Ask a philosophy teacher anything

Ask a philosophy teacher anything.

If you met an alien what would be the first thing you say to it?


why cant I understand it

how many dicks have you sucked to get your faggotry degree

Philosophy. The class where everything's made up and the points don't matter

I don't think I would talk to it. It wouldn't understand. I'd grab the nearest pile of things, and make small piles next to each other, from 1 (which is not a pile, I know) to 10. Maybe it would understand that I can count, and therefore that I'm an intelligent form of life like itself.

Please, excuse any errors I make: English is not my native tongue.

Why can't you understand what?

None. But it didn't gave me a lot of pussies to taste either.

That pretty sums it up. The points matter for graduating, though.

How does it feel to teach a class where everything is bullshit?

I had to take a philosophy class college, and it was the worst thing ever. The only bright point is that the professor was a bit too broad in his requirements for the final paper. I wrote 20 pages on how everything in the class was a total waste of everyone's time, and how I hadn't paid the slightest bit of attention, BS'd the homework, and would forget the professor's name the second grades were posted. However, because it was a well written philosophical treatise, he had no choice but to grade it in a manner appropriate to the arguments given. I aced the paper and the class.

mfw I used philosophical methods and language to debunk philosophy. Fortunately I remember none of it now.

I don't know how philosophy is studied in you country. Are you from the US? I understand that it is quite nonsensical over there. Here, we are not required to say what we think (because, you know, teenagers tend to think a whole load of bullshit), but to study philosophers. Which is hard, and not as stupid as it may sound. But I grant you, there are too many bad teachers that love "letting the students express themselves" in the name of philosophy, which is, indeed, complete bullshit.

haha kys

from ?


where is the contradiction of Zizek (a pronounced Lacanist) and Lacan

haha. knew it ! Are/were you a Normalien ?

do you often close all windows on a very hot day , so that female students can start sweating and taking off their clothes while you massage ur dick behind ur desk

I don't know enough about the two of them to tell you, sorry.

Which ethical system do you believe in?

Do you feel bad about selling hobby degrees with a future of unemployment and barista work to moronic college students whose lives will be ruined by the debt the accrue getting this degree that has no job future?

I'm also interested in what this homosexual individual said.

whats on the curriculum right now

Nope, I failed the exam. But I'm an agrégé, though.

No, but I wish. Well, in fact, being a male teacher (and a philosopher at that), makes you automatically sexier if you're not a lardass. It's hard to respect the rules, but I love having a job and this job particularly.

What is your opinion on the free will and determinism paradox.

1.whats the point in life

2.why does it feel meaningless

3.why is everyone OK with living life in a constant loop everyday

How to achieve happiness in life?
What's the point of life anyways?
How to achieve that point of life?
Can I even do something about achieving anything? Is there free will?

>Ask a philosophy teacher anything.

Did you ever consider getting a real job?

I'm from the US. We studied a number of philosophers and discussed our thoughts on what they wrote, expressed how certain ethical quandaries could be solved using each of their methodologies. Don't get me wrong, it was a serious study of the subject. IMO the professor was a good teacher, I just put a shit ton of work into not caring.


what is the modern philosophic community's opinion of people who go through religious experiences and their philosophic conclusions?

I don't know, honestly. I'd say that the stoics and Descartes are those I prefer. Too many people disregard Descartes's view on morals, although it's pretty damn solid.

I'm in France, not in the US. We don't have to get indebted to study. I'm a high school teacher, though. I don't sell hobby degrees; they're required to take my class.

What curriculum? Bear in mind I'm not American.


Favorite philosopher? What do you think about Marx and Nietzsche? You ever get any neckbeards jizzing in their pants over them?

define "real" define "job" faggot

France, the land where presidential barbers get paid 10000€/month.

are dumb ... philosophy is an exact science about the philosophical movements in a historic perspective... noone can answer you that, idiot

What's a 19 worth in the baccalauréat exam of philosophy ?

What is evolution?

Religious belief?

That's not really a question, asked like that. I'd say that I believe (and I say: believe) inf free-will. If you're interested, Kant wrote something pretty cool to untagle this paradox in his first Critic. I could give you the references if you like.

1. Fucking her right in the pussy?

2. Because you don't fuck her enough.

3. Because everybody hopes to fuck her some more in her pussy some day.

I don't know. Be cool? Don't ask yourself questions that cannot be answered? Aim for tranquillity, and not for vainglory? I don't think that life has a point. Death, perhaps. Salvation and stuff, if you're into these kind of things. I do believe there is free-will, so I'd say that, if free-will is the power you have upon you own will, resolve yourself to do what you want to do. Resolution is the masterkey. It may be one of the few things you're the only master of.

