>everyone saying punk is dead because of shit like pic related
Help me restore my faith, guys. What are the best punk/hardcore/post-hardcore/whatever bands active rn?
>everyone saying punk is dead because of shit like pic related
Help me restore my faith, guys. What are the best punk/hardcore/post-hardcore/whatever bands active rn?
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released September 30, 2016
derivative but pure and inspired
Don't listen to this person. The Indiana scene sucks.
genres don't die
schizos rule
Timing was a big part of punk's appeal. Have you ever noticed that a lot of the classics haven't exactly aged well? I think all of this revival talk is pretentious as all hell, and some of the reason rock music in general is in such a creative rut. Punk was fine, but I'd prefer if we just take what we learned from the genre and continue to innovate, creating newer, fresher sounds. Kind like what punk did y'know like, 30 fucking years ago? Can we please just get on with our lives?
Besides, it's not like the albums you like are going anywhere. Art is immortal.
I get what you're saying but I think you're forgetting a couple of things
- The urge to create, even if it's plain copying what's been done before, will always be with people... not trying to sound deep or anything like that, you know that everyone wants to make something, it doesn't need to be art
- Being original is hard... it takes a healthy brain, a favorable environment and the stimulus for people to be creative...
- At the same time, most people don't care about innovation... most people would "sell out" when given the opportunity... not saying that's good or bad though
- There was something else in my mind but I'm really dizzy idk how I managed to write cohesive shit so far I hope this was a good post oh god
There was a fantastic thread last night with the good shit that wasn't bumped because of a clickbait "Post Ur 10/10 Punk Albumz" thread. You can find it if you so desire.
What was written in the OP? I want to search it in the archive
I'm a cool guy I link you
fuck off with your shitty blog, you fucking idiot
'punk' is dead though. its not youth culture. its been appropriated.
you take the best of punk's diy ethos or sneer or w/e and you apply it somewhere else.
Not super hardcore stuff but Jeff Rosenstock's new album is real fuckin good.
He has at least one hardcore song on there as I recall
Tell that to Grunge.
this basically.
pretty much go to local shows that are on the diy/not pay-to-play side of venues and you'll find plenty of 'punk' bands that don't sound like the stereotypical punk band, but are in fact punk as fuck.
Nails, Trap Them, Weekend Nachos, Wormrot, Homewrecker, Daughters, Full of Hell
Also if you count synth punk the new Health and Street Sects.
Brand New released a new track this year too.
People say punk is dead because it is dead. It doesn't have any musical merit aside from a small handful of bands and it doesn't have any cultural merit. The only cultural merit it had back in the day was based on the fact that it was a counter-culture, how are you supposed to be edgy and contrarian by subscribing to a lifestyle that has become mainstream?
NYC is still thriving
Punk died when these kids parents were toddlers.
Punk got swallowed by that whole "back-to-the-80's" -mentality. Carpenter Brut has more punk to it than your local whiny kiddie band. That teenage band which is just appropriating tropes from 80's (and early 90's) counterculture. Punk died when normies thought it shouldn't evolve.
I don't really know my shit when it comes to punk but I found these guys under the tag #mathrock and love this album desu
2nd track is my personal fav
If anybody can give me more music like this that would be greaaaat
>its the "liquids sound like coneheads!" meme
NWI is great, eat shit you goddamn sponge
Active Hardcore bands:
Touche Amore
Code Orange
Norma Jean
Goodtime Boys
La Dispute
Stray From the Path
dead but pretty recent hardcore:
Comeback Kid
Have Heart
The Chariot
Casey Jones
Also got a long list of Norwegian hardcore
Die a Legend (Die x Legend)
Ondt Blod
Girl Army
Turdus Musicus
Blood Command
Of Grace and Hatred
Social Suicide
haram is the best thing in nyc rn
>all these retards who do not actively listen to punk trying to comment on the state of the genre and culture, while also posting mall "hardcore"
please stop
tell that to nu-metal and other short lived genres of the late 90's/early 00's.
Have Mercy
Tiny Moving Parts
Balance and Composure, i dont like their most recent albums, The things we think we're missed is great tho
William Bonney
You Blew it
Titus Andronicus
Jeff Rosenstock
The Menzingers
World Inferno Friendship Society
That's true, but the musical style is still around. There will probably always be fast, simple, non-blues-based rock music
Ska punk is still alive, my friendo.
