1 in 4 women will experience rape in her life. 25% of all women you know will get beaten, raped, impregnated and forced to give birth to children.
How do we teach men not to rape? What do we do against the toxic masculinity?
1 in 4 women will experience rape in her life. 25% of all women you know will get beaten, raped, impregnated and forced to give birth to children.
How do we teach men not to rape? What do we do against the toxic masculinity?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
That statistic is complete bs because the accounted for kissing and any form of touch as rape. The real number is somewhere around 1 and 3,000 women will face rape.
Build a wall
Actually they are thinking Humanism (the roots of the feminist tree).
Feminism is specifically interested in 1 gender (suck it transfags).
Your bait, it shines with a shittiness we have not seen for ages.
Rape!?! what's dat
Why are men so afraid of admitting that rape is a problem?
Feminism is for overall equality.
4 in 1 women are raped
5 of every 7 rapists rape
1 in every rape ends with rape
Remember no means rape
How can we teach rapists to rape?
I had a dog once, it was raped
Every woman in the world will experience rape at least once in her life
If a woman drinks too much she is immediately raped
A rapist can only enter private homes if you invite them in
Rapists don't have reflection in mirrors
One way to stop a rapist is a stake through the heart
All men (and some horses) are rapist
If you wish help stop all rape ever. Then please donate to my Patreon.
I'm afraid I'm going to need some reputable citation for that post. And some tits.
it would still be quite concerning if 1 in 4 women will be sexually molested at least once in their lifetime.
Then why did it take 2 women to come up with one quote?
Attempting to bait this hard must be painful.
> fucking girl, good and hard
> bust a fat nut, bareback
> we both enjoyed it, do it all the time
> ask her if she just got raped
> she laughs and we clean up and go downstairs
> My sister is super honest with me
I'm not a rapist, she said so.
male here ..was pretty much abused by females until my early teens ..touched..beaten..mentally abused ..not my mother ..mostly female teachers / adult women in the school system and the females in the classes
Funny thing is i was always told "toughen up" "man up" after 4-5 females 10+ years older then me just beat me up
now if i see a female getting wrecked? i laugh and carry on. I could careless. They acted like cunts to me while i was a child and now they want protection? fuck them.
I thought the fictional liberal rape stat was 1 in 5 college girls? How long until it's 5 in 4 girls are raped every day?
this joke is predicated on the idea that there is something wrong with incest which is wrong.
what's wrong is a society which condemns sex between the most sexually compatible people possible
Lol, the situation may be fiction, the act is not.
Sister sex is best sex.
it is terrible what happened to you. absolutely. but some women being cunts doesn't mean ever woman is a cunt. you are generalizing half the population of the world here. around 3.5 billion different people. there are men and women who are shitty people, don't just focus on the ones from a specific gender.
So you're going for the #NotAllWomen counter? It's a nice version of the No true Scotsman fallacy...
How can you be so retarded?
even to this day women act like that ..infact less then a year ago i was with a female who'd randomly dig her nails into me and kick me all because her and her ex boyfriend would get into an arrangement then she'd "Blame it on me because im a male..yeah i got out of that situation fast but shit ..it STILL happens..i dont even do anything im borderline hermit and look like an average dude ..im in general nice and respectful to women but at the same time a lot of them take this "attitude" towards me and have this bitchy tone ..even my friends think its fucked
You are some weak bastard. How can a man be abused? It's like saying that the moon could be insulted.
>what's wrong is a society which condemns sex between the most sexually compatible people possible
that's bullshit.
though the reason for the illegality of it should be reconsidered. i'm pretty sure science says that the risk of birth defects only increases if incest happens over multiple generations. i guess otherwise gepards would be completely malformed now.
That's 3.5 billion too many. Hope all of you die in a fire.
We start by killing all the people like you.
Why are women so afraid of admitting that dumping baby's in dumpsters is a problem?
and the nut shots ..she probably randomly nutted me 50+ times and always tried to make a joke out of it when i would be on the floor almost puking ..joke is next female who kicks me in the nuts is going to get the biggest hay maker to the face and i won't even care because ive probably been kicked in the nuts easily 200+ times throughout my life by females ..they need to learn their place
you should really read those fallacies again and try to understand them this time. it would have been a "notruescotsman" if i said that a woman who is abusive isn't a woman. i'm gonna be so nice to assume that you aren't retarded enough to have read that into my post though.
yes, of course some women do. men do that too. violence isn't something unheard of from either gender.
you definitely should look into visiting a therapist.
i was
He's right, it's great recreationally, but should stay that way.
Incestuous relationships do end in retards and mutants often.
The problem is not men. The problem is females not fucking the men that want them so the man is rightfully taking what he wants. Welcome to nature.
If this was true, you would have told someone. Did you? No? When you just lie to make women look bad.
It's a sharp hook, and you're yanking the line back more than hard enough to set the hook in any unwary fish who happens to be in the way; but the bait you're using is stale, old, dead and uninteresting.
Try harder next time, OP...
>Feminism is for overall equality.
Feminism is a giant tree with many branches like Libertarianism is.
ive yet to see a male abuse a female in a relationship as much as a female mentally abuses the male.
Females just act weak and ill etc because they get away with it ..they know how easily people can be manipulated. Tbh 90%+ of women are pathological liars
>we all live in the Congo
Yep, told everyone. told police, my parents witnessed a lot of it and even said "WTF" when id get suspended after being beat up by women. Police laughed at me and told me to grow some balls ..yeah..a 8 year old getting jumped by a bunch of 15-18 year old females should just magically grow balls with hulk strength right?
