I know you faggots play this shit

I know you faggots play this shit
Who's your main?

no, i don't



Silver LMFAO


Kill yourself.

tfw no essence when you have all the tokens

Is poppy actually good or underpowered right now?

he is silver 2, i think its evident she is shit.

azir rengar and vlad

she can be good, but shes hard to use well in my opinion. shes getting some nice buffs though



Zilean and Trundle are my two favorite champs.

kek didn't see the rank

k man valid opinion but i thought you were higher elo

always call duo with my mate

yorick & zilean
we're both good with either

Karthus mid all the way baby!

Plat 1

Annie, Ezreal, Malzahar, Lissandra, Caitlyn, Corki.

I queue up as Mid/Adc


im gold, so eh




>main poppy

no wonder you are silver

just because you have a good game with her doesnt make her good.





I main as Sona/Ahri

tbf even my little sister could carry low silver with tryn

easier with singed

>poppy main
>100k+ mastery
Nothing new here.

i have 210k mastery points on lee sin, played him for 3 seasons. Recently picked up swain and have a 62% win rate with 80 games on him in ranked. So he's pretty op...

OP here
Poppy is pretty stronk, half of my games are S-Rank with her, the other half are loses.
I never lose toplane unless matched against Fiora or when the enemy have Ahri.
Depending on your build, you can be pretty versatile in teamfights or solo assassinations

lol its cute when people think that tryn is somehow easy to play.


right click and wait till you get low and press R. Am I missing something?

needless to say, it went over his hp bar

>clearly hasnt played against swain or vlad top yet.

I always pick ignite with poppy, their heals turn to shit if timed right. You can dodge Swaine snare fairly easily and wallslam for ultimate damages
As for Vlad, yeah, his Q allows him to greatly sustain, always have to dive him in all-or-nothing if I really want to see him dead
Doesn't always work out

Plat 2

I main Gangplank Jayce and Urgot
Don't underestimate Urgot he is pretty good in the right hands
I q up as Top/mid

you need to know how to split push, when to back off, when to go all in, how to play with a team who has no idea how split pushing works, when to let a team chase you around the map. ect ect

its not really about the mechanics of the champ, but you are probably bronze so you wouldn't understand any of that.


sounds like any champ...

>tfw I played the game before these ''Champion Masteries'' was a thing

main / smurf
I play this game for fun since the end of last season, I played a lot with supports but in smurf i need to carry the animals


Main Hasagi here, dia 3 atm, fell free to insult me yeah.