Is there any metal albums that don't make you cringe?
Is there any metal albums that don't make you cringe?
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No :/
kanye west
>ITT: extremely insecure people who can't let loose and have fun with some meal without being concerned they'll be perceived as edgy
Bummer, dudes
i tend to cringe more at nu-male garbage like pic related to be honest
This album is a fucking blast dude
black metal is one of the most aesthetically and ideologically fascinating things to come out of rock music though
it sucks being an uneducated pleb, doesn't it OP?
Yeah but I'm not gonna tell you about them
this is probably the cringiest thing about black metal, the music is fine
same with this
>most aesthetically and ideologically fascinating
you're a literal retard. it's faggoths in make up playing sloppy death metal
the music is a huge part of the aesthetic though
i'm not just talking about the corpsepaint and the long hair when i talk about aesthetics
that's a terribly reductionist perspective desu, completely ignores the sociopolitical context/fuel and the impressionistic elements of the whole culture.
None of it does, not even Rhapsody-tier cheesefests.
desu I think you're excessively self-aware to the point of projecting it onto the music you listen to.
Dang, I tend to rilly just CRINJ at CRINJEE stuff that isn't big and tough. My music needs to be big and tough so I can fuck females
If it's just not tough, you can count on me to LITERALEE CRINJIN
Spoken like a true redditor
>that's a terribly reductionist perspective desu, completely ignores the sociopolitical context/fuel and the impressionistic elements of the whole culture.
now your just making shit up
metal is the least original style of music
bm was nothing new
it literally ripped off a bunch of riffs and beats from older metal songs then called it grim and satanic or pagan or some shit
thanks, i try to look like a 4channer because i need to identify that I fit in with the hardcore dudes who fuck women me being a redditor would seriously be so crinjee id cry please don't make me cry I swear I'm not a redditor im big and tough
Come here now you tough guy
We are the same
stop embarassing yourself
you really are disgusting me. Don't say that I'm the one who is being embarrassed I'm the one who is cool, you are the embarrassing one. I'm the good guy whose cool and you're losing this argument you fucking...
nu male idiot
jesus man
just call him a faggot already come on
but that would be rude
you're right
It's scary that Miley Cyrux, rap and hiphop shit is considered acceptable but regular, run of the mill metal with actual instrumental ability is seen by redditqueers as "cringe".
Fucked as far as I'm concerned.
I just wish I could find more shit like this.