Do you think that Remy is celebrating the Portugese victory at this moment?

Do you think that Remy is celebrating the Portugese victory at this moment?

Other urls found in this thread:

only if i get dubs


>almost quads
here, some dubs

It was literally the furthest distance possible (5) from dubs

>part Euro champions
>part Ubermensch
>part most powerful race in the world


she's likely a consolation prize to the french


Was that inherited from the filipino side of the family?

Remy is quite good at football herself

Was this before or after she became absolutely hideous

i hate remy stupid fucking last name i can never pronounce
i hope she dies


I think she's at least half portuguese lads


It's french

>can't pronounce "lacroa"

lol americans

>tfw ywn fugg her

what does that even mean??

Sounds like the threeway porn i watched last night.

it's easy buddy man


that's from 2013 wtf


so, what's wrong?


I don't think her ancestors changed since then

she has 463 thousand followers and marsha may has barely 90 thousand
how is that possible???

you went back till her 2013 tweet

>It's french

Well, that was kinda what I was implying - it isn't a Portugese or German name.

>that's her real name
fucking brits are so dumb how you conquered the whole world is beyond me


nah, just googled for remy lacroix + portuguese

must be one of the 52%

so you agree based marsha is way better than freckle face whore bitch, right?

Remy has a better ass and no fake tits

Plus no stupid tattoos

She's so beautiful.

I will probably never get a girl that beautiful.

jealous faggots

maybe you should walk downtown.

marsha may is amazing tbfh. remy hasn't done anything great in years.

>plastic tits
>ugly ass tattoos
>punchable face
Her only redeeming quality is that she does incest role play porn

this, i will never understand brazillians and mexicans that say i can't get a hot girl

shit taste
