Gay club shooting

>Gay club shooting
>Killing around 50
>Bastille day truck killing
>Kills around 70
Now with all of these extreme shit becoming more common. i believe this is the end for all of us.

Was it confirmed to be a muslim?

Beginning to agree with my grandfather. Sand Niggers are like cancer; and we all know, if infected with cancer, you don't just remove a small piece of it... you remove the whole thing. Kill'm all.

>number of americans killed in car accidents each week: 628

It's literally more dangerous for your mom to drive you to the mall, kid.

Hopefully not.

holy shit you are stupid

It's only the end because westerners are fucking pussies who refuse to fight back.
Evolutionary failures.

>"Le Muslims are bad"
Fucking racists.

Muslims aren't a race, kid.

In glad the sjw's are winning. Losing Sup Forums is a small price to pay for progress.

Fuck you cuckold

Don't forget Istanbul airport and Iraq.

triplord, it must be true

who is this guy ?
he looks derp

He was the raging homo fag who killed the other raging homo fags at the night club.

Don't eat my ass during holy fast.

a real love story

Muhammed was a serial killer and a pedophile.

So was Albert Fish. That's why I practice the one true religion; Fishlam.

enjoy before they get nuclear bombs, user


You ameritards bomb the shit out of other countries in the name of "democracy" to disguise what is really a resource war / power struggle.

And then get all butthurt when the war which has claimed literally millions of innocent lives overseas comes to your doorstep and a few hundred people get mown down.

What the fuck do you assholes expect? To go to other countries for literally decades - (the middle east just being the latest in the long list of America's perpetual war on everything that isn't them) and expect no retaliation?

Who can really blame "terrorists" for what they do?

The real terrorists are the American government and anyone who sides with them.


the average person doesn't have political influence or have any say over that shit. most people don't even know what's going on.

what do we do

What happened on Bastille day?

Shut up moslim loving scum. What we need is one final grand crusade to whipe them out for once and all


I take it you are a little fuzzy on Muslim histories, specifically the crusades. Muslims have murdered more than a quarter of a BILLION people. So really, just fuck right off of this thread. Muslim sympathizers are the first to get nuked, faggot.

oh shit



Yeah I understand this, the post was more directed at the people all like "hurr durr sand niggers wanna kill us for no reason!! Kill them all".

The only real thing the average person can do is not vote for the assholes perpetuating these circumstances (most likely rigged anyway, I know), and vote with your money.
Don't buy from or listen to corporations who sponser the politicians and political parties that support these people. (Most large corporations can be linked to this, coke, McDonalds, News / TV stations, biotech companies, etc etc).

Unfortunately this requires a bit of knowledge on the individuals part, which most people are too lazy to obtain (much easier to just listen to the TV hey).

Minor things like this make a huge difference to the power of the individuals responsible when it's done in mass.

Don't be a tardbucket

Who the fuck else would be responsible

United States military has killed over 1 million people in the last 10 years.

That is 280 people per day on average.
>280 people per day killed by US MILITARY

Fuck off OP.

If it was America's, it'd be the end of lorries!


>mfw when 2chan and Sup Forums owned by Army intellgence
>mfw posting in a honeypot
>mfw i have no face

How many did brevik kill? Is this guy the new world champ???

>Unfortunately this requires a bit of knowledge on the individuals part, which most people are too lazy to obtain

even if they take the time to learn something about it, 99% of people aren't willing to make any lifestyle change... or they just choose not to give it too much thought. A lot has too happen for enough people to get on board to make a real difference :(((

280 people per day? That's 280 less terrorists/refugees/rapists. Nip it in the bud! Oh sorry, per day.




I'm perfectly well versed in the.violent nature that both the modern Muslim and the christian religions come from. I don't think that's the point.

The fact is, people you are just as violent, just as closed minded and just as brainwashed as the people you hate. Rather pathetic really.

Up to 80 mate


When will they ban trucks.

hurr durr "They only want to have peace and freedom", "don't offend me with your irrational fears", "one white man has killed more people than all the sand niggers have put together" butthurt apologist for muzzies, I hope you are next


>77 confirmed dead
>100 injured
islam, religion of dubs

killed 77 and by himself yes, and a bunch of children. White people problems.

