what are some good guitar scales worth learning?
What are some good guitar scales worth learning?
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the only one you need is minor pentatonic
nah only someone who sucks at guitar would think that.
outside of metal and classical it's really all you need. prove me wrong.
The only two you need are pwntatonic and major
And then the next most important are just different ways of playing them. Like the blues scale is just adding one more to the pwntatonic and the minor pentatonic and minor scale are just changing the root note and mode.
more like the exact opposite. do you even play guitar?
If you want to be better than Jimi Hendrix you need to know your harmonic minor scale
how is it the exact opposite? that's the most fucking retarded thing any one has ever said to me
All of the them
Fun ones to start with are:
Major, minor, pentatonic, blues scale, harmonic minor, melodic minor, hungarian minor, phyrgian dominant, phrygian, lydian, lydian dominant, mixolydian, dorian, diminished, whole tone
outside of metal and classical, all you need to know is the pentatonic scale? how the fuck does that make any sense? metal solos are pretty much made of pentatonic, not too sure about classical however. pretty sure that's also dumb that pentatonic is the only scale you need for it.
i have never heard impressive guitar playing
just fast solos that aren't really that impressive
thank you, user
you must not listen to much guitar then
i dont
i was hoping someone would link me some good guitar lol
i dont see how that was much better than the other vid but still supa hot flames
where's your good guitar link then, user?
Give up on playing instruments, trust me, everyone else is way ahead of you, just appreciate their talent
fuck that bullshit, i wanna jam too. it aint about being the best.
Ye no, honeslty, not bullshitting, don't waste your time
well if i enjoy playing guitar, i see no point in quitting.
also it gets you plenty of pussy.
no people in the video are cringey
That is a le meme sir (my father said the same when I was 10, I'm 21 now)
have you been at a party and suddenly someone whips out an acoustic and you grab it and start playing, 5 minutes at most and you're surrounded by chicks nbs
yes, but it never amounts to anyting
true you only have to play a few songs and people will gather around
you get it
it amounts to PUSSY dude
the fire on a beach in Cali
Pentatonic Miner
>it amounts to PUSSY dude
This is not because of guitar. The guitar gives an excuse for them to come up to you, but they're only in to you if you're an acceptable level of attractive/confident/sociable. Otherwise you just get compliments and friends
T. ugly guitarist who's way better than everyone in this thread
this is true. however ya gotta admit, it certainly helps. has guitar ever gotten you anywhere close to pussy before, ugly guitarist user? or are you really that unsociable/ugly/not confident. in all seriousness, like it makes no difference to me, we're all anons here.
Memorize the major/minor scale (not just the patterns on the neck but also the scale degrees of each pattern) As others have said it's the same pattern but the roots start on different notes.
From there you can subtract a specific 2 notes out of those scales to get the pentatonics, or if you want to learn the modes you can sharp/flat one of those 2 notes instead(depending on the mode).
For more exotic scales I found it easier to think of them in terms of how they differ from the major/minor scale. For instance the harmonic minor scale can simply be thought of as the minor scale with a raised 7th scale degree.
I'm a kissless virgin, I've been to plenty of parties and played for a bunch of people countless times. Like I said, people love it. But I'm far too ugly and autistic for an appreciation of a skill to translate into sexual attraction
I'm sure it can help average to above-average people just fine in that it gives them a slight edge in comparison to all the other normal people. But I'd look at it like it gives you at most +1 point to your attractiveness rating. If you're a 6/10, going up to a 7/10 could help a lot. 2/10 up to 3/10 doesn't really do shit for you
well i sense you're pretty smart, and good at guitar. at least you have that.
try finding a girl that's just as ugly and autistic as you. im sure you'll hit it off well.
hungarian minor, javanese, hirajoshi, the list could go on....
Actually this is right
Learn the blues scale in A Minor
Learn the modes of limited transposition
Chon is the bee's knees, all of their music is just massively impressive guitar work given their ages as well as having really fucking creative and cool riffs, I would absolutely recommend listening to them if you really want to be impressed.
And for something a little different, Michael Hedges was an incredibly influential player who wrote tons of gorgeous solo guitar pieces. Chances are you've seen guitarists like Andy McKee doing similar, but pretty much all those guitarists are cheap imitators of Hedges.
i like how in the first vid he has black clothes on in the black background lol
but i now respect the shit out of this person, that is some good shazz right there. absolutely stunning guitarist.
this never happens and everyone thinks youre a fag desu
no, everyone thinks your a fag if you end a sentence with desu.
No, it happens. And people only think you're a fag if you suck. Or if they project their state of being onto you, in which every little thing they do is an effort to get sex. Which is a lot more pathetic than playing guitar for people who want to hear guitar.
>Or if they project their state of being onto you, in which every little thing they do is an effort to get sex. Which is a lot more pathetic than playing guitar for people who want to hear guitar.
yeah but we're talking about guitar at a party, it's not like they're at a concert and paid for a ticket or something. either way it's a treat.
it seems pretty unrealistic for someone to learn guitar just to get laid.
No not yet.
Playing Wonderwall on guitar has got me laid. AMA
see most of these are just modes
pentatonic and major
those are by very far the two main ones. Most everything after that is just different ways of playing them.
I don't suppose you've heard jazz guitar players.
jazz is gay as fuck
Tell that to Johnny Ramone