why are americans so fat and stupid and disgusting?
Why are americans so fat and stupid and disgusting?
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck did she get in?
Why did Europeans decide to break away from the EU even though the leader behind the whole thing had "absolutely no idea what would happen"?
You're not answering the original question btw
If the US crumbles because of Trump or Hillary, who will fight Europe's and the Middle Eastern's wars?
Also, UK broke from EU. So, you're not making sense on top of not answering the question.
Because America is built on 1000 ancient indian burial grounds
Americans, since WW2 have had an excess of everything. That includes food and leisure activities. That equals obesity. Also, major food industry ignored science saying things like aspertame, ollestra, and heavy doses of processed/high sodium food led to overeating. However, my retort would be, "why do Eurofags continue to let the Middle East and Africa cuck their native populations?
I think it's because Mexico has a higher obesity rate?
>be americunt
>sees post about why americunts are so shitty
>answer it with a counterquestion
>don't faced the real question