Sup Forums a friend of mine is trying to kill herself i've been stalling for the past hour but i don't know how to actually convince her to stop any help would be greatly appreciated please save her she's a good fucking person
Sup Forums a friend of mine is trying to kill herself i've been stalling for the past hour but i don't know how to...
you've come to the wrong place if you're trying to save a suicidal person. try a church hotline or something.
Send the police to her house. Fuck that drama queen bullshit. Call her out.
Can you physically meet them? Also, proof please.
spend as much time as possible with her, go out with her and make her feel comfortable with you. Become the reason she needs to live, if you want i can help talk her out of it, i'll give you my facebook if you want
It's her life. I know you think she's a good person, but in the end it's their decision. Also, don't come to Sup Forums for this shit
Go back to Tumblr faggot.
> fell for the b8
Tell her to text 741741, it will put her in touch with a licensed shrink she can text as user. Helps me not murder when my PTSD flares up.
yeah because being a decent human being and having compassion on Sup Forums makes you a faggot.
careful with those edges darklord
Genius idea user, he is trying to help her. Fggt.
OP, search real help, in the mid time go help her personally, LIKE NOW. She will need a professional psychoanalyst and psychiatrist for the meds, also emotial support, a lot.
>i've been stalling for the past hour
It's called emotional blackmail, kiddo.
Your friend isn't killing herself. She's just using you for attention and sympathy.
You are naive and she is just manipulating you. She is not "a good person".
Give me your Facebook. I'll show you how compassionate Sup Forums is.
It's not cool how you think you can joke about that. My brother killed himself when I was 10 years old. You say you're "stall"ing their suicide and you yourself aren't doing anything. Call the police you fucking autistic faggot. Quit acting like life is some joke. Everyones life matters and by you not doing anything to help your friend you're being truly without a doubt a true piece of shit
>Quit acting like life is some joke.
Life is a joke.
And you're a faggot.
Grow up op and do your fukin homework
Give her a good orgasm and score some buttsecks because she needs it.
You're a squealing cum dribbling menstrual cramp but I don't make a big deal about it. Now get your fist out of your daddy's asshole and do something productive like counting matchsticks at the retard factory
Yeah don't let her use you as an emotional dumpster. I mean statistically she's most likely to fail the attempt anyways so go ahead and let her do it. It's her decision anyways.
And tbh if she really wanted to do it, she would've just done it instead of telling someone.
Man, so many white knights in here. I don't even know this place. No reason Sup Forums is so popular.
>getting this buttmad
Seems like being a little bitch runs in your family :^)
try and have sex with her before she does it. ask her where she intends to leave her body and then have sex with her after
Sent from my Android phone
I'll white knight u right in the rectum sonny jim!
Just keep stalling it. Those feelings come and go. Or talk her about thr possibilities of everything turning alright.
Sit down with her. Listen to what she has to say and her problems. Offer what you can. Dont do this everytime but youre in the situation to help at the moment and its all that counts. Dont skimp on attempting to save a life, youll regret it. Think about if you were in that situation, what would you want your friend to do. hope all goes well user. worst comes to worst call 911 SECRETLY
She can't be that good of a person if she has enough sense to an hero.
Seriously that can be more harmful. Going through all the court trials and therapy fucks you up after a while
egdemaster 2000
Read Camus
U type well with one hand
meet and talk to her in person its the best way you could do it to prevent her
Tell her is she does it you won't be her friend anymore, and you'll block her.
This is the faggiest response to anything I've seen in a long time lmfao
Show her this pic.
Op is pissing his one shot to loose his virginity by seeking help from the neck beard army.
Did he do a flip off a bridge or do something to follow the crowd because it most definitely wasn't a phase he was going through.
>go to her house
>kick down the door
>walk the dinosaur
Tell her to livestream it.
check em
Tell her to just fucking do it, and stop talking it up if she's just going to pussy out in the end.
Maybe your brother killed himself to get away from your faggot ass, kike. Maybe you should follow suit.
If you truly believe that she's a good person and doesn't deserve death right now. Then you'll shut down all of her opposing arguments and make her see reason. If she doesn't see the clear cut reasons of why she should stay alive then call the cops. Otherwise if she makes good points over all and shows good reasons not to live, then just let her fucking do it.
fuck off sjw
Tell her to do a flip
Call her or go over to her house
Refer her to me, i'm a crisis support worker and i used to deal with shit all the time. any way i can contact her?
If i can save a life i think it'd really balance my karma.
is she white and are you white?
If yes to one and two then go out with her and make white babys with her.
If no to one or two then help her kys
> balance your karma
Sounds like you're a shitty crisis worker if you got karma to balance
Tell her to stream it
Suicide Prevention Line:
Thats why im no longer crisis support. But hey im better than nothing, this is Sup Forums im like the best she's got.
You get points for honesty, user. Question though, and I hope it is yes: did yiu ever directly convince someone to kill themselves as a crisis worker?
Say you'll rape her body if she dies
attention whore crying for attention
women / girlfags rarely kill themselves. they just party until their heart gives out or someone else kills them
The best thing you can do right now is manipulate her thoughts in the most extreme, yet not so harmful way possible.
Kiss. Give her some to tongue action.
This will show that someone cared for her and will divert her attention for sometime. Talk about life and shit. Say you love her and don't want to lose her.
some days you just get tired of hearing people complaining about their life and you lose patience with them and sympathy and yea you kinda make people want to die even more so i think i may have but its hard to tell if theyre dead over the phone or email.
OP is not even updating us
All these faggits saying call the police...
What the fuck do you think those pigs with guns are going to do? They are only trained to detain and "keep order"?
You think they are going to lend moral support and skittles? Lol nope. The best you'll get out of them is a call from the hospital. She will be detained there and evaluated. Possibly put on some bullshit pills for the rest of her live and will have to be watched for a loooong time. Then she will REALLY have a reason to off herself.
Don't listen to these faggots. Comfort her. Kiss her.
Op is gone anyway
Probably getting his dick wet in sum an hero pussy.
Go to 8chdotnet/suicide/
only science and pokemon go can save her