RIP Ronaldo

He used to be a world class soccer player like Messi, but then he took a nigger to the knee.

Press F to bay respect.


>niggers knew well damn that Ronaldo could become dangerous to them
>injure him on purpose by attacking his knee several times
>they keep doing it with the other players

>meanwhile, referee does jack shit and uses his bought privilege only, when portugal does some shit
I want to kill every nigger and that gay white faggot from the french fries aswell as the referee


Is this the future?

Not a fan of him, but damn, that's a bad way to end a career.

>76th minute

France is really disgracing themselves in this tournament.

>using the N word

Go back to redddit.

>Ronaldo knee is ded
>Messi is criminal scum

Lewa confirmed for King of footbal now


>76th minute


France won 2-1?

This kills the career.

>but then he took a nigger to the knee.

>Ronaldo could become dangerous
lol no


And after she'd just shaved her legs. Poor thing.

>50 shots this tournament
>next closest player has 17
>35 not even on goal
>only 3 goals
>2 of which against Hungarian B team

>do nothing in your last 2 CL finals

ronaldo was a liability

we were in the F group you twat.

it was another game. look at the score.

This, minus the n-word bits for me.