Nope. I'm happy getting paid to talk, read and write.

what were your lectures/seminars about last month? curriculum is an international word for fuck sake... guess it's exams time right now (revisions) at least here in Germany.

Ok, I get it. i did the exact same thing when I was in college. College sucked, to be frank. I started to work before college (in classes préparatoires, a thing specific to France, more or less a prep school) and after, when I had to work the competitive exam in order to become a teacher.

I won't answer.

There is no such thing as the modern philosophic community's opinion insofar as there is no modern philosophic community. You'd get a whole bunch of different answers; and I don't know them all.

Why do you push antiphilosophy like marxism/nihilism on ignorant and naive children? And do you posses enough genuine consciousness to feel bad about deliberately contributing to the downfall of not only civilized society but also man itself?


Thank you for clarifying. Can you tell me the answers that you do know?

What is the future of Sup Forums? And why have it changed so much since its beginning?

'Cause, faggot.

Marx is hard, harder than many marxists seem to think. But he's very interesting. Nietzsche is cool -in fact he was the first philosopher I read (but he's really harder than he looks). I don't have a favorite philosopher; maybe a few: Plato, Montaigne, Descartes, Spinoza, Nietzsche. I'm not really into contemporary philosophers. I like old books.

Yep, my country regularly brings me shame.

In France? Not much. It's cool, I grant you; but the baccalauréat is worth shit.

A brilliant scientific theory?

What is Change?

Malebranche and Spinoza. So, XVIIth century philosophers. Is Malebranche well known outside of France?

no but bear in mind your on the right spot her on /b . everyone is either a student , doctor,engineer or god

>but he's really harder than he looks
No shit, Nietzsche is easily the most misunderstood or outright misrepresented philosopher in at least western history.

If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?

I don't push it, I'm required to do so. Still, I don't do it until the end of the year, and I pick precise subjects on which they have written precise stuff. I don't like my students going away with platitudes.

I can't be precise, since I don't read much contemporary philosophers. Analytic philosophers tend to believe those kind of experience are but an error: we believe something has happened, because we have words to talk about it. Alas, words fail us: there are words that don't talk about anything, and that are complete nonsense. We use them because we do not take the time to clarify our way of talking, in order to debunk those kind of words. Since we don't debunk them, we build fantastical and imaginary worlds around those words. Religion is one of them.

It will last for ever, and will get shittier and shittier, because tourism destroys everything, while preserving it.

Is Husserl an elaborate practical joke by philosophy professors? It's like... a single sentence four pages long with no verbs, and then all the verbs at the end, all in a row, so you have to reverse through the whole sentence again picking out which predicate clauses match up with which verbs. I've read the CoPR. I'm not a moron. But Husserl make me cry.


I do agree.

Can a hotdog eat anything?

>Ask a philosophy teacher anything.
Do you teach how to make those cool patterns in coffee foam?

Husserl makes me cry too. That's why I tell myself that one fine day I will put myself into reading him for real. Until that time comes, I feel a bit like you. I read him in French, though. Weird sentences still, but not as you describe them.

Of course.

I think the version I... well, I didn't read it, I guess "looked at with a glazed expression" would be more accurate, was a literal translation from German.

Lolol, you are such a super awesome rebel. I bet you feel amazing knowing that you made it through school without developing any useful skills. I bet you work a retail job.

How much do you get paid?

Around 2000€. How much is it in dollars?

When something that was once observed as one way, observed at another time appears different.

Not OP

Can you explain the difference between dasein and lebenswelt? As a Kantian, they both ontologically seem to me to be describing the mental abstraction created after-the-fact in our experience of the world as translated through schema, but I am assured they're very different. If they're different, I can't see it.

is that monthly? Doesnt sound like alot

What do you prefer, Frozen o Antz?

>tourism destroys everything while preserving

Thats a biased opinion, some people like shemales, potassium, and circlejerking memes. What is shit to one is gold to the other.

It's all a circle jerk that doesn't explain anything. None of philosophy holds up when compared to actual history and human experience.

He's a fucking philosophy teacher not a god damn plastic surgeon.

less favorite philosopher?

Im a cleaner and make 400 less month.