Thank you
You are lying. Prove that this happened.
it is terrible what happened to you. absolutely. but some men being cunts doesn't mean ever man is a cunt. you are generalizing half the population of the world here. around 3.5 billion different people. there are men and women who are shitty people, don't just focus on the ones from a specific gender.
so called "feminism"
is the
another kike bullshit
brainwash stupid goyim.
call me a cry baby all you want but try laughing when your 7-9 year old son comes home with 2 black eyes and bruises all over and then when you goto the school to find out wtf happen they tell you HE'S being "suspended" for beating up females 10-15 years older then him ..lets see you agree then and call your son a cry baby. your brain will explode with how pathetic the public school systems logic is
>Then why did it take 2 women to come up with one quote?
That is an old quote. It took those 2 women to steal it.
i dont need to prove shit on Sup Forums ...just remember when your son gets his ass beat by women @ school and they try and blame him ..just remember some random on Sup Forums told you so
Can you prove in some way that rape is a problem first?
are you braindead? i'm not advocating against men like you seem to assume.
and here we have the nazis again
fuck off to Sup Forums
oy vey shut this thread down goyim know.
are you braindead? i'm not advocating against women like you seem to assume.
You know nothing of the history of feminism, nor what modern feminism has become.
Educate yourself, if you dare:
Oh, but women need to prove that they really were raped to talk about it online.
How about same standards?
Prove that you were abused -> when you are allowed to talk about it without being called a liar.
sure thing, shlomo. it is like second holohoax. oy vey.
it is terrible what happened to you. absolutely. but some niggers being cunts doesn't mean ever nigger is a cunt. you are generalizing quoter of the population of the world here. around 2 billion different people. there are men and niggers who are shitty people, don't just focus on the ones from a specific race.
Don't /thread yourself you fucking newfag
Here, I'll give you this rare Jew, if you fuck off.
i never said they need to prove anything ..are you retarded? if a women was raped ..prove it in person with a rape kit..it'd THAT simple
i do have pictures of all the marking / bruised nuts the chick last year gave me but i dont need to post it ..im over it i just keep them as leverage in case they ever pull some shit again
You have been determined to be a cunt.
Show Tits or GTFO.
Dubs speaks truth.
Do it...
But im not a man, im a woman that knows how statistics work, god forbid a woman can actually be smart
Inb4: tits or gtfo
Then post the pictures.
No, Sup Forums is also my place to hang around. If you do not like my posts you can gently fuck off.
These tumblr raids are weak... where's shovel dog when you need it?
fuck off back to tumblr and keep your whaletits to yourself you unfuckable waste of protein
i dont need to post anything ..just know i have 20+ pictures of the abuse that took place and thats all that matters ..a lot more then what a lot of these "rape" statistics
Oh btw i reported/sent those to police also ...they did nothing
so like i said ..next bitch that even touches me is gonna get K.O'd and guess what? I'll goto court ..show the court ive been psychically abused by women for years and i'll get my free pass :)
>hoohoo we're hilarious!
>Literally a post filled with cringe of Tumblrtards attempt at satirical 'humor'.
Any feminist who does not support the right for men to abort their unwanted children just like women does not truly believe in gender equality.
*couldn't care less.... not could
Fucking dumb cunt.
saw that coming/10
not american
I thought I was going to get trolled with Victimist (one of the more cancerous branches of the feminist tree) Bullshit.
Instead I get retarded MRA dog shit. "Women want monogamy!" LULZ. Monogamy was invented by men so that they could recruit lonely losers into their religion by offering them a woman.
Before that (the guy even covers the numbers) a woman had one of the "good ones" that is always taken these days, as a husband, as well as several girlfriends, They had the average woman's perfect world.
The person who wrote that is an idiot.
Your bait is week user
One of the best essays I have ever read on this subject. If only everyone would read it. It is long, but well worth the effort.
If only women knew the wedge that is being driven between one and all, including the wedge driven even between the sexes!
(And Yes, there are only two!)
>like that bait?
So you lied. Stop lying, kiddo.
better than rape jokes
I think they counted sexual harassment and consensual drunk sex too, and fucking anything can count as sexual harassment
Fun fact OP, not all men are fucking rapists. You're just sad cause your boyfriend dumped you for someone who isn't batshit insane.
ALSO, women are abusive too so uh, go fuck yourself you self indulgent cunt. Have fun with your dead bedroom :-)
Lmao that bitch should have got raped
I will admit I don't leave my house after dark because I fear assault, but that's not because I'm a woman it's because I'm physically weak and want to avoid that risk.
Unless I am surrounded by male friends I don't feel safe out at night.
But its bullshit to say that women are forced to give birth. Most women eventually choose to have children.
I don't personally want them, but if a woman doesn't want a kid it's extremely easy to avoid it.
We are not as oppressed as feminists try to make us out to be.
you should feel bad for owning this
What do you gain from pretending to be retarded?
>Literally posting the most used bait image of all time.
Everyone in this thread are fucking summer fags and deserves to fucking die.
>hurr durr ur in here xD
Stfu feminist trash
Btw anyone got that webm of that chick getting set on fire ?
pics or it didn't happen
is this considered rape?
>be me
>playing at park years ago
>friend that is girl ask me to see my pee pee
>we go to a bush not far
>I say "first show me your bum"
>I'm taking off my pants to show her
>hear someone coming out way
>girl gets startled and runs off
>she was 8
>I was 30
yes, he didn't ask her