Just made my first batch of crystal meth, ended up with around 11,4g of the purest shit i have tried in my life
>Ask me anything
Just made my first batch of crystal meth, ended up with around 11,4g of the purest shit i have tried in my life
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How does it feel knowing that everyone thinks you're worthless?
Should i really care what people think of me?
Is it hard to make ? I want to try
OP teach us your ways. How do we meth?
Did you put a lil pepper in it to add a kick?
You suck, it's not even blue.
It depends on how easy it is to get ephedrine in your country
Chemistry stand point, what method did you employ to produce your batch.
The united states, don't know how hard it is
Well it isn't really hard to make, it is dangerous tho because some processes are done with toxic, exploding of highly flamable substances, so I was kinda scared, but i wouldn't say its hard provided that you can get all the right substances you need.
Bottle method?
How long did it take to make that
So op what synth did you go with?
Does meth have a taste? What happens if you eat it? Is it super hard or does it crunch?
I can give you a recipe i used and some tips.
Reduction of pseudoephedrine to produce D-methamphetamine
around 6 hours.
I like your pics with cats post more!
It has very bitter awful taste.
Dude yeah I'm gonna need your recipe
not even fucking
bump for recipe!
I have used this recipe
as it looked from chemistry and substance wise, most easy to make, and most easy to obtain substances, with little to none chance to fail.
Bumping and waiting
anhydrous ammonia
Lithium ammonia
If you want a recipe search for Uncle Fester but if you didn't know that you might be in the wrong game.
I'm afraid to clik it what if it is a virus...
Ammonium nitrate was used.
Seriously people follow that shit, fucking hell please do this and end up igniting themselves.
where is the cat from earlier pics!?
This method works, if u understood chemistry you would know that if done right, this method produces crystal meth.
That would normally be bottle shake method or you dont have access to enough materials.
Why cook when you can just order from a DNM? Seems like a hassle, risk, gotta dispose of hazardous waste, etc.
>just made
>the purest shit
>for the first time
Try again, Walter. Fucking noob.
The process is different, bottle shake method is used in both shake and bake which produces non crystal meth called crank in most countrys which isn't rly pure or strong as the crystal meth produced with method I was using.
People may think he's worthless, but he has meth, what do you have faggot?
This man is on his way to big bucks
>purest shit i have tried in my life
is this your first time reading, nigger?
Are you going to sell it or lose your mind for the next two weeks?
Well a little of both i guess, i did mostly for the adventure and thrill, I',m nor a methead nor a drug dealer.
Not a methhead yet... Be careful OP.
Well this was productive.
Love text tutorials like this. This site's uploads are old, any site to get newer ones?
Probably on scribd.
Do you think breaking up with my girl friend of 6 years was a good move?
That looks like shit
You should grow mushrooms next.