It's better than Camp, but worse than Because the Internet.
It's better than Camp, but worse than Because the Internet.
>it's better than shit, but worse than shit
let's be real, it's also shit. only the stench differentiates these three albums
I like BTI though. Camp is terrible and I won't defend it
I guess, but only because this is a 5/10 and BtI is a 5.5/10.
This was Gambino's last shot, I'm completely convinced he's incapable of making a good album now.
your opinion doesn't matter, buddy
and it's wrong anyway
The existence of "Me and Your Mama" pretty much make AML better than BTI even if the rest of the songs were literally Gambino shitting into a mic for 42 mins.
Nope, easily the best thing he's done, although that's not saying much
same to you :^)
what a mature answer
same to you :^)
better than most hip hop atm, poor mans funk but solid at its best. Its gonna be overrated as fuck because muh identity politics or whatever
ok, champ, your set of moves is the best... for this time
same to you :^)
He stole an entire album from Funkadelic
Good job Childish Gambozo
I'll be back after recess
Camp is his only decent album
its literally his worst.
>im so black
>*skiddidy boom boom bap
>but im always white
>on the inside
>*skiddidy boom boom bap bap
>your opinion doesn't matter, buddy
>and it's wrong anyway
Right. Definitely a mature conversation.
thought it is awful and shit because of Sup Forums
listened to one song on youtube and kinda liked it
downloaded the whole album
it sounds nice
never trust Sup Forums
never trust anybody
I really love this album, I hate yall :(
Kauai> BTI > Camp > steaming pile of shit > AML
>this it fucking sucks
I listened to it and it was alright, but it just made me want to listen to Maggot Brain.
it's too ambitious. at the end of the day, this is a rap album, and gambino just isn't a good rapper. if it was only instrumentals, it'd be a 7/10
same to you :^O
ruh roh
>at the end of the day, this is a rap album isn't
I liked it. Therefore my opinion > Your opinion in your mind, but in my mind My opinion > >>>>>>>>>>Michael Jackson's opinion on little boys >>>>>>>>>>>Chris Brown's opinion on domestic abuse>>>>>>>>your opinion
>at the end If the day, this is a rap album
You didn't listen to the album. Or you are retarded.
Is Maggot Brain the only funk Sup Forums knows? It's all you fags seem to mention when it comes to talking about this album.
Go listen to War, Sly & the Family Stone, Isaac Hayes, or even a bit of Prince then come back.
Maggot Brain is the one people bring up because it's the one Gambino is copying the most
Honestly the line "He ain't cool he ball and all that/But he's just a fake nigga who blog in caps" is fucking hilarious. The way he delivers with so much aggresiveness even though the line sucks ass kills me. Same with "STUPID. SO DUMMY." "Heartbeat" is probably the worst song on there.
The main problem was that the singles hyped people up to expect an amazing album. Personally it's somewhat adequate, emphasis on somewhat.
I heard some people bring up Black Messiah as well.
One of his most popular though.
I know, I think it might've been the first I heard from him, but it's still got a number of unintentionally funny lines. It's got a bit of a "so bad it's good" thing going on.
Why do you retards say he stole music from Funkadelic just because he's creating a sound in a similar style to what they did? One genre doesn't belong to one band you dumbass.
Royalty > Stn Mtn = BTI > Kauai, AML, Camp
don't feel like ordering the last 3. Why does no one ever mention his mixtapes here
Sup Forums hates him enough as is
Maggot Brain was his primary influence for the album. That's why it's mentioned.
not even good funk outside redbone. which makes this album unforgivable
I liked it a lot more on my second listen. Also are musicians not allowed to be inspired by another artist? Unless Gambino ripped an entire instrumental from Funkadelic he's not copying anyone.
I think Black Messiah was the primary influence for this album honestly. The vocal harmony arrangements and the guitar and everything reminded me of that album more than anything else. It was a little too derivative at some points, but there were some good parts in the album also. It was decent overall
this is a correct opinion
but I kinda liked Kauai a whole lot despite how bad it is
I love Sober, Retro and Pop Thieves (at least the first 3/4 of it, the last part of that song is whack af) but that's all Kauai is, is 3 really good tracks.
Why does Sup Forums hate Gambino? I loved BTI, I just don't get it. And I know I'm gonna get a reply of "because he's shit" so spare the time
Dude what the fuck are you high
I dig this new album
But at least Camp had him rapping. I think he only ACTUALLY rapped on like, half of the songs on BTI
Royalty > Culdesac > Camp = STNMTN > AML
I really liked Redbone.
The others, not really.
I'd say:
Royalty >= BtI > AmL >= Stn Mtn = Kauai > Culdesac > Camp
Thank god I finally see some people that know Royalty is the shit, though.
All this talk about Royalty's got me interested about the mixtape. I'm looking it up right now and there's a surprising amount of guest artists and producers other than Ludwig Goransson. Based on what I know of Gambino, I'm guessing he might rely heavily on guest verses, how true is this?
not really. Bino is a fluent MC who's got good flow, the most guest spots he has seem restricted to hooks
I kind of like the album.
Don't really like zombies and california.
Everything from Terrified on is great imo
Can't get over the album cover. It is clearly "MUH AFRICAN MOTHAS IS BEAUTIFUL". I am of the opinion that this album art choice is a subtle form of black-on-black racism. Fun fact: African-Americans are racist as fuck against Africans. (Go ask an African living in America what they think of African-Americans.)
The album is about his son, Sup Forums has fucked you.
you stole that from a Patrice bit, you faget
trips confirm
Camp = 7.5
EP = 6.5
"A,ML!" = 5.25
BtI = 5.0
it's true that it's full of features but I also wouldn't say CG hides behind them either. I just think of it as one great track after another, as consistently good as early Kanye, for me.
I've noticed that he hardly uses any features on his studio albums (does Camp have any? AML understandably has none, and some (like Chance on Worst Guys for example) or barely even there. It feels to me like hes trying to deliver a certain "experience" with his albums, and the mixtapes are more of a collection, and have a different sound to them.
For example, have you once heard in the beginning of a song off any of his albums anything like "turn my head phones up" or "turns the beat up" or things like that? Whereas seemingly every song on Royalty and Stn Mtn opens like that.
I just hate his white boy rapper voice.
But I really like his singing voice. I love songs like Urn and Sober and Retro and Pop Thieves and the non-rapping part of Oakland.
And I thought I'd really like this album but it just feels like he's trying way too hard.
How shit could one opinion be
PHAROS > Because the Internet > Camp
Pharos is a pretty solid 6/10 in my opinion
The singles ruined the album for most people. They're probably the 2 best songs on the album, and they give a wrong impression about what the album is going to be like.
You've gone too far, son.
Stay in Sup Forums, it's for the best.
Africans are much more racist, my parents are immigrants from Somalia and they constantly talk about how lazy African Americans are since they seek government assistance (even though I lived in Section 8 housing for the first decade of my life), but ultimately this album is about his son and parenthood so discussion on the supposed racist undertones of the cover aren't really relevant.