Hey Sup Forums,
I think I may be suffering from depersonalization caused by recreational drugs. Any advice? I'm hoping if I stay clean it goes away, can it last forever?
Hey Sup Forums
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It will come back eventually. What did you use? MDMA etc?
I always feel like a shell of a person for awhile after doing those kinds of drugs but eventually ur brain will recover user. Just get lots of sleep and perhaps get some 5htp i think its called.
It builds ur serotonin back up.
Maybe ask 420chan
first step is to not go to Sup Forums if you want to feel like a real person
thanks dude i've been looking for an answer like this!
depersonalization from marijuana?
go to a doctor, just straight go talk to a doctor.
stop doing what you're doing and get help because you don't want it to get worse. nothing bad will happen by telling them you did drugs, trust me i've been there.
I can offer experience from my years of use.
A couple of years ago, all my friend and I did together was drugs. Weed, LSD, MDMA, Amphetamines (Both pure and bunk shit), different kinds of 2C's, lots and lots of alcohol, DMT you name it. We did a shit load of drugs.
Of course this took the better of many of us. A friend of mine had a horrible trip on acid and only became mentally stable again after over a year.
Another friend got way too high when doing bong rips on MDMA and went into panic mode for 5+ hours. He suffered from DP for a long ass time and came back after months of isolation and self-starvation.
At a week-long LAN party/drug binge I slept almost nothing during the whole time and did a huge amount of different drugs. After that week, it felt as if I was watching myself in 3rd person doing stuff. I was casually going by the day but I wasn't present in my mind. It felt as if someone else were in control of my body. This went on for slightly over a year. While it never crippled my day to day actions, it was frustrating and did not help my already depressed and anxiety-filled state of mind.
After another LSD-trip while coming down, me and some friends went outside to smoke some weed. When we came back in we sat down and listened to music and it was as if my brain zapped, like someone changed the channel on a TV. It was freaky as shit and I panicked for a few seconds until I realized i was feeling more present then I had been doing for a long time and after that experience I was feeling somewhat alright again.
I recovered using sleep, exercise and spending time outside doing other stuff than drugs for once.
TL;DR drugs are amazing but take goddamn care about yourself
lol this can't be serious