Cont from >>694413386

cont from Does infinity occur in nature or is it a man made concept?

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It occurs in nature as far as I know, but not in the third dimension. It exists in the fourth dimension (basically just time) as things in the fourth dimension have the potential to infinitely repeat.

Infinity is a man made symbol used to represent and quantify the endless progression of black and white.

Does not occur in our perceptible range of "nature"

Can be considered a man made concept since can't be observated

infinity exists in all dimnesions of course. just walk straigh until you reach mars...
if it was created by men we could count it and understand it completly

The forth dimension is not time, because it occurs in every dimension. The 4th dimension is an infinite collection of 3D universe. Just as we consist of an infinite amount of 2D universes.

"until reach mars" is a finite distance

Some concepts created by men can't be understanded as a whole

but time does consist of an infinite colleciton of 3D universes, so why not?

Please understand that distance is another word for change, which is mesured in time - time being a human concept to measure the rate of change.

then walk further. ;)
all things go back to nature, as we (men) are a part of it. so it doesn't really make sense to differentiate. all inventions are just observations of nature and good duplications of what already exists.


Not physically.

I like this thread. Here's the way I see it. Infinity is a lot like a treadmill. As you go along it more comes up. So no Infinity does not exist. It only exists when it becomes finite. The further we look, explore etc. Whether it be through space or time, we'll always find more; however that doesn't mean it's always there. it just means that it's there now.

I guess a better way of explaining it is its like mine craft. It generates as you move

i wonder, if u discover a distant star with your telescope, do you basicly create that star?

Nothingness cannot exist so yes

I would say yes but idk if physics would back me up. That's my supreme hang up with this world view. You very well may have created that star to see with your telescope but how did the universe put it there while still keeping all the rules intact? Though I suppose there are still ways to fudge the numbers. Scientists don't have a unified theory yet. Do you think events now can affect the past or just the future?

Who gives a shit?

A mathematician


In physics it discribes things like how much mass can a portion of space hold and not break, like a black hole. In that case a black hole has infinite mass, but if spread out like the star or stars the mass is not infinite. SO no you can always add 1 more.

literally just came in my pants

progression = white
regression = black

Infinity is yet another symbol to describe the unknown. I am very much on H.P. Lovecraft now and I am looking for some documents on the fear of the unknown. What you can see as a symbol of infinity is a part of it I think. If you can't explain some phenomena you create images or symbols that cover those things that cannot be described using common language.

Waiting for your opinion Sup Forums.

It's a kind've misconception that time is the fourth dimension. I think it was Einstein who came up with the idea.

However is right, in the sense that time exists in all dimensions. But the 4th dimension is not an infinite collection of 3D universes. It's a physical dimension, just like the 3 we are aware of, perpendicular to the Z axis.

But I'm not gonna explain it with my feeble brain when there are giants who have already done it better.

Watch the movie flatlanders on lsd and you will understand all questions asked in this tread:

Progress = White
Congress = Black or baboon

I could be wrong but IF space is infinity divisible than we "create" infinities all the time. For example, if you were to put both of your hands out in front of you and value your left hand at 0 in terms of location and your right hand 1 meter from your left, than theoretically there are an infinite amount of millimeters between your hands. But that is an infinity within a finite; an infinity outside a finite has yet to be discovered. Some say that the only REAL infinity would be God since from what we can tell,conceptually, infinity is just the function of the mind;however, that's just heavy philosophy talk.

I bought that DVD when it first came out. It was numbered and had a hand-written note in it. To be honest, I was kinda disappointed with its interpretation, but it's a pretty good attempt at making a Flatland movie.

I lent it to anybody and everyone who wanted to see it, and somewhere along the way, I never got it back.

It's worth a watch if you've already read the book, but I'd suggest reading Flatland by Edwin Abbot first.

top keck