God tier rap songs
God tier rap songs
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the whole album
I just went through it very quickly and globally but everything sounds so similar with the same beat and everything 'naw mean? Or is that just because I went through it very quickly?
sortve the same beats but each has its own style, theyre good songs tho
just listen to one a day if you dont want to chew thru it all at once
But lyrics are fire though
Yeah exactly but sounds kind of chill
Anyone actually checked out the new snoop dogg album?
Best songs on there imo:
coolaid man
point seen money gone
ooh na na
two or more
super crip has actually the same beat as a song called my nigga, I personally consider thats a real shame
Sounds dope but also very dark beat I'm more of a "fuck it life sucks but we gotta have fun" kind of guy over a "life sucks and im gonna rap about how much it sucks" kind of guy know what I mean?
Dope as fuck
This is more modern shit ive been bumping, not classics like tribe or mack (craig).
The last one is fucking great, more of a feel type, not atmosphere tier doe.
I liked mass appeal.
Like your taste man, the greydon square song is fire, also fight the feeling from macadelic reminds me of when I was like 17 and I was constantly aware of when I was blasting that song through the house that when I came to the end I had to skip to the next song cause of the moaning lol nostalgia is real
Lmao played it at work and forgot about the ending once lol, Thanx fam.
Lmao fuck that ending though i guess it's more like an intro to the next song.
Also guys, im going the fuck to bed its half past 6 am here i really got to go hope this shit goes on for a while so i have something to listen to the next morning good night.
I like joey bada$$.
Him and flatbush are gold to blaze to.
This wetted my eyes actually damn man
Good shit, but his other songs are garbage.
hit em up tupac
gave me chills
I tried but I actually can't finish that song it's so fucking dark man what the actual fuck damn. I do not consider myself a pussy but this shit right here fuck.
easily god tier
The ending is god tier though.
madchild & swollen members
Yeah man you're right, the ending is too real, also hits pretty close to home if you know what I mean. Maybe thats the reason I can't handle it cause I don't want to remember my previous mindset. Not like I every commited any crimes whatsoever but the mindset I feel in this song reminds me of my past.
Same here, very relatable character when I was a teenager.
I like the older slower style of rapping.
Forgot the link
inb4 it's dance with the devil
clicked link, yup i was right. one of you fags always posts it
Yes that were the words I was looking for thanks
K sorry edgelord, stay too cool for school
>no eminem
>no hopsin
it's like you're not even trying
They don't make them like they used to.
A Melee Hell Original
>god tier rap
>opens with mac miller
excited for your junior year of high school?
Sorry, I don't really like to listen to condescending rappers who talk down to their audience like idiots or children.
>calling me an edgelord
>didn't even post one of the edgiest songs ever made
Kekm8 I loved the song since it came out, maybe I should consider it a guilty pleasure.
>complaining about songs in thread while not contributing
Y'all need some Aesop Rock in your lives.
Damn dude you know even edgier songs damn you the shit mang pls tell me how cool you are compared to me
That shit ain't "God Tier" That shit is almost as bad as this! (almost)
Find another sucka, suck another dick up
Lol both of those rapers are shit. Both are homophobic, shit teir rappers. Hopsin is a fucking closet homosexual and cuck. Em is just good if you're 12 and hate your mom.
>hur dur gang lyf struggle bruh
>mom rape
>im immort techno look how many big words i use arent i da best
i never said i was trying to be cool. don't be butthurt because i called out your meme song faggotry
>i can't handle true lyricists because they use big words
I was unfamiliar with the song sorry for not being 100% up to date with memesongs. Also, you gotta do more than that to make my butt hurt m8. But come on give me the even edgier song.
What is this?
are you autistic
>thinks hopsin actually has a decent vocabulary
>thinks em its super gud n edgy cause he makes dank jokes
I understand everything they say. They are shit rappers. You're a shit person. An hero kiddo.
line and sinker faggot swallow a gun
You, read Just cuz you use big words, doesn't make you a genius. Hopsin is a pretentious edgelord who talks down his nose in every song, like he has all the fucking answers, cracked the case of life, and knows infinitely more than anyone else ever has. It's people like him and Technique who run intellectual hip-hop through a meatgrinder of smug arrogance and define it by the size of their vocabulary, and brag about it in their songs.
Happy 14th birthday, by the way.