What does Sup Forums think about Jill Stein...

What does Sup Forums think about Jill Stein? I was a delegate for Bernie but there's absolutely zero chance I'd ever vote for Shilldawg. Jill seems fairly based.

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Nope. Because Jew.


The anti-Jew meme died with WW2 guys, come off it. Jews are just white people.

Nice try shlomo

My ancestors were bongs, friendo.

Every day, every fucking day I crave for the dame of my dreams. I want to feel her loving embrace, her warm lips pressed against mine, and her gorgeous curvature. Her breasts are that of a ripe fruit, succulent and radiant under the rays of the glistening sun. Whenever she walks by, her perfume fills the air; beneath that camouflage lies a sweet womanly scent that compliments her choice of fragrance. Her pussy... So tempting... Just when I thought my urge to bone couldn't grow anymore; I heard it. A sound of beauty. A sound of tranquility. I heard the shlicking of her wet cunt from the next apartment over, her moans rattled through my erect cock; but, that wasn't what got me horny. It was what she masturbated to. It took me so long to find it. Every night for the past two weeks, she watched this video.,.



Despite her being a jew..

>"Although Stein was raised in a Reform Jewish household, she now considers herself agnostic."

Also, she is critcal towards Israel: thepeaceresource.wordpress.com/2015/08/29/dr-jill-stein-on-israel-palestine-and-the-middle-east/

I'd never vote for a woman though.

What state are you in?

Washington, why?

Voting for Jill too now

Old lady boobs. Will vote.


Because if you were in a swing state you decision would matter considerably more. However since you are in a reliably Democratic state it really doesn't. Vote Trump dude.

Also do research on the down-ballot races and ballot initiatives. The people you send to congress and the state house is crucially important and not a matter to be decided by the letter by someone's name or the sense you get about about a proposed amendment by reading the little summary blurb on the ballot.

VoteLibertarian Gary Johnson. The rest are fucknuts.

If you're going to vote third party, you might as well just stay home - your vote is absolutely fucking useless. It's Trump or Hillary. Voting for Gary or Jill might make you feel good on the inside, but you're wasting your time.

Yeah I have some pretty cool candidates on the ballot for other offices. Why would I vote for Trump, though?

*tips fedora*

You guys know she wants to defund American aid to Israel and recognize Palestine, right?

There's more to life than foreign policy.
She's against nuclear energy and that's a no go

If a bunch of us Berners vote for Jill, enough to get her at least 5% of popular vote, the Greens would qualify for federal campaign funding going forward. I don't think for one second that she will ever be elected president but there are other steps toward longer term goals.

Because he has an actual chance at winning. Look, if you pin down a Jill supporter or even her herself they will admit that her candidacy is not even remotely about her becoming president, it's about setting the precedent for her party to become more viable in the future. Winning a single state or garnering disloyal electors for a political party to etch a very marginal victory is not worth risking the fate of our nation on. If you're voting for the president you need to be adult enough to recognize the choice is between Clinton and Trump.

Trump has a rational and coherent immigration policy. Clinton however will throw the doors open and legalize millions of new Democrat voters and we will never have the chance again to change the direction of our country. Clinton will also sell us to the Chinese, whereas Trump's trade policies are restrictive and will allow us to rebuild manufacturing.

Where do you disagree with Trump?

He's running as a Republican which supports the duopoly which is the problem.
Also he has no successful businesses.

Johnson is a fucknut. You realize is basically a Republican right?

So you don't base your decision based on policy, but rather some perceived "duopoly." Dude, this isn't fantasy land, we're talking about about the president of the United fucking States. Get your head out of the sand.

>has no succesfull businesses
Good lord user, are you even from america ?

It's not perceived, it's the current political climate. There isn't enough competition in the political market and everyone running for president is a right-moderate.
Do you support monopolies in commerce?

That wasn't the same fag in those posts

And the shilling begins

The two-party system is part and parcel to the American republic. That you don't know this shows the extend of your knowledge of history. In order to have an effective multi-party democracy we would need some pretty hefty constitutional changes. Look you need to work within the parties as they exist.

But I'm wasting my time. This is your first election and you got swept up in your god candidate and you see no alternative but radical electoral changes which are impossible. Go on I guess, waste your vote. At least you aren't voting for Clinton and this will ease pressure on Trump. Glad you millennials are so hard-headed you'd implicitly vote for the reactionary nationalist.

>Do you support monopolies in commerce?

I was aware of this.

Listen to this show OP


Lol nice b8

Nice shilling

Bait? Oh good grief give me a break. Watch documentaries about past American election. You'll notice some trends.

Do you poo in the loo?

