Latenight feels thread
Latenight feels thread
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Here, Sup Forums :/
Has someone sad musik?
from last thread which is dying...
Is there any way to get over feeling like life is just a chore that I do to make the few people who seem to care about me happy? I don't do it for myself, and everyday things entertain me less and less.
I think if by some miracle I could get a friend or girl I could distract myself more but I don't know how to do either.
whenever i lurk feels thread I listen to this.
I don't know why but it gives me this sad and warm feeling and sets the mood just right
> "your not him"
> kms
>Be summer 3 years ago
>Be at old friends house, met her in middle school
>7/10 girl, was a 10/10 but kept fucking herself up
>Friendzoned because I never really made a move, part late bloomer part beta I guess
>Best friend I've ever had so I don't really mind
>Partying the whole day
>Party get's pretty big as they usually did when she hosted them
>Times goes on and we both get a bit drunk
>We go outside because she needed me as company while she smokes a cig
>She recently had breast implants, which ruined her best feature imo, her flat chest
>She starts talking about them
>I say "Can I touch them" as a joke
>She takes my hand and places them on one of her tits
>Feel them for a bit and tell her they feel good
>Bites her lip and look up at me with fuck me eyes
>Talks about her tits for a while
>Smalltalk goes on
>She asks me if I wanna smoke some weed, which I had done like 2 times before, never really had the taste for it
>She goes to get her stash, comes back with a pretty thick joint
>Another friend of us joins and we smoke up
>Feels high for the first time
>We go inside again to continue partying
>Another friend offers me tequila
>I yes even though I know this leads to bad things
>first shot fine, 2nd ok, 3rd shot completely forget everything from that point on
>Faint memory of her leading me upstairs but we both collapse in laughter, probably because we're still high
>Faint memory of making out with her
>Wake up half naked infront of a toilet full of puke
>Get up, drink some water and go to the nearest bed I see
>Talk to her the day after and I said I don't remember anything
>She said that right after we got high she asked me if I wanted to go to bed with her, but as soon as we entered her room I ran to the bathroom, puked and blacked out
>I pretend laugh it off, but inside it hurts
>Almost had sex with the girl of my dreams
I was planning on killing myself but there's another terrorist attack and now I gotta shitpost on Sup Forums
goddamnit ISIS
that's actuarry pretty funny
I got a letter from my doc today
Its said i suffer of asperger
Dont know what to do know
Everyone who is calling me aan autistic fag is still wrong i am straight but to shy to get physical contact to woman and this letter demoralising me wven more in my non existing self confidence
Help me Sup Forums
first step; basic English course.
then we can talk.
Dubs wienstien
I probably have assburgers aswell.
All the online tests I've taken say so at least, you're not alone
Happened last time with the Paris attacks as well
Every relationship I've had since HER has gone to shit. She's completely forgotten on my part, but damn, I really miss being with somebody the way I was with her.
I have to remind myself constantly that it will be fine. That I have to stop giving a shit and actually focus on things. But sometimes I just find myself arguing with and/or fucking girls that I don't love, and that it is not me, it is simply that I haven't found anybody.
Please, tell me that I am not alone. That some other train will stop here and take my breath away. Tell me that I can love again.
At least you are able to have relationships
Never had a romantic moment with a woman in my entire life, might never
What are you running away from OP ?
How old are you? Why not?
past memories
same as this guy
without the nazi pic ofc
Because I have social anxiety, I'm not a fat ugly neckbeard or anything it's just my mind can't handle social interactions no mather how much I want it to.
I had many chances when I was younger to go on dates and even get laid because girls showed interest in me, but I didn't know how to handle the situation and respond so I never got anywhere
You re trying to outrun your own shadow
u gotta make yourself forget her.
i mean, all these thoughts hurt no one else but yourself.
u gotta focus on moving on
I promise u, tons of fish in the sea
maybe youre not seeing it now
but as soon as u get over her things will get clearer.
youll be askin yourself y did u spend so much time on nothing
believe me, you will love someone else again
my friend abused me and made an entire soundcloud bashing me
im a girl and he just shit on me with his songs
When your soul is so tired of fighting and its looking for any reason, any at all just to stay alive just... just for one more day...
I had the same problem. Now i talk to girls on /soc/.
I cannot cum to porn,i need to sext to cum. How fucked am i?
so why do u call him ur friend again
Thank you, kind user. But she is not the problem. Focusing on improvement is just "hey, this way is how I will forget her. Have you forgotten yet? Look, you didn't do this when you were with here and are not half as bad. What would she say if she saw you?"
Breaking out of that fucking circle is just impossible some days. I'm driving myself nuts over something that is best left forgotten.
Fuck you nigger you get to fuck girls and you complaining?
honestly the only song that can give me the feels, enjoy Sup Forums
You're luckier than you think, I can only get properly hard from porn.
