This is your chance to fuck up a very good relationship. This person obviously thinks I'm someone else, so dubs decides what I send this person to make them feel like shit.
This is your chance to fuck up a very good relationship. This person obviously thinks I'm someone else...
Kendra, Stop being a dirty slut. Ik you fucked 3 of my best friends.
Welp, winrar, time to go home
OP here and boy do I love bait and cock. Gee whiz I wish I had a big ol' dick to suck.
Not quite what I had in mind, but I like the attitude. Keep it coming.
Sorry about posting so late, by the way. Both my telephone and my computer are slow as fuck and nothing can be done on them in a reasonable amount of time.
say suk my dick fag or this relationship will not last
nice, i have a minor trolling op right now.
But this chick is a whore, playing 5 guys at once so I gave them all each others numbers.
Certainly not the response I was expecting.
What are you trying to say ?
shit should hit the fan soon, should have started a group chat with them
Holly what are you talking about. She is just my little slut