Nice low effort fucking post dipshit

I don't think you poo in the loo

It's not that I *want* there to be a 2 party system, I just recognize that's what America will always have. I don't bark at the fence all day, there is actual work that needs to be done. Stop being an idealistic teenager.


Sorry I'm already throwing my vote away on this guy

So if there were only two banks, that would be ok? Because that's essentially the same as having two political parties.
How about you read something about the rest of the world before you throw your vote away for a dem or repub. There isn't another world power with a two party system, it's literally worse than a single party.

>no successful businesses
Holy shit are you 100% retarded

That's my guy
So throw your vote away to the current broken system and see if you actually get any real work done. More likely everything stays the same, and the common people get pushed further into the dirt.
You seem to be ok with spending your tax dollars on corporate welfare, so vote for that.

>So if there were only two banks, that would be ok? Because that's essentially the same as having two political parties.
Except it isn't you fucking imbecile.

Again, what do you think is going to create a parliamentary system? God you fucking moron, it would have to pass through CONGRESS, At least think this out.

And jesus dear god you are stupid if you think a single party is better.

Name one




>open bordres

Stein is good. Even though I voted Bernie in the primary I always planned to vote Green in the general because I'm in a hard blue state. Any party that receives 5% of the votes in the general gets special benefits for the next election. Besides, voting blue in a hard blue state or red in a red state is a waste, it's basically voting for your own irrelevance. Ideally every state should be up for grabs.

I'm considering Johnson because he has a good chance of getting 5% and maybe even the 15% polling number for the debate stage. But the way he wiggles and weaves when asked to state any of his beliefs is really hard to get over. But hey I guess it's working for him.

TBH though as candidates they really shouldn't be looked at as "who would make the better president." I'm a lifelong Green member and not even I'm so disillusion to think any third party has a real chance this time around. It's basically just setting up for the next election so they can help 3rd party candidates win in more local races.


No parliament, just funkadellic

>voting for an anti-Net Neutrality dipshit

Suck more corporate cock.

He still believes in the free market. Probably 15 just like you.

I think you mean offering work visas and taxing a huge workforce that currently is undocumented and untaxed

>free market
>corporations should get free reign

You a jew by any chance?

Who said anything about a parliament what level autismo are you I'm talking about having a reasonable spread of political affiliations like the congress we have actually be represented by an organized political party system.
It's the same as having two banks because two parties have all the money. Businesses would have to decide their political affiliations and not just donate to dem and repub and that's the problem.

How is that a good idea? I don't want that to happen at all.


This is now a Gary Johnson thread

Bury the opponent i see what you did there nice shilling.

>what level autismo

Well it is happening and building a wall won't work. Ever heard the expression show mean a ten foot wall and I'll show you an 11 foot ladder? Yeah literally that. Plus the wall will cost a TON of money when Johnson's plan will start making money immediately. Also it will drop prices for those companies that would like to hire immigrants for shit jobs at low pay but aren't right now because it's illegal which will translate to lower product cost for you. You want to bring manufacturing back to America? Honestly this is the only practical means. Remember during the industrial revolution how we allowed all those Irishmen to build our skyscrapers and all those chinamen to build our railroads? Yeah we could have another golden age of America through cheap foreign labor.

did you say get your jewelry out?

The only option to take down hillary is based trump. grow a pair, faggot

>free market
>consumers also get free reign



But trumps a literal jew.

I encourage everyone here to take the questionnaire on I side with to see how your political believes align with the candidates.



Her or Gary Johnson. Hillary and Trump suck.

>my economic panacea is lowering wages
Have you even taken econ 101?
Building a wall will definitely work. And yes I've hear that truism; but that's all it is, a truism. Tell me, if walls don't work then why do so many nations have them?

Oh lookie here there's even a nice list of them! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_barrier#List_of_current_barriers

To restore American industry we need more restrictive trade policies. There's no reason for us to basically voluntary discard our tariff autonomy. America, Britain, Japan, etc. all industrialized under conditions of protectionist trade. Sorry pall but free trade is bunk economics, much like the rest of your world view.

We don't NEED Mexican immigrants. And you should check out our unemployment rate faggot, there are plenty of Americans who would love work right now. Your corporate low-wage labor solution doesn't cut it. Working Americans haven't seen a pay raise in a decade and it's largely do to the political success of your own libertarian policies.

We need to close that border and return to the trade policies which BUILT this country.



>free market
>supposed libertarian supports authoritarian coporist policy
>nice try cuck
Do you have any idea what net neutrality even is ?

If you don't support it you have no idea what you are talking about. Fuck off.

>Johnson is a fucknut. You realize is basically a Republican right?

