Winning action
Winning action
Should be a black hand, fuck that guy, the ref too...
Come on France, there are far more efficient ways to get salt than tears.
>Come on France, there are far more efficient ways to get salt than tears
Come on Portugal, try to win with a real gameplay ?
without cheat.
Doesn't feel very nice, does it?
Congrats. But that's being salty. Eder clearly touched the ball and got away with it.
>real gameplay
Like yours? :^)
now, i know what u felt, sorry.
Don't make Mutumbe mad guys, Team Africa deserved to win.
When will they add cam checking into football?
But we didn't cheat
it is time
>Look at him crying
>destroying Boateng
>destroying Ronaldo
eat shit frogface
> Anonymous 07/10/16(Sun)23:48:03 No.69462411▶
> (OP)
>>Look at him crying
Comedia del arte !
>Should be a black hand, fuck that guy, the ref too...
Honestly, it's like pottery. You used up all your bullshit handball calls in the game against us.
> Complain about cheating
> Get refballed to final
> Still lose
Get fucked
>destroying Boateng
He literally fell on the ground after passing the ball unpressed
What is this? I didn't watch the game until they scored.
mfw franced was scripted to win but still lose
I'd say the winning action was injuring Ronaldo with a blatant foul. Shame France couldn't compete in a 10 v 11.
Disgusting referee carried africa vs germany stfu
You just bought the ref.
A-At least we didn't blâme you for it...
But they scored, you didn't
Deserved win for PorTSUgal
>try to injure opponent's best player
>still lose
But this hand change the match, without this hand, there are no goal. :)
>the referee mistook a black hand for a white French players hand
This is just salt Pierre, it was in no way a game changer
Eder is a fucking asshole for not admitting the hand foul but the free kick wasn't scored and the game resumed like normal
Karma for cheating against Ireland as posted.
Still gg.