Truth Thread: ITT we post truths about life we learned as adults that were opposite to what we were told when we were...

Truth Thread: ITT we post truths about life we learned as adults that were opposite to what we were told when we were younger.

As child - OP isnt faggot
As Adult - OP is faggot

pic related

>Life is a beautiful gift from god!.
>Life is a horrible, painful hell and god isnt real.

The lie: people are mostly decent.
The truth: people are fucking scum.

College literally means shit.

"You will make a handsome man some day user!"


Child: God loves you
Adult: God probably isn't real, and if he is he doesn't care about you.

"There is plenty of fish in the sea!" "You'll find someone some day" "There is someone out there for everyone."

>tfw you know your gonna die alone.
>tfw you have no face.

Our parents gave us horribly inaccurate duplications of adulthood

Lie: 2-3 = 0
Fact: 2-3 = -1

As a child: Bad things happen to bad people

As a adult: Bad things happen to everyone but sometimes you can get good things from doing bad things to other people.

Child: people will love you for you, just be yourself.
Adult: people will fucking hate you for nothing, you're shit to them

lie:school is good 4 u
truth:dropped out 8th grade and now own business while friends are still in college.

>Life is short, enjoy it while you can.
>Life is horrible and long, get out while you can.

Child: "Im just a normal person like everyone else"
Adult: "Im seen as a freak with half dozen mental issues"

The military tries to brain wash your
The military doesn't try to brain wash you

"Boys are supposed to like girls and girls like boys"

Dicks are best boobies are icky.

>everyone has an equal chance at success

man, what shitty experience did you have? college was the best time of my life. so many parties, slutty girls, AND you graduate with a degree that puts you above all of the poorfags that can't afford to get higher education. i would go to college for the rest of my life if i could

My 4th grade teacher once told us all Hitler was an atheist and when he read the bible he didn't like what was in it so he killed a bunch of Jews.

>Hitler was evil
>Hitler did nothing wrong

Jet fuel can melt steel beams.

Depends on the degree
Depends on the college
Not the guy you replied to

"Hop in the van kid i got candy and puppys"


child: sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me

adult: your girlfriend has terminal cancer

spotted the child


>"dat boi is bad stay away from him user!"

My mom always told me that if kids bullied me that I should just ignore them because they will see they aren't getting a reaction and stop. Luckily I figured it out on my own when I watched another kid who's mom told him something similar get shit on every day 10x worse because he didn't ever stand up for himself. Kids are fucking savage.

So much edge I just got sliced in half.

>you can do anything you want
truth: you are pretty much pidgeon holed by money, mistakes, and decisions you make while your to young to make them with any real thought

>your a very smart and capable person who will have no problem in whatever you do
truth: you were above average for a child and are basically an idiot when compared to others in competitive fields
>if you treat others with respect they will respond in kind
truth: people are selfish dicks (myself and yourself included). some of them go out of their way to be dicks, and they will fuck up your day/ week/ year just on the of chance it will make theirs just the tiniest bit easier and more convenient
> friends will stick by you no matter what
truth: friends are only friends for a bit, most people switch out friends every ten years. chances are you wont even remember the faces of the people you are hanging out with right

Plus an overdraft fee

>hard work is all you need to do in life. The rest will fall into place.
>Minimal work ethic can most definitely bring you success. Although more work is obviously better. A majority of success is luck and who you know.

>college is worth it regardless of price
>college is not worth it almost regardless of price

The American Dream our parents grew up with is dead. And on top of that they try and make us feel like shit for struggling in the shit world they left us with by solving every issue with "You just need to work harder, stop being lazy!"

Lie: 230-231 = -1
Fact:230-231 = -36

>People love you for you

>People love you for the emotional/physical and/or material comfort you provide them, nothing they do is out of altruism, it is to get a result that they desire.


I had it happen over 1 cent once. And they refused to take off the charge when I tried to talk to them rationally about it.

>"These are the best years of your life."
What a fucking horrible thing to say to a teenager. This causes suicides.

>"Just ignore them and they will leave you alone."
This was the nicer way of saying "I don't want to hear from your teachers, principal, or other parents. You go to fucking school because after this many years I want a break from you. And I can't afford to pay someone to watch you."

>"If your not throwing up, your not sick."
Then I literally got cancer and didn't pay attention to it til I was shit blood in trace amounts one night. Everytime I brought it up I was "overreacting".

>"That will get me put in jail."
No, turns out that is not how law works. In fact I have learned most people have no fucking clue how law works (at least in America, I am not traveled to know elsewhere)

>"Drink milk, it grows strong bones."
>"Don't sit to close to the TV you'll ruin your eyes."
>"Don't watch TV in the dark, you'll ruin your eyes."
>"Eggs are extremely high in cholesterol. They will give you the heart attack."
>"Hot showers are bad for your skin. Only get into mildly warm water."
>"Taxes are impossible to figure out. Always have someone else do them for you."

... this fucking list goes on forever.

Before: It's ok to ask for help.
Now: Do everything yourself because no one will help you and if they do they'll fuck it up and overcharge you for it. And probably laugh.

this one's a little weird but stay with me

>>the world is structured: brush your teeth, clean your room, go to school, etc

>>the world really isn't structured at all and you'll find people who do everything the opposite of the way things should be. granted they're probably homeless.

>"There is no such thing as a dumb question."

