Alright fags. It's been a long time since I've come to this shit hole and nothings changed.
Let's do a threat about time travel.
Situation: you where teleported back in time with nothing but what you are wearing on your body ( only clothes) . Medieval times right before major discoveries of gun powder. We will say somewhere in Europe.
Question: what knowledge can you bring back in time to teach those retards in order to 1. Improve their quality of life. Or 2. Dominate over them as a super intelligent overlord.
Twist: your knowledge must be complete. No half assing. Also it cannot be too advanced for them or they will label you as a witch.
Give me some OC faggots.
Daniel Davis
Landon Campbell
Personal hygiene
Zachary Smith
Mastubatory techniques
Connor Flores
How to find all the others still-to discover continents of the world to subjugate them in the name of some europa sovereign, then be at the head of his newfound colonies with an iron fist, and lots of personal pleasures. Of course, historically, I'd have to sell it as going to China and Japan at first to be financed, and get Rome's approval to convert the population and give them salvation to be able to treat them as I see fit
Jacob Rogers
You just going to walk up to a king and tell him you are here to take his job?
Christian Gutierrez
No, I'm his humble emissary to the new world, I shall control those pesky noblemen and greedy soldiers in his name. You know, a Viceroy. After all it would still be weeks or months to reach the new land, so an emissary is necessary, and as proposer and discoverer I could get the job
Noah Richardson
Terrorism . Practical.
Anthony Roberts
I'd predict a bunch of shit. Become leader. Rule the world. No one would survive my tyranny. Bring fear, chaos, and many things to a time before. Use manipulating techniques to keep my army in order. None shall step the line in which I place. Absolute power would be mine and mine alone. My name will be in the history books, As the most brutal ruler of the world. Fuck about every bitch in the world. My descendants will keep my name in power. Its the year 20XX, time to get up now, salute the portrait of the great one, surveillance at all times for you must be loyal to the bloodline. Go eat mandated nutritious food. There are no skin colors anymore, black, white, brown, yellow, red. All trash in the eys of the ruler, My descendant. Now off to mandated learning, for none shall live without the needed education needed to provide for the bloodline. Science, art, everything in the name of the bloodline, the most advanced is what the bloodline wants, you must learn to survive. Glory to him, for he hath giveth knowledge to such lowly people. Now off to lunch, approved by the bloodline. Yum. Finished, to the learning centers once again. Finished with school, back to your cubicle, read from approved bloodline textbooks. Finished reading you go to bed at an approved time by the bloodline. Once time travel is created, I'll be your ruler.
Cameron Torres
Wire structures for seine warfare would be super useful