What do you think of Cure?

what do you think of Cure?

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They make me sick.

Status of your dubs: checked

more like The Disease

have you considered doing stand up?

I like 'em, fuck what you guys say. Pornography is a great album.

One of my favourite bands of all time. I do worry though that Bob is a spent creative force.

Usually with my favourite artists I can find something to enjoy with their later work, even if it pales in comparison to their earlier music. But I really don't rate the last couple of Cure releases at all

Faith > Pornography > Seventeen Seconds > Disintegration

I only like pornography. well, not like, love, but that's it

This. and Distentigration are pure depression.

Also red pilled: youtube.com/watch?v=y7lULaE6kv4

Their progression as a band is really unique as they went from accessible, to inaccessible, to straight up pop garbage

I really really like Wish, especially "Open"

A few deep cuts off 4:13 Dream and Bloodflowers was alright

Friendly reminder that you can't into the GrimesCuckhold if you love any of these albums.

most music fans would like at least a couple of those

This is the only band I enjoyed during my childhood that is still as good as it was back then. I fucking love the cure.

One of the greatest goth groups and indisputably the most successful.

Sure, but they have shit taste. Y'know what I'm saying?

Most of their 80s output is superb, especially all their goth-labeled albums. There isn't an album that sounds like Pornography, it is truly one of its kind. Disintegration is one of my favourite albums of all time. Perhaps, it is one of the few successful survivors of the british post-punk scene back in the late 70s. Also their shows are fantastic; they play long-as-fuck shows and Smith's voice remains practically unchanged despite him having aged horribly.

I never really rated their last few either, though Bloodflowers' title track was bloody amazing live recently

I'm sure you already know this, but this song is merely a scene from Albert Camus's book The Stranger.

wooooow HA HA HA! HO HO HO!

YOUR SUCH a comedian xd

Why so glum, chum?