Hey philosophy buddy ! I'm in Master 2 (à la Sorbonne et j'en ai marre) currently and struggling to do my mémoire. Any tips on methodology, how to make my problématique and my plan ?

I'm so stuck you wouldn't believe. Thanks

What is deconstruction?

Probably some bullshit to make you believe we're nothing more than animals.

Not OP, but I had an experience which is illuminating. About 20 years ago, I ran a D&D campaign which lasted for 8 years, so we had a lot of people float in and out of the group. One fellow was particularly stupid and didn't last long, but he was roleplaying a mage with 18 super-genius intelligence, and I'll never forget the experience.

The way he roleplayed intelligence was to state obvious things numerous times in different ways using large, inappropriate words: "I perceive a door before me. It is possessed of the woodness quality of doorness, such that it cannot be easily ensmashulated."

And it dawned on me eventually that this was how stupid people really perceived smart people. You really do believe philosophy is valueless because, to you, with your, erm, humble intellectual capacity can't understand what's really being said. It just sounds like obvious things being stated over and over again with unnecessarily large words.

TL;DR - u dum

OP accède à ma demande stp J'ai besoin d'un point de vue extérieur je suis un peu dans la merde

You ever heard of Derrida?

>have you read X?
>every philosopher's response.doc

OP t'es où ?

Pensez-vous que le Grinchisme est un humanisme?
Voire de l'humanitarisme?

i don't speak German, I don't know what it means. I'm sorry. Be sure they are different, though. We're talking about Kant. Check the Kant Lexicon, it could help you.

It is monthly. It is not much, but it is enough to live with ease.

I don't like cartoons.

It's true. But I despise this kind of people.

There ARE philosophers that think like you, you know.

I don't know. Kant? He's a genius, but I don't like him, plain and simple. I enjoy reading him, though: he baffles me everytime.

J'ai fait mon mémoire en deux semaines en août à la campagne. Je n'avais ni problématique, ni plan --j'ai tout trouvé une fois l'essentiel rédigé. Te bile pas, j'étais à la Sorbonne, et c'est un peu n'importe quoi. Tu bosses sur quoi ? Avec qui comme directeur ?

Something Derrida wrote about, that I don't know much about. Again, not really a contemporary philosophy fan.

Je réglais des trucs administratifs. J'ai posé quelques questions, histoire de voir si t'es bien dans la merde ou non. Probablement pas, note.

Un humanitarisme plus qu'un humanisme. C'est le côté bien crado de l'humanitaire qu'on retrouve dans l'obsession du Grinch.

You must not be a philosophy teacher because you ve never heard of structuralism, poststructuralism and deconstruction

The one that has to die
Dresses in black silk
But the one that sees the bad of wanting
Tells himself : we always have to destroy

Je bosse sur le refus de la technique avec Renaut.

Donc ce que tu me dis c'est de faire un premier jet et d'étoffer et de structurer ensuite ?

I've heard of them, I use to be fond of structuralism, but I haven't read much postructuralist philosophers. It's just not my thing. And that is not what I'm paid to teach.

>c'est un peu n'importe quoi
Certes, c'est pour ça aussi que je me suis vraiment découragé.
Les vicissitudes de ton métier te cassent pas trop les couilles ?
Et combien de temps avant que ce putain de CNU ne te laisse enseigner en fac ?

I can accept that.

Nah. I understand what they are saying just fine. It's just that they don't know any better than anybody else. They just hide it behind a lot of complex language.

Je vais te dire comment j'ai fait. J'ai pas de méthode miracle, mais j'espère que mon expérience t'éclairera. J'avais principalement deux textes sur lesquels bosser : le Léviathan de Hobbes, et le livre de Job (je bossais sur leur parallèle). J'ai lu et lu et relu ces deux livres, en prenant des dizaines et des dizaines de pages de notes brutes (simplement recopier telle ou telle phrase, telle ou telle expression).

Une fois que tout a bien été pris en note, j'ai relu mes notes, et tenté de faire des rapprochements : tiens, telle phrase de Hobbes va bien avec telle phrase de la Bible ; tiens, j'avais pas vu ce rapport entre ces deux chapitres à première lecture ; tiens, ces phrases fonctionnent de la même façon, etc.

C'est lors de cette seconde étape que j'ai eu mon illumination : deux phrases quasiment identiques, sauf sur la fin : Hobbes donnait deux définitions différentes du droit de nature ; ou plutôt, il en donnait une seule, mais modifiée de deux manières différentes. Avec un truc aussi ténu, je me suis lancé dans la rédaction.