How do you figure? He's more socially-liberal than anyone in the GOP, he wants to shrink the military and not a hawk, he's pro-civil liberties and wants to end the war on drugs.

Speaking of which, perhaps you need to stop taking so many.

She sounds like a fucking Jew to me

I'm assuming English is not your 1st language seeing how illiterate you are

That's bullshit. Continue being a sheep and buying into this crap.

Both parties want to increase the size and power of the federal government at the expense of individual liberty.

But sure, keep buying into that system...you're why we have shitty choices and a all-powerful government.

Nice argument against net neutralitty moron.


I've been a libertarian since 1990. I voted for Johnson in 2012 and he has my vote this time.

"I'm 14" - the post

That's what I mean moron. He comes out of that crop of socially liberal Republican governors of the nineties. He is doggedly right wing on economics.

>Speaking of which, perhaps you need to stop taking so many.
Dude your banter is fucking low bar. I do no drugs and you sound pathetic trying to say things like that.


>Building a wall will definitely work
C'mon you can't possibly believe that there have been so many incidents of illegal border crossing of the Korean DMZ, the most heavily guarded border in the world, that there is a wikipedia page solely for the incursions listed by decade no less. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_border_incidents_involving_North_Korea
Countries have them for the same reason we have the TSA even though it does literally nothing for security, it is an illusion. techdirt.com/articles/20150602/05474131176/study-tsas-security-theater-troupes-missed-95-smuggled-weapons-explosives.shtml
>To restore American industry we need more restrictive trade policies.
or we could lower domestic products expense which will lower the cost. We could even start exporting goods, like we used to do when america was great.
>Americans who would love work right now
No, those americans that you are thinking of are enjoying their welfare too much to want to work. also the unemployment rate is at a 7 year low right now.
>We don't NEED Mexican immigrants
then why are they being employed when they business owner could lose their business for hiring them?
>Working Americans haven't seen a pay raise
actually the MHI is at a 5 year high

Here's the libertarian philosophy regarding net neutrality.

If corporations (like Comcast, Verizon, etc) hadn't lobbied for and successfully used regulation as a hammer to stifle competition, we'd actually have real competition in the marketplace. Because there is no real competition, net neutrality is a necessary evil.


You say that because you don't have a legitimate response...despite your trips.

>absolutely zero chance I'd ever vote for Shilldawg

enjoy President Trump

Omg, he's Fiscally-conservative so he must be GOP.

The GOP is not free market. They they like to pick winners and losers in the marketplace just as much as Democrats.

>Gary Johnson's #2
>hasn't bankrupted any companies
>has held public office
>has climbed the highest peak on each continent
>doesn't paint himself orange


Yes there are incidents of illegal crossings. They are by far the exception. You cannot deny walls are effective.

>govenrment security professionals smuggled bombs past the TSA
So? It isn't theater to have a wall, those countries erected them to thwart real and imminent border crossings. You cannot just wish that truth away.

>or we could lower domestic products expense which will lower the cost. We could even start exporting goods, like we used to do when america was great.
This is total blather. You have no idea what you are talking about. Oh and btw this is the current failed policy sweet cakes.

>No, those americans that you are thinking of are enjoying their welfare too much to want to work. also the unemployment rate is at a 7 year low right now.
Hey FUCK you seriously. Your fellow American is in pain and you have th audacity to just brush them away as welfare queens. This is truly sick.

>then why are they being employed when they business owner could lose their business for hiring them?
Because businesses are exploiting them and screwing over their fellow American.

Your final link literally proves my point on pay.

Even if you have a bullshit and wrong way of getting there, at least you support it.

No I just really think you're 14.

Hillary is as crooked as they come. Anyone that believes she didn't get away with breaking the law with her stupid email server is a complete moron.

It's one thing to lean left and say, "She's the only choice and better than the alternative" than to say she isn't crooked as fuck. That's just intellectually dishonest.

What's wrong with picking winners and losers? Should we have feeding toughs everywhere so as not to pick the car as a winner over the horse and buggy? Get a grip.

Also the more radical in the GOP you go the more free market it is. The free market, coincidentally, doesn't exist also.

Johnson is a fucking former Republican governor.

I would agree but the reality is that it's going to end up being one of the two (Trump or Hillery). If they were both equally OK then I would say yes I'd be on-board with Jill. The problem is to me that we cannot afford to let Hillery get in. So I will be going with the lesser of the evils and vote trump. I know if the majority of the populace were to start actually considering independents (Libertarians) things would be different. I normally vote Libertarian but this round there is too much at stake if Hillery gets in.

Eliminating the regulations that were written by the big telecoms to stifle competition is bullshit? Please tell me how we benefit from the lack of competition we have now?