>mall hardcore
what's that, might I ask?
Thanks bud
What's some good new ska punk bands? Really dig the genre, but I feel the last decent ska band I liked were ASOB.
>this thread
lel this board has no clue whatsoever about the actual state of punk in the 2010s. it's embarrassing to read.
not that i'm complaining though desu, Sup Forums taints everything it touches anyway.
pic related is probably the most popular hardcore record of the year within actual hardcore scenes yet nobody here ever talks about it
Your daily reminder that all punk is dad rock now.
ok bud
Because it became emblematic of a certain sound rather than an attitude.
The same thing happened with prog and post-rock.
So is radiohead and neutral milk hotel but you guys don't complain
all Sup Forums likes is pop music
Even tho most grunge bands nowadays suck, it ain't dead.
The Dream Is Over, by Pup is a really good straight up punk album and it's from this year
try pop punk
Turnstile, rvivr, beach slang, g.l.os.s.
>not muh real punk
How is it pop punk?
>pop punk isn't punk
you said it, not me
this board is trash
did you have trouble finding your image?
that active """hardcore""" band section made me laugh
code orange is the only actual hardcore band listed and they're just plain boring.
The local punk scene where I'm at is totally not dead. It's just changed. It has a ton to do with dark folk inspired punk songs. Instrumentation includes upright bass, banjo, guitar, fiddle, washboard, and electric guitar.
Pic related, these guys put on incredible live shows. Punk is totally alive and well as long as you participate in your local scene.
folk punk is stuck in 04
folk punk is the worst thing to ever happen to punk
>folk punk is the worst thing to ever happen to music
Punk for me is all about the live show. Hardcore is dead where I'm at and the rockabilly/folk punk scene has the best live shows. I absolutely love this stuff.
These people are almost as bad as the crusties.
I wish them pain and suffering.
Their old washboard player died the other day. Cowboy fell off a balcony back in 2012 and lost his long term memory and could only remember things for 5 minutes and then he'd reboot like a windows pc. Your wish is granted.
>washboard """""""""""player""""""""""
he deserved it
i hate folk punk as much as the next guy but you're a sack of shit
these people are not punks
My problem with the whole "these people are not punks" thing is that everywhere you go punks will tell you that "insert genre of punk" isn't really punk and their scene is where it's really at. Most of them are full of shit and just don't want people to like what they don't like. I just love going to live shows and seeing cool music.
Iron Reagan
Damn, the dude with the striped t-shirt is hot.
not that guy, but check out these guys
I don't get how iron reagan can be so great while new municipal waste is so average.
tell that to rock "music"
Descendents' album was actually decent though
its subgenres are still around
just because it isn't a cookie cutter version of what it was 30 years ago doesn't mean its dead
>Touche Amore
>La Dispute
>Stray From The Path
inb4 underage b&
Black Lips
Sunflowers (Best punk in my country)
A bunch of garage bands that only less than 100 people know but have great sound
I think it's a super group thing.
Kinda like how Down outshines anything by Crowbar, Eyehategod, and (arguably) Pantera.
>Black Lips
What do you mean by hardcore? electronic music harcore or shitty guitar hardcore?
if you cant figure that out from this thread you have a severe learning disability
Local plug. I helped make this video.
You ok?
ok, so it is?
You didn't answer me my question, retard. Are you on ganser by any chance
figure it out yourself you literal autist
why is Stickles so good at writing music but so shit at performing it. and why do The Menzingers have two vocalists when all they need is Greg
Jeff Rosenstock is the greatest punk songwriter of the last 10 years
Arrogant Sons of Bitches -> Bomb the Music Industry! -> Solo stuff
all amazing
Is this shit even punk anymore?
Agreed. Everything he's ever done has blown me away. I keep waiting to be disappointed by him but I've never been let down yet. Worry might actually be the best thing he's ever released. It's at least his best solo work so far.
hardcore punk / youth crew
if you're implying it sounds too much like metal you obviously don't listen to any metal.
all of them were
genres live on in their influence