they're racist against white people!
If you try hard you may be able to find a shittier version of that
Why the lol?
There's a screenshot of an user who worked at a black school. In the end he pretty much gave up trying to care and accepted they didnt want to improve their lives. I'll see if I can find it.
I believe she's been released
He actually wanted to keep the slaves dumbfuck
Right but the Tiananmen Square man did the same thing.
The issue with the comparison isn't a mechanical one, it is a contextual one. The BLM protest group in America is a muddled message of equality with no clear goals that is being drowned about by racist claims and actions conducted by its own members. The Tiananmen Square protestors were demanding democratic representation from a corrupt totalitarian government that was running the country into the ground.
They are not even remotely the same.
Cops are underqualified to deal with very high tense situations.
Vast majority of them aren't racists seeking to kill black people.
They're spooked as fuck. They've seen the dumbest of dumb shits do dumb shit and almost cost them their own lives.
They ain't gonna take chances with the next potential dumb shit.
It's the same with the antifaschista in germany, the media covers up all the violence that happen at their protests but as soon as one thing happens at a "pegida" protest it's all over the media! It's so obvious, that the media is controlled by left winged activists and politicians.
black lives matter
Debating this dumb bitch on Reddit. I've been polite up til now, should I just give up and call her a fucking retard?
This I believe is at the heart of the problem
>admitting to being on Reddit
Literally..........kill yourself.
Just ask her to prove it.
I actually have statistics from my job that proves the main issues with racial discontent among black communities.
TL;DR the system is no longer trying to stop blacks from growing up and want to bring a productive member into the system. The real cause is blacks being under educated and counter productive amongst themselves
But if cops shoot someone, they are racist? That's what we hate about you niggers. You say the actions of other groups memebers matter, but yours don't. Fuck BLM, pedophile rights matter, crackhead rights matter, all hail the new bulletproof pedophiles. Get fucked you shrew.
You never even lived around other black people and you know it.
i would run my dick down a cheese grater before i let that happen
A peaceful, law abiding and prosperous community was built with white hands and work ethic.
There's a watermark on the image you fucking moron!
Then you don't actually know the issues. The number of deaths by police compared to violent crime in the U.S. is minute.
The epidemic of crime is the issue.
I can't understand any of this word salad.
Don't be a faggot. There's nothing wrong with her servicing her Master
except for the fact that most of the time theyre unarmed
i hope they bring it...i have some ammo i need to run through