That tells me that it's time to get serious about vehicle control and vehicle legislation. These tools of pure death out kill even the so called assault rifles. They out kill handguns. Vehicles are a lethal threat to society! Let's get rolling and get these laws in place because we're a civilized society! We can start with making it illegal to drive over people!

It's also time to sue vehicle manufacturers!! It's their fault vehicles were made and sold!

>> ________________¶___
>>| allah ackbar ooo||| “”|””\_,
>> (@)@)*********(@)(@)**(@)


That's so fucking upsetting. How can we ever expect to end this if we're killing so few of them?

This is true, and sadly the problem.

The truth is, either way this ends up going (the state of the planet and the evil corrupting it),
A lot of people are going to die all over the world before any really change happens.

Sadly it looks like it might be in our life time, that we see a massive event that will bring this about.

my fucking sides bro

ever heard of free speech?

why not just pass a law to make them smaller and slower so they cant be used to kill as many people at once ?

>pretend like it's the most disgusting and offensive thing you've ever seen, and laugh at all the newfags who don't know what's going on
what did he mean by this?

what the fuck does a Dodge Charger have to do with a maniac running people over on purpose

1 million in last 10 years? That's a good start.
But I think we could do better. Fucking Obama is slacking man He even dumps rations and shit on ISIS. What a newb.

Kill yourself, faggot.

Those fucking Environmentalists need to be stopped!

Probably all at a soccer game. Or football. Whatever they call it.....

Fucking commies.

Obviously we just need to ban trucks too...

You probs could just left the post at hurr durr. Woulda made just as much sense.

"Fighting is prescribed for you" and all that. Perfect!!

I just got done throwing up.I've seen a lot of shit on this site, but that is fucking heinous



what a faggot you are

It's been common with mudslimes forever.
Now we have worldwide connection almost instantly, so we're just more aware of it.


shhhhh... remember this, and german fags, dont say anithyn or you gona get arrested.

>dont eat mcdouble or drink coke
>save the world from the patriarchy

I dont know, sounds hard. Don't think im up for it, m8.

Its 80 kills folks and that beats POS faggot breviks 77...we have a new world champ ...a muslim woo hoo!!

I will point out that shia muslims killed less than christians. Often times shia and sunni muslims will not mix, in case you didn't know

well, that's enough Sup Forums for tonight


>..a muslim woo hoo!!

betcha they were french nationals too. Multiculturalism ftw !

Indeed, and sadly this is why billions of people will die before we see any real change to the state of the world.

Maybe if they barfed up that tofu and ate some goddamn GMOs like nature intended they'd have the strength to injure more than 4 people in 12 attacks.

My name is Omar
I go to gay bar
I have an AR
Time for Allahu Akbar.

There is a mosque about a 20 minute driver from my house

Does anyone know when the fucks gather up? Every time I drive past there is nobody there, I'm not sure when those cum stains have their meetings.

I will point out that sunni muslims have historically not mixed with anyone, in case you've ignored this fact.

why is there no line item for those killed by nation states ?

shitskin nigger detected

Its ok we have Doomguy.

Because it's a specific parse of events that fit the criteria for terrorist incidents, not a totalling of sums across all possible events.

But I feel fine!

>european arab country
>mass killing of whites
who else could done that, mormons?

more than 789433004 of people that drank even a drop of wather in their life had died

It's true, but I think these "good Moslems" should start asking questions when people want to convert, or even about their fellow members. Seems like when you just accept everyone, you have a lot of wierdos who can't get a virgin in real life so they have to die for 70 of them.

yup, the god damned sand niggers all need to be purged off this planet, every fucking last one of em

Every generation says that when they get to their mid 20's

Trucks, huh.

It's like ISIS is just trolling the first worlders at this point

let them come, I aint afraid

Aww :( not my Sup Forums!!

Nothing like good old fashioned racism huh cleetus? It's not like first world countries are destroying the Middle East. Oh wait...

dirty kikes....u are the cause of all this

good job, you're reacting exactly the way terrorists would want

Looks like we need to update this pic