National 'Day of Rage' Scheduled For tomorrow

National 'Day of Rage' Scheduled For tomorrow.

Be aware, but not there.

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not enough media, dont think its gonna happen.

and what the hell is 'day of rage'?

Yeah Anons, best not to go into populated areas. Just stay home this weekend.

Just some #blacklivesmatterbutonlywhenwhitecopsshootourcrIminalasses thing.

Op is faggot

Wouldn't that be counter intuitive since the jews would be losing money from people not shopping?
>inb4 e-commerce
a penny lost is a penny too much

>Day of Rage
aka nigger lover day

>being a #BLM cuck shill
Goyim please....

Nigga I have an interview tomorrow. I don't have time for this shit.