Dubs gets nudes

Dubs gets nudes



Ok I go.

I prefer not to.

Fuck off with the "dubs" cringe, you lonely little sperg. It's not like it's hard to find random pictures of tits on the internet.

And you didn't want them. Lmao.



Welp get rekt op is a faggot
Her Twitter is xoleina


I woud prefer if you sent me some Blu Rays

Her tits look saggy... post em OP.

check em

Fucking kill me please

op wont deliver


Will he deliver for these trips?? Prob not.

deliver, scum

OP better fucking deliver.

What do you not respond if I get dubs?

She's 17







Keeping going op



OP you fucking liar and fucking scum.


FBI detected.


post them!!

I don't want to see them, she has a mole.

OP seriously, no more bullshitting around.

I heard her tits are pretty amazing


I heard you don't even know her

Check em

Just fucking with you
Xoleina is her Twitter
I just checked it
All these pics are on her Twitter op is a faggot

I heard i am her...



Why the fuck is this still up we know we're not getting nudes


Singles and you fuck off. Naked bitches are a dime a dozen on the internet.

Show us some of the good stuff

Dubs.... what does that mean.. "your a sad twat"

tr.v. dubbed, dub·bing, dubs
1. To tap lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood.

2. To honor with a new title or description.

3. To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname.

4. To strike, cut, or rub (timber or leather, for example) so as to make even or smooth.

5. To dress (a fowl).

6. To execute (a golf stroke, for example) poorly.

An awkward person or player; a bungler.
