A qt gril at the local CD store recommend me this, what should I listen to next to make her think I'm cool when I next go back?
A qt gril at the local CD store recommend me this...
going solely by the cover, just any BNM p4k pick with the same genre
>BNM p4k pick
>What did he mean by this?
Haven't listened to the new album but if its like their previous ones then
listen to any other deathwish bands, start trolling the b9 board and digging back into threads 12 years old
any obscure underground punk you can find
This is pretty spot on desu
Its in German, just to check, this isn't some sort of Nazi band is it??
hipster bm like Liturgy
Pallbearer - Foundations of Burden
Vattnet Viskar - Settler
If you go on RYM, for Nazi albums, there will be a banner at the top of the page to warn you (but it doesn't show up on mobile fyi).
The recommendation are pretty spot on, tanks
And I didn't know that about RYM, I don't use it, but it looks like I'm in the clear
Whats this sort of music called btw? What genre is it?
I recommend:
Mayhem in Blue - Hail Spirit Noir
Deafheaven - pretty much everything they made
Blackgaze, Post-Rock type meme
Already listen to Sunbather, I quite liked it
Anyone got any tips for girl into this kind of music? She's got a tattoo so she's already like 4 times more hardcore than I am
Go for bm classics then
If you want to impress a black metal fan with a black metal album that few people have heard of, try the new Insane Vesper album LayiL.
Battle of Mice is the better version of that
I think this might be a better way to deal with this topic:
How to into black metal?
lol don't bother, if she's any legit she'll be able to call you out easily
>if she's any legit she'll be able to call you out easily
>What did he mean by this?
If the person likes Oathbreaker, that does not at all imply they're into black metal. Oathbreaker is very popular with the hipster/pitchfork crowd.
But a black metal fan may recommend that type of album to someone new to black metal. .
More likely she's a hipster then, she had hipster hair, she's still cute desu, I'm going to go for it, what music do hipster girls like still tho?
deafheaven obviously
That it?
everyone knows deafheaven
best new music pitchfork pick...?