Can't fight or trade Pokemon

>Can't fight or trade Pokemon
>Go around town catching virtual Pokemon that sit in an inventory

What the fuck is the excitement in this shit?

only first gen pokes too, kinda lame

>Go around town

this is the key. nerds faggots never go outside, but with this game you know other nerds faggots to compare your faggotly

its on a smartphone, and augmented reality

the fad will die quick at this rate

Do they just meet up to compare their pokemon or some shit?

You'll be able to trade in the next update. Calm down assberger.

Won't last until next month.

Only really hardcore players will stay.

But then again you can't battle, so what the fuck is the point of having them?

Do you think the show would've been popular if it was just about collecting Pokemon without them battling

you can fight at gyms although the combat sucks compared to normal pokemon fights

no, pokemons appears on the same places for everybody, so u meet faggots