D'abord, avec ce petit truc que j'ai trouvé, j'ai rédigé grossièrement ce que ça impliquait, de rabattre ces deux phrases l'une sur l'autre. Ensuite, j'ai essayé de donner la démonstration de chacune de ces définitions. Puis j'ai tenté de rabattre les deux démonstrations l'une sur l'autre. A ce stade, j'avais le gros de mon mémoire. Le plus dur était fait.

Après ça, il s'est agi de tout remettre en forme : comment arriver jusqu'à ce que j'avais déjà écrit ? Dans quel ordre présenter la philosophie de Hobbes pour en arriver là ? Qu'est-ce que j'avais besoin de définir au préalable ? Qu'est-ce qui était nécessaire ? Superflu ? Ce qui m'a par conséquent donné la première partie de mon mémoire : tout ce dont j'avais besoin pour poser le problème que j'avais résolu. La suite dans un autre message.

In most American philosophy departments (I'm aware OP is not American), these topics aren't touched on at all.

La deuxième partie consistait à poser le problème (ces deux définitions, leur démonstration, les raisons pour lesquelles on peut rabattre deux à deux les définitions et les explications). La troisième tentait de résoudre le problème : comparer bout à bout, mot à mot les deux définitions (et leur explication, etc.), jusqu'à, ô magie, retrouver quelque chose du livre de Job. Et ainsi rabattre le Léviathan sur le livre de Job. Cette dernière partie a été écrite d'une traite, sans même prendre de notes.

Après ça, relecture sur relecture pour chasser toutes les fautes, et mettre de l'ordre dans tout ça (chapitrage, notes de bas de page, etc.). Et puis rédaction d'une jolie introduction et d'une conclusion qui claque et qui --comme c'est bizarre-- correspondent exactement a tout ce qui a déjà été rédigé.

Après, je dis ça, mais j'ai eu un directeur qui avait oublié que j'existais, ça aide. Je sais pas comment est Renaut.

D'accord. Mais lorsqu'il s'agit de centrer un sujet ?
Et c'est noté pour la première partie en tous cas. Cela dit je n'ai encore résolu que peu de problèmes, si ce n'est celui de la possibilité du refus de la technique (qui n'existe pas à mon sens)

Did you have idealized fantasies, as a philosophy student, that poverty wouldn't suck?

Je veux pas bosser à la fac. C'est un panier de crabe. Si tu savais les horreurs fangeuses qui se déroulent en secret... C'est un vrai monde de putes. Au moins, au lycée, t'as l'administration, le ministère (et si t'as pas de bol, ton proviseur ou tes collègues) sur le dos, mais c'est pas grand chose. Les vicissitudes, comme tu le dis, me les brisent modérément : j'ai des couilles en acier trempé. J'essaye de pas me faire remarquer du ministère, et je fais mes cours comme bon me semble (il me semble que je ne manque pas d'autorité, ce qui aide).

Tu bosses sur quel auteur ? T'as lu un peu Ellul ? En matière de philosophie "conceptuelle", dirons-nous, c'est pauvre, mais ça donne plein de bonnes petites intuitions, qui vont d'ailleurs dans ton sens. Qu'est-ce que tu entends par "centrer sur un sujet" ?

I did. But I'm not poor, so I wouldn't know.

why is OP a faggot?

Because fucking your shemale of a mother makes me one.

>tout ce dont j'avais besoin pour poser le problème
>poser le problème
>résoudre le problème
D'accord, j'en prends bonne note.

Renaut a également oublié que j'existais. Mais bon j'ai redoublé uniquement pour le mémoire, et je ne l'ai toujours pas fait, donc je lui donne de bonnes raisons on va dire.

Merci des conseils, ça me rassure. Je perds pied facilement.

Quant à , c'est un point de vue respectable. Il faut être un sacré requin pour réussir à la fac, ou bien faire son trou pendant 10 ans en tant que chargé de TD en plus du lycée. Et j'en ai un peu entendu parler par un cousin qui se meut bien dans ce milieu (plus jeune agrégé blabla), et franchement c'est à celui qui se fait le plus remarquer que va tout le mérite.

Ces auteurs sont très intéressants, mais ils parlent de la technique en elle-même alors que j'essaie de parler de son refus ; c'est le noeud du problème. Il faut que je travaille autour de la technique constamment, et que je la traite comme un sujet de société plus qu'autre chose finalement.


One more time
I ask you
A question
What you want
To say you are
Because you write
On this chan