girls day edition
Other urls found in this thread:
wanna feast on those tummies dbh
what would you do to this little seductress?
I made out with the third from the left ama
rosé do click asap
>both threads were GsD threads
Nice, thanks chingus.
I'm not even a kpopfag, I just passed by to check dem yummy tummies
tummy ranking is:
Sojin > Hyeri > Yura > Minah
and this is not up for discussion
tummy edition?
Attending Dubu and her followers' Last Supper
hyeri has the worst button
I said it's not up for discussion
Have you guys seen that video yet of nayeon and twiceboy who are trying to meet taeyeon during the ending of MAMAs but they kept getting shy??
>in love with Yura
>she hates white people
What do?
Spoiler that man-chin jesus christ how disgusting.
you're not up for discussion
make her love white people or go after a better GsD
forgot your dubuggo
I want to lock the door on Nayeon from outside
become yellow
>in love with Yura
literally why?
anyone got nice pics of yeri?
how do you know
bp looked pretty good on inkigayo
This is why, you homo.
Dubbu at least has an even chiseled chin.
This Blackstink aussie has a mutant growth man-chin and it's making me sick.
most kpops have pancake asses lol
stop following me
Take her out for some icecream.
I just dropped Chrome for Firefox.
Maybe I will drop Nayeon for someone else soon as well.
Yes, and? Why would you reply to a Yura butt with that?
Ratty so fucking hot here.
what does this mean again?
imagine thinking yura has an ass
Taeyeon was the only one who didnt stand up when twice won soty.
What is that then?
here's a nice webm
This is fine, they're asian goddesses, the only grills who can get away with pancake bottoms
>bending over
>still nothing there
based virgin
Get your eyes checked. Or are you a nigger?
dubu butt
omo... that deep gaze onto her lips.
> hot
Song of the Year is a blonde girl saying shashasha.
I don't understand this post, are you trying to convince me otherwise?
Who's his waifu?
wow sexier and does it better
Shinozaki Ai
Solbin said the company wont give Laboum their own phones until they win #1 on a music show.
So they'll never have phones for the rest of their career.
she tries too hard
>Shinozaki Ai
>she tries to make you hard
wtf I hate Taeyeon now
>still bringing that shit up
Your life must be interesting.
>taeyeon in 2016
dat red hair
Why do people still talk about anything to do with SNSD? It isn't 2011 anymore.
it never was 2011
they legit have their own containment thread and still decide to go here. baka famalams
based, she knows that song is shit
dindu plz
the right choice was made
Will IU ever be allowed to release again? It's been a year already and she's unironically the only genuine full package in kpop.
Imagine being a racist in 2016, almost 2017.
>tfw cant spin my dreidel
Why would you write that?
link it
I want to shoot my load on that tum
based guy who starts every post with "chewy is not my waifu (mina is) but..."
just saw a video of krystal trying to walk off the stage quickly once taeyeon was announced winner but the camera caught her so she tried to play it cool LMAO
is it possible - to explaine my mom why i want this pillow so much?
nice maybe next time you could link it
just buy it and if she doesn't approve, punch her in the face
she looks like a midget on that pillow
at least wait till you've moved out.
don't do this to her, show some respect for your parents.
they better give her songs to better singers
that's my hobbit wife you are talking about
thanks for posting chewy, she IS my waifu
it's not too late to make it a Choa thread
I'm gonna get some kpop pillows desu
lewd sejeong....