You matter.
Do you know how difficult it is to get someone to sext ?
>going to break up with gf of more than a year this weekend
>don't want to but know it's the right thing to do
>genuinely enjoy time with her
>chubby redhead but she's lost almsot 60 lbs since we started dating
>just don't see marriage in the cards for us
>she's 5 years older so I don't want to hold her back if I'm not serious about her - biological clock
>had a gf of 3 years before, called each other soulamtes.. can't help but compare
>first time breaking instead of being the breakee
>sucks just as much
>she knows it's coming I think, haven't talked in a couple days
>heart is turning in my chest and I don't want to do it
>it's the right thing to do
>right thing
>to do
Yes, because people are different from one another. You want sex and I seek love.
Do you know what its like to finally get her and be able to do nothing?
I was like this once..
>She's completely forgotten on my part.
>Compares every relationship to the one with her.
>I find myself doing things that aren't me.
>Still doing those things.
You need to chill the fuck out, my man, and take a step back. You're obviously a hypocrite that likes lying to yourself and other people. Seems like a good reason why your relationships wouldn't work out.
Ask mutual friends of yours, not anons at Sup Forums.
If they agree it's the right thing to do, do not hesitate a second.
LOL, that was one of the most autistic things I've read today. Good job, friend. Unless your gf is a child, I'm not sure why breaking up with her would be the right thing to do.
I'm constantly fighting with my girlfriend but I'm already trying my best to support and help her since she is so suicidal at the moment. I have issues myself, I don't want to be responsible for another persons life but I feel like I have to. I have breakdowns because of this huge fear of losing her. She's the girl of my dreams but everything goes downhill and I don't know how much longer I can handle this.
Try stupid nigger
I'll dump a few greens
>I seek love.
Heh, sorry, man, but that was pure cringe. Maybe it's just my personality, but relationships are quite overrated. Don't worry about them so much, nigga.
I did, and I tried to break up with her in January but when the waterworks started coming I did a full reverse. Friends I've talked to say if I have doubts about the relationship then to end it. My heart isn't in it, but I will miss her.
Time to join this retarded circle-jerk. I'm tired, fellow beings. I have no idea why, but I have no happiness in me life. I cannae find pleasure in relationships like other people, and I cannae find pleasure without other people. I'm probably going to kill myself in a few decades, if I don't die first.
I'm trying to feel and everyone just keeps talking about their relationships
I know that drinking and drugs, mostly drinking.. actually.. 99% drinking, has ruined pretty much all good things in my life. There's no one to blame but myself, but I'm my happiest when I'm drunk. I can be happy sober, but when being even happier is so easy, it's easy for me to always find my way back there. I sit here now, drinking, high, alone, and I don't even know what to feel anymore.
The drugs are taking a toll, and of course the constant drinking too. My health is going downhill pretty fast, I realize this, and I have no intention to stop.
I am to blame.
Anyone on celalopram? How good was it day-to-day? Moves all over the place but I don't know why.
Is be nice if I didn't feel like the military was such a chore. If I could actually have fun again. I have so much to gain if I can just make it to 20 years, but 7 years is so much time
You "aspies" suck, it's not a real thing, you know that, right? "Doctors" just decided to put a name to someone being a shitlord, figure it out, shitlords
It is. Usually. If you have a good reason. I've been through that shit myself, recently. Had only been "together" for three months. We liked each other at first sight, got horny, and wanted to know each other. The reasons why we left are irrelevant, what is relevant is that something productive is going to come in the future, be it for her or for you. But don't be with someone just because you feel guilty about wanting to break up. Try to talk to her, and if things are unsolvable, just part ways.
>In my particular case
>BBW cute girl.
>Is nice, but incredibly boring
>No creativity, slow on the uptake, talkative about mundanities.
>I said I didn't want anything serious.
>She knew this from the start.
>Just can't see myself falling head over heels for this person
>Still want to know her though
>Tell her that I don't feel well, that there is something missing
>Dumping strong yet sentitive girl
>Also incredibly sexual
>Starts to cry
>Makes me cry
>Says I'm a liar and an phony
>She feels cheated
>It's either all or nothing with her, meaning that we can't be friends.
>I feel like a douche.
Wasn't aware they let people with mental illnesses stay in the military. ?
Do you mean CITILOPRAM? It's okay, in 20mg doses I suppose
Well meme'd, friendo. You better report your findings to a reputable science organization. I look forward to news of your success, old chap.
Get off it. I have the same vices. I thought about going to get booze tonight too. Don't do it.
My mother almsot lost her liver and kidneys.. we thought she would die in the hospital where she was for 2 months..
She continues to drink now. Her own father says she's going to be dead within the year, but if me, her son, can't believe she'll get better who will?
