Is this the worst referee in the whole Euro?

Is this the worst referee in the whole Euro?

He should be tested for color blindness

I didn't know White = Black

Because he didn't red card the guy that broke Ronaldo leg? Nah.

he did a pretty good job, why the hate?

Guy's a pussy

Needs to take some lessons from american baseball, there should have been red cards left and right


What the fuck did he mean by this?

that kos yellow card was embarrassing, but blaming him for the goal is a stretch.

he's a reptilian. TSU is their greetings.

The match was rigged, at last i truly see

huh? he was the best by far

He attributed a hand of a portugal player on a french player which preceded the goal action.
I would have been mad if they scored on the free kick but that was not the case.

nice proxy pierre

And what the fuck would Norway know about international football?

I was rooting for Portugal actually.

>this butthurt over a handball that literally did not interfere with the final result

kys desu senpai

What the fuck are you talking about? No it fucking didn't. The goal was like over 5 mins after.




don't worry bro, the french cunts will go on about this for 2 years at least

>it's just a tough challenge he won the ball fairly it wasn't reckless at all maybe if you actually played soccer you would know that this happens at least once a game
there now they're all out of the way

clean tackle to be quite honest

> foot literary facing the wrong way
> clean

by Pepe standards this was clean


it was. a player would normally fall to the ground immediately after that, but his left foot got "stuck" on the pitch and that what ended up injuring him.

Lmao @ ur reading comprehension

It's not a clean tackle because he took the guy out, but it's certainly not a red. Yellow seems fair.

>doesn't give a yellow for Payet
>thinks Koscielny is a black man and gives him yellow
>lets everyone play rough
>doesn't let everyone play rough
>is looking at his fucking whistle every time when something important happens, like when someone is filming and/or committing foul

He must have been distracted by the moths of doom.

This is gonna be in books for refs in the category 'when NOT to show a red card'.
Get real you buttmad Crynaldos, this is a yellow card at most.

you don't judge a tackle's legality by its outcome

I don't understand how this guy is getting all of the big matches, he's absolute shit.

This, it was a lovely clean tackle.
Ronaldo just bottled the game.

>Doesn't red quaresma trying to choke Koscienly

>flopping so hard they take you out of the game

It was not 5 minutes after, it was literally a little over a minute later

absolutely dangerous but it's Ronaldo so who cares

I know you fell asleep due to your team's disgusting football but it was 1 minute later.

>reptile ref takes out the frogs

you don't mess around with gypsies

>no camera checking

Fuck this, I'm going to watch some hockey.

>create the sport
>is complete garbage at playing it
>is complete at refereing it

French man growing out black limbs! So progressive!

This, like when Luke Shaw broke his leg in the group stages of the Champions League last season.

>Mark Clattenburg invented football

true dat

Plug your brain Hans, if there is one.

im just glad that ronaldo is in relatively good health after all 2bh family member

If you want to be anal about it the hand ball was at 106, at 108 YOU morons had the ball on a side throw, you failed that side throw twice, and at 108:30 it was the goal.

So blame your own incompetent players that can't even throw a ball with their hands properly and GTFO with that "preceded the goal action" bullshit.

> it's a english referee screws up a final episode

I'd really love a version where a giant moth rams him on the ground :^)

That Unitititi nigger from France should've gotten his second yellow card when he held down Nani with both his hands.

It was just some cheeky banter m8

Pierluigi Collina selected him for this and the Champions League final

he was busy trying to catch all the moths

Pretty sure the tackle on Shaw was illegal though wasn't it? I thought it was a scissor tackle.