Currently in the middle of an odd habit that I always inevitably do:
Get drunk on Friday night and try to endure the entirety of trout mask replica.
I can't fucking stand it but I feel obligated to finish it. This might be my 8th attempt.
Currently in the middle of an odd habit that I always inevitably do:
lol you're a fucking pussy
go listen to something you like then
It's a fucking amazing album
I can't understand how retarded someone has to be to feel like you have to "endure" it, instead of appreciating it. If you can't appreciate it then listen to something else. Until you can.
Fix yr life kid
I get drunk by myself every weekend but I don't try to force myself to like something many attempts has told me I don't
t. enjoyer of TMR
you dont even like moonlight on vermont? maybe try the other beefheart albums
It's more of a fun thing for me. I suppose I worded it wrong. I find it fun to listen to, but I don't fucking like it like I like other music.
I always end up turning it off because it's fucking long, and I get sick of the wacky rhythms after an hour. I feel like I should finish it. Just to get it off my chest. You know, just another thing to cross off my list of "important" things to listen to.
Also so i feel like I have a real opinion on it.
All right, I get it.
I actually cannot listen to all of it in one sitting either.
Your idea is fun.
>good job hiding those wires
It's because my 1 year old will pull it all the fuck down if I didn't do that, not for cosmetics
Your wife's son?
Haha I get it cause I'm a cuck
or you can just drill a chord sized hole and put it through the wall like normal people
But fuck it, ya know?
Plus I live in an apartment.
Wow, that's pathetic.
just filtered you again
Sure you did. See you tomorrow.
what are you doing right now you fucking moron?
get a girlfriend dude fuck
I live with my fiancé and son you fucking idiot, that's the only reason I have time for shit like this
I probably wouldn't even be on mu if I didn't
does your son like beefheart? remember you are raising the future plebs/patrishuns
she sounds like a real cunt.
Oh wow, a drunk dumbass can't appreciate the best rock album of all time
I actually chuckled at this one
>try to endure the entirety of trout mask replica.
>I can't fucking stand it but I feel obligated to finish it.
lol you're doing it wrong, mate. you need to be doing some fucking chores in your back yard, or community service at your local community garden or some mindless task or something. Don't try so hard, and your mind will be more accepting of how weird and whimsical it is. It's just meant to be strange, silly and antique in nature
You're right probably. I tend to only consume new music when I'm just chilling. Usually just one day a week so I probably cram a lot in at once which is also the wrong way to consume other albums as well.
The only time I listen to this album is when I need to buckle down and do a shit ton of homework. Something about this album stimulates my brain enough to get some serious work done while I don't enjoy it in the traditional sense so I don't get distracted by it, if that makes sense.
China Pig is a great song, though