That means you can't sympathize well.
Try and feel something with this.
I let my mom down.
She raised me on her own, divorcing my piece of shit dad who I haven't talked to in two years or something.
She provided everything for me, always putting me first, allowing me to do what ever I wanted. And I fucked it up. Today it hit me so hard I can barely breathe.
I spent the last 10 years sitting at the computer for 8-12 hours a day, completely neglecting my studies and neglecting my family.
I rarely talk to my mom since I'm in my room all the time. My uncle and aunt live across the street from us, with two little girls aged 7 and 6. It's been weeks since I even talked to them. I've never done anything with them even though they invited me so many times. I barely know their children, I've never played with them and barely even talked to them.
My grades are so bad that the only college I can get into is in another city, and if I don't get in there I literally can not get into any other college. I'm not stupid, I just never studied anything, and I ways always half asleep in class.
I can't believe how only a few days ago my biggest concern was someone killing me in a game and I got so mad because I couldn't retaliate. I've never had a girlfriend obviously, I only once asked a girl out and she said no. I feel so empty and meaningless. A couple of days ago I would just start another 12 hour gaming session, but I'm unable to escape reality any longer. I'm seriously thinking of killing myself at this point, but I'm too afraid of dying to ever do that.
"I'll miss her"
Hands down one of the worst reasons to stay with someone, for the simple fact its selfish as hell. Doesn't it strike you as mildly fucked up that you're willing to waste the only true possession someone has(time) because you're gonna miss the cuddles? You're literally wasting every breath this girl has before she dies because you're scared of being alone, scared of starting over or even scared of making a mistake. So my question is do you think its fair to waste any more of her time because you're a pussy?
>Staying with someone for the sake of them
okay whatever you say
Not all mental illnesses will DQ you but I haven't told anyone anyway.
Ya, I mean, "CITILOPRAM." I've mis-spelt it so often that's the auto-generated suggestion. I'm on 40mg and it's usually more effective than this.
Risking your appathy, I don't mniw if that's nust normal or if I need to develope a more explicut recovery regimine set up
Maybe this is bad advice, but live however you wish. I don't advise going out and hurting people, but if you want to game, then game. You should probably study if you want to succeed in society, but that is up to you, mang. Good luck.
By the "medical guidelines" like 60% of people have it then, sooooo... maybe they are diagnosing because if you "don't feel like everyone else sometimes" and have a bad day here and there, there's a problem with you? It's called life, shit's strange and chaotic, at best
Pull the trigger, make the nightmare stop. People that are smart and successful do not pis their time away on Sup Forums and video games. You sound like you are already too far down the rabbit hole to ever get out. You may live another 80 years. But they will be the m most useless and wasted years any one has ever lived.
I wish I had done it that early. Then it wouldn't be so hard. We've already given each other a lot of our time. She has a master's, she loves doing art. But she's also a super feminist and we don't see eye to eye all the time.
What makes it really bad is I'm her longest relationship by miles, and only her second in the sack. IF you don't count sucking cocks.
I tried and it just made me angry and uncomfortable, what was I supposed to feel?
That's hella deep Sup Forumsro
At least she has people who believe.
Come on, dude. You have enough self-awareness to realise you have a shit situation in hands. Now, do you want to disappoint them even more and kill yourself (imagine your mother finding your body hanging from a rope tried to the trousers rod, feeling she can't bear the weight of her overweight dead son).
Fucking do it and go to the other city. You're gonna have to fight for it. Expand your fighting spirit beyond vidya and straight into reality. Get a room, pay bills, cook. Who will your mother see? A tombstone or someone standing on his own feet, free to walk anywhere?
Sources, please.
projection intensifies
You need different meds, dude, it takes a long time to find something that works consistently, you'll go through a number of different drugs and combinations there-of to find it, just hold tight and do your best
>can't bear the weight of her overweight dead son.
By looking at my image, I meant. Angry because other people experienced and did other things? Uncomfortable why?
That means it is working. Welcome to art.
Have you actually read the guidelines to have aspies? Shit example maybe, but copypasta "He's just as smart as other folks, but he has more trouble with social skills. He also tends to have an obsessive focus on one topic or perform the same behaviors again and again." So you have poor social skills and have a hobby... well gee whiz
Thanks for the peptalk coach. I'm ready to shatter hearts now.
That's fucking rough man.
>Super feminists
>Can't see eye to eye
That's exactly what feminists do. Or, expressed differently, some women are impervious to logic. At least that's my experience with feminists.
Why did you start dating her?
well, you could try changing your environment. people mostly. try something new. think of that one person you know who is different from the others and you really like their ways. this helped me at least
Right, so no sources.
>ITT, mongs who think they are intelligent.
End me pain, boyo. I cannae go on much longer.