>condoms do not prevent pregnancy

>nobody rewards you for obedience in the next life

>college will not get you a job

>grandpa is a pedophile

>you can be raped in broad daylight

>masturbation is healthy and fantastc

>marriage is shit for the most part

>the easter bunny is my mother

>suicide is really hard to pull off successfully

>friends do not last forever

>it is natural to want people who injure you to die

>I do not need a 2,000 calorie diet

>I will not get better at math

>acne will not go away by the time I turn 20

>other girls like pussy, too, and the devil isn't trying to kidnap me

>dogs should not live outside

>forgiveness does not exist. You just put on a ace and deal with it in one way or another. Your views on yourself change; your views on your transgressors rarely do unless you come to pity them.

That should be about it, for now.


These also.

Except for sitting too close to the screen. It did, in fact, halve my vision. But I did it every night, ten inches from the screen. So...

Everything is a transaction

I do think the millenial generation, a generation I belong to, does feel a slight sense of entitlement, but life is undeniably way more difficult now than it was 20-30 years ago. But we have amazing advances in technology like the slap chop so the quality of life is better.

Life isn't fair. Deal with it.


> you can be anything.
But I don't own the whole world.

yeah. while the world is headed to a bad place economically because of the older people, the internet has kind of put a blindfold over us to make us happier. a matrix-like blindfold.

this everyone is scum

>slight sense of entitlement
Yeah, you're a millennial all right

>Women have dicks.
>There are only men with boobs.


>get bullied
>kick the other kid in the knee till he fell over
>never bullied again

Maybe you sat way too close to the screen BECAUSE you had shit vision? That's how I found out I needed glasses.

Nope. I was 20/20 until I started..

Well shit. Maybe the same thing happened to me.

You're both idiots there's bound to be entitled kids now there's just twice as many people so you notice it more.

>twice as many people
>I don't notice it less
well shit I guess millennials aren't self entitled then

I stared down Sup Forums from about 2 years after it was up. Streamed movies, sat on my ass on neopets for years. Learned graphic design and forgot most of it...I spent a lot of time alone in my room. Aaaalll night.

>Just be yourself and things will work out for the best
>Showing people 'the real you' will crush their respect for you. Be whatever you need to be to get what you want out of them while pretending it's the real you.

You need to worry and plan ahead over a totally unknown future; as opposed to you dealing with whatever the fuck is in front of you and moving on. A safe 401k, lawyer and doing everything right? Okay let's go to France for Bastille Day this year!!!

You can be financially secure, and it will buy you some time...but even Alexander the Great died naked with, in the immortal words of Jim Brown as spoken to Richard Pryor...what'cha gonna do? All we have is today, anons...enjoy it.

> dogs should not live outside
Are you retarded?

as if an opinion that can be seen as edgy is somehow any less correct

you're right, when the people were halved it's almost like there were half as many voices. dipshit.

A million times this. Be the chameleon, don't be you. Change who you are to fit in, nobody loves the real you

this is the only one here i disagree with. it's not going to work with everyone but i became a much happier and confident person once i stopped trying to act like the person society wanted me to be and started being the person i actually am. i felt confident because, being the real me, i knew i could defend anything i said or did as it was at the core of me. if i wasn't me i'd have to consider what would be socially acceptable to say in a situation, now i know i can go with my gut feeling and everything will be okay.

now if you have a bad gut feeling - mostly meaning you're a huge asshole - people aren't going to like you. but just try and be good and in my experience you'll stick with people more, make a better impression, and you yourself will be more stress-free.

But see, the thing is that you shouldn't give a shit what others think about you. You should not depend on others acceptance of you.

What the fuck is it with you dropouts.
"I now own a business hurr durr"
Your always acting like its hard or somehow great that you own a business. Its not hard stop trying to prove yourselfs.

The huge advantage of being really yourself is that people who will hate or avoid you are also people you will not miss. If you pretend to be someone you're not, you'll hang with people you don't like, I don't see the point of punishing yourself like that.

that's totally the truth. i've turned people off. but these people aren't actually people i've wanted to be around - too high strung, too political, too into impressing people, whatever. the way i am now? i never have to put on airs (heirs?) and the people who do like me like me forever effortlessly, unless i don't like them. it's very liberating.

>Marriage is a good idea, and everyone should get married at some point in their life.

The truth? Marriage is just a funeral with cake.

It gets better

...says the kiddie working for a mutli-national corp for just over the poverty line.


Marriage to the wrong person is.
I don't know what I would do without her.

Probably mass murder.
She is my pillar.

>queue Peter Cetera

But he's not wrong?


>Everybody's special!
>Nobody's special. You're not special. You're not interesting. There is nothing important or vital that you can do that literally billions of others can't. You're expendable.

>[opposite gender] is gross! Cooties!
>It's really fucking hard to even get [opposite gender] to say hi to you. let alone touch you or marry you.

>$100 is a lot of money.
>$100 ain't shit.

>Stranger danger!
>Stats indicate family members are way more likely to kidnap/rape/molest you than anyone else.

>Your pet loves you very much!
>Your pet tolerates you because you feed it.

>Everything happens for a reason!
>Nothing means anything and everything is pointless.

>suicide is hard
that means you aren't ready to off yourself. When you're really ready to an hero you can do it with a bell and door handle or a dull knife.
>I will not get better at math
If you actually try you will. There are some people not suited for math and it will be a lot harder for them. Luckily math isn't required in many jobs
>forgiveness does not exist
I kind of understand what you mean, but forgiving means that you're angry at someone and decide to let it go. Many people including me do this all the time.

ITT: Everyone is a cynical dick.

>We're your parents! You can tell us anything!

>"I'll love you no matter what."

Oh... kay...

>9gag memes are funny
>no they're not

also, welcome to the real world jackass